Majdy said on November 12, 2002 06:09:
where are u, Asian fans? haven’t heard you in a lllonggg time
zeeshan said on November 13, 2002 04:24:
Am Right here dude! Haven’t see you around for some time now. Where have you been? :)
Majdy said on November 13, 2002 05:50:
hey, great to see you guys! :) well, I’ve been busy with my work and school. So, have you already heard ATAY yet?
zeeshan said on November 13, 2002 13:48:
ATAY oh yeah but on Radio NO :(
See I am not a big radio fan at all. So I don’t know much about it. HabbyandWaf used to have all the info about the radio but they don’t come on TDR anymore.
I am trying to get some info out. I will be visiting RadioCity, MusicCity and GroundZero to find out about Roxette - The Ballad Hits album update. What abt Indonasia?
Majdy said on November 14, 2002 04:14:
guess what I only heard the 30 sec of it. but it was great! according to my friend, it has been playing on the radio, but since I’ve been so busy, I never got a chance to hear that... and it hasn’t in the store yet...
zeeshan said on November 16, 2002 00:31:
@Majdy: I am from Karachi, Pakistan. And here is an update for ATAY in my region which can be described as “For a song/band which has no promotion ATAY “IS” running very good on the local music stations!”
Roxette for ever!
zeeshan said on December 23, 2002 07:24:
ya I am awake!! I guess so is Majdy and others. So what is the point?
deja_vu said on December 26, 2002 05:00:
Keep in Touch pal!!, oh ya, it’s kind a bit late.. but as a moslem too i’d like to wish u Idul Fitri 1th Syawal celeb.!! let’s forgive our fault in the past.. Have a Nice Syawal Days!!
deja_vu said on December 26, 2002 06:38:
sorry,..i thought u’re moslem too, wouldn;t that make any difference? anyway no big deal with me whatever u are!
zeeshan said on December 26, 2002 18:10:
@Deja: r u telling me that u r a muslim too? Yes, I am a Muslim NOT a moslem and what in the world is Syawal??? Did u just turn muslim??
Yashar said on December 26, 2002 19:15:
I live in Iran.We had lots of snow here in these two weeks.What about you?
Yashar said on December 26, 2002 19:24:
I want to know that “what do you think about my country?” “what do you know about it?”.
For example I talk about Pakistan:
I know that it’s a country full of people; and I know Binazeer Booto and Parviz Mosharraf; and I know that Pakistan has an old war with India because of Keshmir.(Excuse me about spelling). Karachi and Islam Abad are its two important cities.
Now it’s your turn. ;-)
deja_vu said on December 28, 2002 11:48:
@Zee, yeah... whatever...
U’re muslim but u dont know Syawal?? blah.. awful..
it’s a name of month after Ramadhan in Islamic Calender!! ask your parents!!
@Yashar, i know about 5, they are u from iran, Zee from pakistan, Majdy-my best friend- from indonesia too, razzaloroxbase from malaysia, sunofagun from malaysia too, they are both brothers!!
Pakistan?? all i know most of the people are moslim, It is next to India, is it Karachi the name of their capital city??.. well, forgive me if i’m wrong.. why dont u tell us more about your country Zee..
u might as well tell us more about your country Yashar..
zeeshan said on December 28, 2002 20:31:
@Yashar: Mmm yeah u might want to correct the spellings :) Benazir, the all prime time bitch and Musharraf the dude!!
Pakistan a small country with big problems thanks to people like Nawaz Sharif and Benazir. Now we r much better thanks to Musharraf. FOREX Reserves are constantly increasing. A very good economical progress and we are read to go. He is killing extremism (which is left to even more extreme scale). We r known for many wrong things but here it is very nice. International Media is very biased sometimes with out country specially because Indian propaganda. Yes we are at constant threat by india ever since our country was born. Pakistan is a very beautiful place. It’s northern areas are BREATHETAKING!!! Thanks to the media shit tourism is not as much as it shud have been.
Iran is an oil producing conutry. Very good people and majority are Shias. Iran had a war with Iraq. Khatmi was on Pakistan’s 3 day official tour and our relationhs are seems to be getting better and USA doesn’t likes it. Iran is also on a constant threat of WAR (not as much as Pakistan). Irani people are understood as extremists (well that is atleast what I have heared but I am not sure abt it). Iran was westernizing at a great pace and then there was an Islamic revolution. Irani women are pretty ;)
@Deja_vu: Yes, I am a MUSLIM (Allhamdulliah). It is NOT Syawal.. it is SHAWAL. That is why I asked if u just converted to Islam :)
deja_vu said on January 6, 2003 00:27:
@Zee: it’s Syawal in my it??, check out the arabic pronouncation.
Yashar said on January 16, 2003 18:12:
@Zeeshan: Your information is good .There is one point: Iranians are not extremies.Iranians always change their opinion very soon and I think it’s not a good habit.
I tell you the most important thing about Iran:
The most important problem of Iran is Islam.
I hate any kind of religion and I hate Islam more than all of the religions.If you want me to prove it with reasons,I will do it.
Aaso said on February 6, 2003 22:08:
dear Asian Fans!
Im new here and I would like to join you :)
Aaso said on February 8, 2003 15:36:
Hi! I’m from Iran
Nice to meet you. But it seems that Asians are not so active! lol
Aaso said on February 14, 2003 17:01:
2 Zee : Com’n man lets talk about our countries and their ideas here!!!!
Majdy said on February 18, 2003 04:51:
to Aaso: just Zee’s country??? hey it’s not fair!!! how about mine??? remember, I create this topic!!!!
Yashar said on February 25, 2003 08:23:
Now,we are 3 Iranian fans.”Damine Gessle” is also Iranian but she lives in Canada.
Aaso said on March 1, 2003 14:26:
Cool Yashar we can make a real Iranian Union with 3 persons here!!! LOL
Aaso said on March 6, 2003 12:03:
Hi Majdy —– I saw your people in TV last night on a demonstration! they was shouting *NOT WAR* :))
Aaso said on March 9, 2003 15:26:
hey why not.. Im keen on Asian friends! how old are you? nad where do you live? Jakarta?
Majdy said on March 10, 2003 15:38:
I’m 23 (I’ll be 24 on May). I am not living in Jakarta, I live in Manado North Sulawesi. How about you? please tell me more about your self.
Aaso said on March 11, 2003 14:53:
Well Im 22 ,1980.and i live in tehran.. Girl you really look fine... i love the girls with such attractive faces...:)) You’re American boy is really lucky;)
How did you find it’s better to ask how did he find you??
Majdy said on March 12, 2003 03:38:
I think the correct question is where did I find him, because I DID find him. we met on the net and fell in love and he’ll visit me soon.
Well, I have just started being friend with Larry, it’s too early for me to tell my opinion about him. But for now I think he’s nice.
He asked you to be his gf? well, the decicion is your, honey :) I mean, take sometime to get to know him then you’ll see if he’s the right person for you or not. And of course you’ll have to be ready to live in long distance relationship. I tell you it’s really hard. Firts you have to learn about trusting. at first it’s really hard for me( and probably with him too), but after know him well, now I DO trust him. it’s just that sometimes people around me often said negative things about my relationship. and that makes me sad sometimes.
so, if you ready with all those thing, then just go for it. but again, the decision is yours...
and thank you for keep saying positive things about the way I look like :) you looked pretty too, with such a beautiful long hair and great personality, I bet you’ll meet a great guy too...
hey, maybe sometimes in the future, u can visit me in my country, it will be long life invitation for you :)
I guess I will never ever to visit you. I don’t make much money...
see ya on other thread.
Aaso said on March 15, 2003 17:49:
HI there...
thx for inviting me to your country... It’s my pleasure and I think it can be pretty happy!
let us have some fun girl!
There’s no guy around ;)
Majdy said on March 17, 2003 03:45:
hey, I read that. u can delete now. just do what u feel best. hey if u want u can email me sometimes.
[email protected]
Aaso said on March 19, 2003 19:19:
Majdy .. how are you?
So you found out ... :)) I think you are clever .... heheheh
hotblooder said on March 20, 2003 09:41:
Anyone from Indonesia?? Kenalan yuk...!!! Did you know the address of our Roxette’s Fans club in Indonesia??? ;)X
Majdy said on March 20, 2003 15:15:
hey, hotblodder. Apa kabar? finally another Indonesian fan! where do u live by the way? saya dari Manado and sudah lebih dari 8 tahun gabung di unofficial Roxette Fan Club in Indonesia, it’s called joyriders club. sekarang kita udah nggak begitu aktif lagi, tapi kita-kita tetap berteman. selain saya, disini ada juga indonesian roxer. his nick is Deja_vu.
hey, talk to u soon. jgn lupa join in the OFF Topic. it was so fun there...
*Hi, Aaso*
Aaso said on March 20, 2003 16:41:
Majdy ... you’ve find somebody from your country :)))
It’s cool...
hotblooder said on March 21, 2003 02:53:
@majdy As ussualy...TBH mundur kira2 3 bulan setelah dirilis internasional di Eropa, itupun karena sang vocalis Marie lagi sakit (mungkin promonya tertunda) Tapi the show must goes on. Jadi perkiraan saya TPH akan dirilis di Indonesia kira2 April atau Mei 2003. Ya, kalo mundur paling banyak bulan Juli 2003. ;)~
Majdy said on March 21, 2003 04:54:
Hey, you didn’t tell me where do u come from. Are you from Jakarta?
hotblooder said on March 25, 2003 03:21:
Yea, I’m from Jakarta. And let me tell you that the ON video was played on MTV asia by Global TV on Sunday Morning but I’m only watched once, only that day, that time.... and I’m waiting again but not play again...(yet???). Cool video with an animated reminds me with a clssic batman cartoon series.
deja_vu said on April 12, 2003 04:58:
@majdy: hey!! It’s been so long since last time i posted in this thread.. how are u majdY?? keep mailing me will you?? how’s “bishop”? tell me about him via mail, elu beli HP lagi dong!! biar bisa SMS an kaya dulu lagi!! trus jgn diilangin lagi!! gw kangen bgt ama elu!!
sapa bilang udah ga aktif!! gw msh aktif buanget!! minimal seminggu sekali gw ngenet untuk cari tau perkembangan terbaru roxette di internet, baik gosip, berita, lagu atau apalah yang lain2.. udah denger kan lagu2 b-sides dari the pop hits?? keren bo! Makin love to you dan bla5x..(u broke my heart) keren buanget ya!
@Aaso: Hi, greeting from Indonesia!, Nice to meet you, i’m 22 too Male.
@hotblooder: sapa lu?? jangan2 udah kenal lagi yah?? gw diky.. terkenal lho di joyrider.. he2x..
kalo blm salam kenal yah!!please introduce yourself...
Majdy said on April 12, 2003 06:44:
hey, apa kabar? yuk, gabung di Off Topic. That was fun, man! well, he’s fine and he sometimes join the forum too, so it’s cool :)
Beli HP baru? wow... mau sekali, tapi kamu mau nyumbang berapa?
Anyway, Adam udah beli tiket dan dia kan nyampe disini June 7. Can’t wait :)
Majdy said on April 13, 2003 14:02:
!! Aaso??? how do u know what we’re talking about? we spoke Indonesian! :)
Aaso said on April 13, 2003 20:11:
“Anyway, Adam udah beli tiket dan dia kan nyampe disini June 7. Can’t wait :) “
I only know what these words mean :
Jun 7
Can’t wait
hotblooder said on April 19, 2003 10:52:
@ de ja vu : Gue belum kenal lu lagi gue baru disini, tapi gue udeh ngefans ama roxette udah lama dari tahun 90-an, tapi gw gak pernah ikutan fansclub2an. Nama lu kok beda ama di User kalo gak salah Yulianto R ..(siapa gitu). Lagu2 bonus track bagus juga gw suka MLTY and stupid (tapi gue lebih suka yg Per’s version)
hotblooder said on April 21, 2003 04:20:
Thanks to Make me feel like an celeb with a welcome celemorny. I have been a month no to talk in here and i really miss it. Well, bener kan kata saya akhirnya the pop hits dirilis juga malah lebih awal dari perkiraan saya akhir Maret 2003. I bought the album on March 2003, 30 th. But there’s only 15 songs include at that album. But i was trying to find the b-side songs. And I’m so sorry for the record company it was found at pirate MP3 disc. : ( (Cuanto Los Siento)!!!
Majdy said on April 22, 2003 05:18:
namanya memang Yulianto, tapi kita manggilnya Diky. saya belum beli kasetnya, tapi udah lihat di toko kaset. eh, anggota Joyriders banyak yang tinggal di jakarta, lho... tapi, sayangnya yang rajin log on here, cuma saya dan diky. anyway, kamu pernah ke konsernya Roxette waktu di jkt dulu?
hotblooder said on April 23, 2003 00:40:
Beli donk kasetnya kan cuma 22 ribu perak, cuma ada 15 lagu (lagu barunya ada 2 doank). Waktu mereka konser di sini (Jakarta) saya sih lihat. Mereka ngebawain 23 lagu. Saya dapat tiketnya waktuikut kuis disalah satu radio swasta di Jakarta. Maklum dulu nggak punya duit buat beli tiket jadi saya ikutan kuisnya aja dan kebetulan masuk dan jawabannya benar.
Majdy said on April 23, 2003 00:46:
hey, don’t worry. pasti saya beli :) saya nggak pernah nonton konser mereka, apalagi saya tinggalnya di Manado. Jauuuhhhhh sekali dari jkt. lagi ujian lagi... tapi, nyesel juga. mungkin saya baru bisa beli kasetnya kalau udah terima gaji :D
hotblooder said on April 25, 2003 09:27:
Saya kasih tau ya... Kalo mao belikaset sih boleh tapi cuma ada 15 lagu kalo mo lengkap beli aja CD bajakannya, soalnya saya beli bajakannya ada 19 lagu (plus 4 bonus lagu). Kalo mao banyak sih beli aja MP3 nya, tapi saya nyari yg bonus track di album ballad hits belum ketemu.
Majdy said on April 25, 2003 10:02:
bajakannya lengkap? wah, nanti saya cari, deh. tapi tetap saya musti beli yang asli, dong, supaya Roxette bisa dapat platinum lagi. Hayo, kamu juga musti beli yang asli!
hotblooder said on April 29, 2003 02:22:
Wah, saya udah beli tuh kasetnya yang asli di Duta Suara. Trus saya lihat di salah satu Mal Jakarta ada “MP3” nya Roxette saya lihat ada 19 lagu saya beli juga deh. Salah sendiri kenapa gak ada di Kaset maupun CD aslinya.
Majdy said on May 5, 2003 15:06:
sejak kapan kamu suka Roxette, kalau saya boleh tahu. anyway, Hotblooded is one of my FAV rox all time!
hotblooder said on May 6, 2003 10:26:
Kalo kamu lihat di diskusi2 sebelumnya tentang hal yg sama pasti kamu tau. Tapi saya kasih tau lagi deh. Saya suka Roxette sejak mereka ngeluarin lagu “It must Have Been Love” tapi karena dulu lagu itu diambil dialbum soundtrack Pretty Woman saya gak beli. Trus pas mereka mengeluarkan “Joyride” saya beli tapi sayang lagu IMHBL gak ada. Akhirnya saya rekam aja deh di lagu campuran saya. (saya biasa ngerekam lagu campuran dengan artis lain) tapi kasetnya udah gak ada.
Majdy said on May 6, 2003 15:56:
saya juga pertama kali suka Rox karena IMHBL :) waktu itu masih kelas 1 SMP. saya juga nggak beli karena mengira ada di album Joyride, tapi waktu di beli ternyata nggak ada. Untungnya saya suka semua lagu-lagu di Joyride album, then I bought compilation (not DBUGTTC) that has IMHBL on it.
hotblooder said on May 8, 2003 08:52:
Hey, bisa nggak kirim file di lagu b-side ke e-mail saya tapi di convert aja jadi file ogg. Eh kayaknya subyek ini jadi ajang ngobrol kita berdua mendingan kamu kirim ke e-mail saya aja deh..!!!
Majdy said on May 8, 2003 14:46:
umm.. nggak tahu juga, sih. but maybe I should try that when I got time, okay. Pasalnya saya cuma using Internet at work. ngomong-ngomong mana dong alamat email kamu? kalau saya [email protected]
DaminehGessle said on May 8, 2003 17:10:
23 from Vancouver, Canada. Originally from Iran. What’s going on in here?
hotblooder said on May 9, 2003 09:28:
@ Majdy : Alamat e-mail saya sama kok dengan user name saya [email protected] atau bisa juga di yahoo messenger nya... ;)
Hey...ada fans dari Irak gak ngerti kita ngomong apa, tanggepin gak??
Majdy said on May 9, 2003 16:01:
@damineh gessle : we’re talking in indoesian :) welcome! :)
@hotblooder : hey, i’ll email you soon :)
DaminehGessle said on May 9, 2003 20:00:
Yeah I thought so as I couldn’t understand a word and oh well you are from Indonesia eh :)
So what’s up?
Majdy said on May 10, 2003 04:47:
Great :) hey, thanks for joining us! well, we were talking about Roxette but in Indoesian. you’re from Iran? well, then it has three iranian now : you, Aaso and Yashar.
DaminehGessle said on May 12, 2003 21:08:
Ya I’ve been here 4ever :).
I am originally from Iran but I have been living in Canada for quite a while now. It’s all sunny and nice these days. I hope it never starts raining again.
Majdy said on May 13, 2003 04:06:
I just noticed that I ALWAYS wrote Indoesia instead of Indonesia :) hey, nice meeting you by the way. I guess I have known you FOR a long time. I bet you’re a very old TDR member like me. Hotblooder is new here.
anyway, greetings from Indonesia.
DaminehGessle said on May 13, 2003 22:41:
Haha confused about what? It couldn’t get any simpler than this.
She is from Indonesia. I am from Canada. And both of us are old TDR members. hotblooder is from Indonesia and a new TDR member.
What don’t you get ?? :D
Majdy I saw your picture last night. Nice one. My picture is there too. Yes I have been an old TDR member and a very old Roxette fan. I am 23 though. I guess I am not very old when it comes to Roxette fans.
I am also a crazy Queen fan. I am a very young Queen fan though. Most of the Queen fans are over 30-35. I have been a Queen fan since 1987, when I was 7!! But for me, Roxette is my past. Roxette is what reminds me of my beautiful past and that’s why I treasure it so much. I like Queen and Roxette in totally different ways. Most Roxette fans don’t like to admit they like other bands too but I am not scared :). Per is the person I loved almost all my teenage years before realizing what real love is :).
Oh well!
Hope you are having a good time all.
Majdy said on May 14, 2003 07:03:
hey, where did you saw my pic?
I think it’s okay if people has MANY differents fav band. Queen is a great band too. I’m not a fan, but there are some songs of them that I LOVE very much especially love of my life...
anyway, I’m 24 years old, have been a Rox fan since 1990, and I DO listen to many bands too..
now I’m studying communication buts also work in nespaper :)
hope to hear you soon :)
Miedy (my real name)
DaminehGessle said on May 14, 2003 15:53:
Well yeah I believe Queen is a great band. I have never met Roxette but have met Queen ;). Love of My Life is an amazing song specially when Freddie sang it in concerts. He was the best entertainer ever.
24 eh? Cool. I am 23. Have been a rox fan since 1988 and God I used to cry o much over Per haha. I just laugh at it now :). I study Mechanical Engineering and Physics, last year on both of them. Got 1 more year to go and will be an engineer/physicist. Go figure what a weirdo I am having musician parents, real musicians hah.
I saw your picture on LittleSpooky’s site I believe.
Majdy said on May 17, 2003 05:34:
I listen to other artist too. such as the cranberries, rialto and many others,
I aslo like movies and reading.
Hey, the Spooky’s page was online again? I better see that
as you see that my english is not that good.
DaminehGessle said on May 17, 2003 18:59:
Oh it’s pretty good actually :D
It started raining 2 days ago and I hope it stops raining one day. It’s a long weekend and my girlfriends and I are going to Victoria tomorrow :D
DaminehGessle said on May 18, 2003 08:29:
been here over 6 years now.
Yes ófcourse I miss Iran but just the family you know. I don’t miss the country itself although I miss my childhood.
Tomorrow is the first year since my grandma passed away in England. My mom was in England for a week and the hour she was coming back, my grandma died. So they all went to Iran with the body. I wish I could be there these days. But yeah overall, I love Canada.
Majdy said on May 19, 2003 04:25:
You don’t miss the country? lol!
anway, sorry to hear about your grand mother.
You know, I have a neighbour that now lives in Canada, but they still visit here sometimes.
Majdy said on May 19, 2003 09:26:
@ hotblooder : Hey you, are u still alive? :) jgn lupa bales email saya.
hotblooder said on May 19, 2003 10:59:
Hey, I’m still here my frenzz...
I’ve been replying your poen it quickly....!!!!
Majdy said on May 19, 2003 12:33:
GRRRR... I couldn’t open my hotmail account!!!! well, I’ll do that tomorrow!!! anyway, good to see you save and sound :)
DaminehGessle said on May 20, 2003 05:06:
Well I miss the memories right?? No I dont miss Iran as a country. It’s a nice place to be in for fun but living there with the kinda goals that I had was impossible!!
I don’t have time to go back. I go to school and as soon as the semester is over, I start foing my workterm and then school and workterm .... I will probably go around Europe after I graduate and might go to Iran. I hope the Middle East crisis slows down a bit. I can’t risk going there and get stuck you know!
hotblooder said on May 22, 2003 11:06:
@ Majdy You could use Outlook x-press to open your hotmail quickly without browsing to that site.....!!!
Majdy said on May 26, 2003 07:29:
hey Damineh, I just saw your pix. you looked great! :)
@hotblooder : sorry, sampai sekarang saya belum bales email kamu. Saya lagi sad sekarang ini... but I’ll email you! that’s a promise!
Majdy said on June 1, 2003 15:11:
Let’s keep this thread alive! Damineh, Hotblooder, everyone! where are you?!!!
DaminehGessle said on June 2, 2003 21:21:
well yashar and aaso used to write in here as well. They’ve disappeared from the face of the Earth!
I am here, alive and kickin’. How r u?
hotblooder said on June 3, 2003 09:46:
I’m here...i’m here dear friend i’m waiting for your reply e-mail...!!!!!! Hey is there will be a new single for roxette calls “LMS”?? I get the information from Would all of you vote at this link :
Majdy said on June 4, 2003 04:55:
the link doesn’t work for me. Hey, apa kabar? sorry saya belum balas email kamu, juga emailnya diky. saya lagi pusing ngurusin kedatangan ehm... si dia *shy*
Kok, nggak ada berita di Daily Roxette ttg single baru tadi?
hotblooder said on June 10, 2003 02:57:
Aku juga gak tau tuh gak ada di TDR or tapi ada di roxservice.
Pokoknya linknya begini :
roxservice > conferences >> guestbook >>> index
coba aja ya!!!
hotblooder said on June 27, 2003 08:49:
Hey people...!!! Where are you??? Still Alive or.....!?!?!?!?!?!?! Plz give me your attetion to me...!!! Hey, There’s a new Roxette single in my country LMS played on radio. BRAVO...!!!
Ronney said on July 1, 2003 11:53:
hai everybody!
I am busy making a website for people who do not like cheese. It’s all just a big joke, but I need some help: I would like to translate a few sentences in as many languages as possible!!
Please be so kind to help me out!
I need these 2 translated in any language:
“Do you have any dishes without cheese please?”
“...without cheese please!”
in the mean time you can check my work at:
Aaso said on July 2, 2003 13:20:
2 HB, if I’m in count, Im here :D
2 Ronney, I did it in offtopic :)
hotblooder said on July 3, 2003 03:33:
Hey, almost 1 month you didn’t reply!!! Where are you people...Wake Up...!!!!!
Aaso said on July 3, 2003 14:07:
Ya know what?? Majdy is busy with his boyfriend Adam. he came from US to see her in Indonesia :D
Majdy said on July 6, 2003 06:35:
you’re right, aaso. I’m so busy. but guess what, now he’s already back to America few hours ago :(
I already miss him...
deja_vu said on July 9, 2003 12:19:
Hello everybody!
i miss u all so much!!, i’ve been very bussy with my Final exam and all the college stuff.. i’m feeling like i’ve made a warm return to “home” after a loooong’s feel so great!!
@Everbody, Greeting from how is it going?? hope, everyt. is just fine, keep on posting, ok?
@Majdy: hello pal!! ke mane aje non miedy?? mail gw ga pernah dibales!!!, sibuk bgt ya?? so, gmn kabar terakhir ****? kabari aku ya?? salam juga buat dia.. and sukses selalu buat kamu!
@Hotblooder, hey i’ve just replied your mail!!, anyway is your blood still HOT?? calm down dude..he2x..
I’ve just listened to all songs in Mazarin, it’s fairly simple songs, but it tastes so good! much pop! simple makes it perfect.. simple instrument, but so original and fresh!! i like it.. it’s a typical “Happy” cheer up!!
so what’s your comment?
Majdy said on July 9, 2003 12:46:
Hey dicky, apa kabar? sekarang saya udah sendiri lagi. dia udah balik sejak 6 juli lalu *sob*sob*. so, baru dua hari terakhir ini saya bisa online. I’ll email you and also Hotblooder real soon. Rox On!!!
hotblooder said on July 14, 2003 02:23:
Thank’s God you’re still alive...!!!! hehehe.... ;P
@Majdy : Kemana aja Non, gimana kabarnya Sulawesi...??? Kalo si *dia*...??? Jangan disuruh ke Aceh ya..!!!
@De ja vu : Thank’s ya man udah mo’ buatin gw MP3 jadi gw bisa setel bukan dikomp. kantor gue doang di MP3 player bisa. Tambahan Peter Pop And Helicopter Donk..!!! Cuman 2 lagu kan..!!!
DaminehGessle said on August 6, 2003 05:29:
I am still alive too wooof
I have had an extremely busy summer. It’s been my first summer off of school even though I am on a workterm right now meaning I am working in my field for school :D. It counts as a term. Anyways... Been busy camping on the weekends and partying of some sort. On weekdays, it’s basically working 9 hours a day, working out for 1.5 hours and swimming for 1.5 hours. I only get to sleep 5-6 hours maximum. I guess 5.5 hours is how many hours I sleep every day. I am all tired but need to use my time as efficiently as I can.
deja_vu: Per’s album was great. I do not know Swedish and have no clue how to sing along, but I do!! It’s funny cause it happened a few times I was singing so loudly while I was sitting in the traffic, people would look at me thinking I was crazy. Even once this old man started speaking swedish to me which I had no idea what he was saying. I just smiled heeheee. But yeah it’s a fun album, very fun. I wish we had more exposure to Roxette here in Canada. I miss Europe.
So yeah been busy :D. I was somehow called cold and dead inside things like that in offtopic so I try not to post much. Sometimes you can’t even speak your mind. Sad but true! Oh well... It’s just a forum! It shouldn’t be taken seriously.
I am going to sleep now. You guys should keep this thread alive. Aaso hello??? Hotblooder? Majdy?? Everyone yooohooo?
khushi said on August 17, 2003 16:46:
hi everybody...I’m new here..........z there any rule of joining this coversation...if there is so plzz tell me haan....I’m from PAK,KHI n I dun know anybody here...Give me ur introductions plzz. All boys r there any girl or I’m all alone
well.............I just wanna say that all asians r gr8 whether they r from Pak,Ind or from any other country.Don’t uthink I’m right??????????????
Majdy said on August 20, 2003 15:24:
Hey, how are you? I’m Majdy from Indonesia. welcome to this forum :)
deja_vu said on August 23, 2003 04:29:
hello everybody,it’s so nice to be back here again and meet all of you here.. i’ve been bussy lately joining a comitte for new college student recruitment in my campus.. see you again real soon!! keep on posting ok??!!
deja_vu said on August 23, 2003 04:29:
hello everybody,it’s so nice to be back here again and meet all of you here.. i’ve been bussy lately joining a comitte for new college student recruitment in my campus.. see you again real soon!! keep on posting ok??!!
deja_vu said on August 23, 2003 04:29:
hello everybody,it’s so nice to be back here again and meet all of you here.. i’ve been bussy lately joining a comitte for new college student recruitment in my campus.. see you again real soon!! keep on posting ok??!!
deja_vu said on August 23, 2003 04:29:
hello everybody,it’s so nice to be back here again and meet all of you here.. i’ve been bussy lately joining a comitte for new college student recruitment in my campus.. see you again real soon!! keep on posting ok??!!
khushi said on August 23, 2003 13:13:
Thanx Majdy................I think just 2 people r alive here.....
Majdy said on August 24, 2003 07:40:
well, seemed that they’re all very busy :)
I see that you already post something on Off Topic :)
I hope you like join in this forum...
@deja_vu : Hey, apa khabar???!!!!!!! balas dendam, ya? kok email saya nggak dibalas?
hotblooder said on August 30, 2003 10:45:
Hallo Asia.... What’s Up
Hello Majdy.. ada apa antara kamu dengan Diky...hehehe...masalah pribadi ya?? Anyway aku nggak mao ikut campur... Change subject Topic what about weather in your city? The RAin or Sun keeps on smiling Gently with spliting out fire??? Oh iya saya belum ngasih No. HP ke Kamu ya ?? Tapi aku kasih lewat e-mail coba aja cek...
Buat De Ja Vu... Waduh yg sibuk dengan anak2 kuliah baru sampe lupa ama Smalltalk ini ya... selamat deh...
For everyone... Keep the Rox On..!!!
DaminehGessle said on September 14, 2003 05:27:
Hello Majdy and all new people joining this forum,
I’ve been very busy lately with school and life in general. Things have been very weird lately. I moved back to Victoria after being home in Vancouver for 4 months almost. It’s a bit depressing living away from family no matter how busy you are. It’s Saturday and I came to Vancouver last night to see my family. YEah that’s all about me. The weather is nice. Life is good. I will go back to Victoria to start a new week. School has gone rough after only 10 days. Jeez... What’s up?
Majdy said on October 12, 2003 08:04:
hello everyone!!! hello Damineh. I’m fine here, and I hope everyone are fine too....
I’m just moving to a new city, the capital of Indonesia, jakarta. now I have become a correspondent for my paper.
I don’t know if I could ever finish my school. maybe I’ll just have to drop it then...
hotblooder said on October 18, 2003 05:32:
Hello Majdy waduh kamu ternyata udah ke Jakarta ya?? Kok gak ngasih tau ke aku sih...!!!!
Oooi Diky rekaman MP3nya lama ammirrr...!!!!!!
Majdy said on October 20, 2003 07:23:
yep, I’m here, Hotblooder :)
I’ll call you sometimes :)
@Yashar : thanks, friend :)
hotblooder said on October 24, 2003 10:42:
Sorry kalo No. HP saya udah gak ada jadi kalian terpaksa harus hubungi saya lewat telp. (atau e-mail aja ya....!!!)
vemroe said on October 26, 2003 13:39:
Majdy so u have moved to jkt? bisa ketemu dong sama gue.... btw I’ve been absent for a few months due to my busy schedules...
Aaso said on October 28, 2003 14:18:
hey one of my rommates is from Indonesia!! her name is Anna :D she reminds me of you majdy!
Majdy said on October 29, 2003 04:42:
@Aaso : she reminds you of me? well, then she must be so pretty :) lol! hey, I hope that you have a GREAT life there!!!
@vemroe: saya penasaran banget ama kamu. Saya pernah punya teman namanya Verra. jangan-jangan kamu orang yang sama. am I right? kalau bukan juga nggak apa-apa, and I still want to meet you.
here’s my email : [email protected]
vemroe said on November 2, 2003 15:12:
Any of you ever heard a new song that goes: “God is a you believe it, can you receive it...” It sounds exactly like a chorus in Jefferson!!! It annoys me, not only it (perhaps) imitated Jefferson, it also sounds very cheesy. grmph..!
If I were Per I’d sue the writer.
@majdy: yes I’m that verra babe
hotblooder said on November 5, 2003 06:59:
@ Majdy
Minta nomer rumah? Disini? Jangan deh lewat e-mail aja ya? Ntar rumah saya jadi sibuk deh banyak yg kring...kring...kring....
Aaso said on November 5, 2003 11:08:
yes Majdy she’s nice hey but do you think anybody can look like you??? !! I don’t think so but you can ask Adam if yo uare not sure about this ;D
She’s a muslim too and these days she is fasting (although I am not) !!
P-p-p-pelle said on November 5, 2003 12:01:
Dear TDR-people,
Roxette fans are a big family.It’s true but only on paper. I would like to make it for real by introducing N@ROX, a network of Roxette friends worldwide.
For example, if I’d like to travel to Argentina or Poland, I don’t have a local contact to provide necessary information, however lots of Roxette fans over there would be willing to help me out our meet me because we have the same passion. By starting a network, contacts can be made. Each person decides himself how far he wants to go: from ‘just a little help’ over ‘a meet and greet’ to ‘a place to sleep’.
Friendships can be born by surfing to
The joyride continues, it’s just that simple...
Majdy said on November 8, 2003 05:20:
@aaso : hey, I’m not fasting too actually, but most of people here does and the restaurant were closed :P so, sometimes I have to skip lunch.
@hotblooder : Okay saya tunggu emailnya!! :)
Aaso said on November 10, 2003 10:04:
yeah I can see what you mean!! It was the same in Iran.. for one month I couldn’t have lunch although I was not mean to be fast!!! lolzzzz
Majdy said on November 10, 2003 14:26:
well, I sometimes had lunch in Mc D :) but it’s more expensive than regular food :) also I’m getting sick with that...
anyway, I always wanted to go to Europe oneday, also netherland. you’re so lucky :)
Aaso said on November 10, 2003 14:50:
oh you think so?? But I think its not about luck or something :d you have to want to do something then you can actualy make it. If you really wanna go to europe you will come someday. Ya know what I was dreaming about study in europe since I was 18!!! And now I am here at the age of 23 (almost 24 in 4 days) so you see ...
deja_vu said on December 8, 2003 03:24:
@All people on this forum : hello, i’m back again, i’ve been bussy lately... :(, but surely i’m still keep in touch with the latest roxette news, with this site and also this forum, rox-on dude!
@Hotblooder: Sorry sibuk ye.., e.mail aku alamat and no.telp. mu dong, oh ya about the record that i promised you, dont worry!! i’ll keep my promise!, nt Januaru gw ke Jkt, qta ketemuan aja, bikin gathering sama anak2 joyrider di Jakarta yang lain. belum pada kenal kan?, nanti gw kasih record pesenanmu di acara itu, okeh?? see you.. oh btw knp dgn HP kamu?
@Majdy: Woy, SMS gw ga pernah dibales2 lg ye.. abis pulsa nih yee..
@Vemroe: Salam kenal ya.. just call me diky, i’ve heard about you from the other joyriders, like eva, mamad, joe, chandra, nano,hapsari..dll.. Nice to know you.. (”,)
hotblooder said on December 10, 2003 00:41:
@ De ja vu : Aduh alamat & No. Telp. ya? Jangan disini deh ntar lewat e-mail okey..!!! Sbelumnya makasih bgt udah mo’ bikinin aku CD Rarenya yahh...!!! Tapi sebagian udah saya burn dikantor tapi ada yg bisa diputar di vcd player deh kaya The Lonely Boys mungkin karena copy-an asli MP3nya itu bit ratenya 64Kbps (Download dari Roxservice lho). Gimana sih kalo dijadiin lebih dari 100kbps..?? Pasti bisa didengerin dirumah “VERY LOUD”, hehehe..!!!
deja_vu said on December 17, 2003 09:17:
@hotblooder: untuk tmn2 joyrider yang ga bgitu familiar dgn aku ngeburn nya kujadikan dalam file audio, bukan mp3, kalo buat kamu mp3 aja gp ya? kamu tau ga software buat ngedit lagu? di NERO 5 ada sih, tapi kurasa belum optimal, kamu ta yang lainnya ga? ngasih CD nya pas aku ke JKT aja ya? ok see you soon.. kamu beli HP dong, biar kita bisa SMS an ok? bye.. take care
@Aaso: Hello Aaso, it’s nice to see you again (”,)
Aaso said on December 17, 2003 16:01:
oh hi, but you know you talk Indonasian here so I can not understand anything and thats why I do not post here often! But I alwasy check it out :)
Majdy said on December 29, 2003 08:12:
Aaso!!! I’m sorry for what happened in Iran!!! I hope your family are okay!!!
deja_vu said on December 30, 2003 03:14:
it was such a tragic earthquake!! i hope the same way too with you pal!, God bless u all.. Amen
hotblooder said on December 30, 2003 08:27:
@DE Ja Vu : Aku sih ada softwarenya cuman ngedit lagunya gak bisa saya juga baru ada sih cd writernya di kantor tapi pas di burn dan dijalananin di vcd player gak jalan gitu. HP aku ada cuman nomernya masih numpang. ntar deh aku minta nomer ama mbah dukun. eh beli nomer hehehe...
Aaso said on December 30, 2003 11:26:
Thank you all!! I was crying the whole last days :(((( But my family live in Tehran... does it make any diffrence?? They are all my family
patolucas said on January 16, 2004 18:13:
Hi everyone!!!
If someone of you all want to have a friend from Argentina,don’t hesitate,just write me!!
Kind regards!
hotblooder said on February 5, 2004 04:38:
Hey where’s my people go?? Majdy, De Ja Vu?? Where are you??
hotblooder said on February 9, 2004 08:11:
Good, Majdy is here, where is De ja vu??
@ Majdy : What happened wih your e-mail? I sent you a mail but it sent it back to me again.
@ De Ja vu : Woyyy... Kemana aje lo..!!
Tambahan :
Untuk teman2 yg ada di Indonesia khususnya Jakarta saya punya info nih mengenai DVD Roxette tapi yg covernya Roon Service. Sudah masuk ke Indonesia dan saya juga sudah hunting ke beberapa Mal di Jakarta. Adanya di Ratu Plasa dan Atrium Senen harganyamurah sekitar 15 ribu - 30 ribu mngkin itu copyan (atau bajakan ya???).
Yashar said on November 12, 2002 17:05:
I’m here,dear friend!