The dangerous word
rox74ever said on June 30, 2002 15:00:
okay... what in the world per is saying... when she says:
uuhh.. just a little bit dangerous...
after that, at the concert per says:
yeah, yeah, yeah. yeahhhhhh
but at the original one he says something like:
suxs... sacks... saaaa...
what in the world does he say??
pietROxette said on June 30, 2002 19:56:
Isn’t is simply just a very long ’ssssssss’ in the end of “you know she’s a little bit dangerousss-SSSSSS”
rox74ever said on July 1, 2002 04:37:
@ pietro:
pretty sure it is not just ssss, because he opens his mouth at the end... like there is an “A” ..Sa,....
tevensso (moderator) said on July 1, 2002 06:38:
Oh you know Per, it doesn’t have to mean anything, it just sounded nice at the time!
tevensso (moderator) said on July 1, 2002 06:53:
“Due to the exceptional weakness of this song, play LOUD!”
Close2U said on July 2, 2002 07:22:
Ah...thanx tevensso. Didn’t know that. Strange sentence isn’t it...
m-cvk said on July 2, 2002 08:26:
No, it’s not a strange sentence. It’s a funny one, because Per thought that Dangerous was a weak song (that’s what he told in interviews etc.)
Ronney said on July 2, 2002 08:40:
there are more keys to the fact that Per thinks it’s weak song:
there is a 12”-mix called “Waste of vinyl”...
harriej said on March 6, 2005 00:39:
Strange, in my opinion it is a very strong song!
For me, liking Roxette, started with Dangerous.
ditroia said on March 6, 2005 13:04:
Some reviewer Called Dangerous weak, so Roxette did it as a joke.
rox-kuryliw said on March 6, 2005 13:43:
i think its an in your face sentence, ie, if you dont like it , we will have to play it louder :-P
animalkingdom said on March 6, 2005 14:19:
I thought it had something to do with the fact that Don Johnson send Dangerous back to Per who thought Don might want to do something to the song...
Besides the song was recorded ages ago before any reviewer would have laid his hands on the track...
animalkingdom said on March 6, 2005 14:24:
Oh, and wasn’t it Marie too who is not too keen on the song?
Gotta wonder why they have played it on every single tour since Look Sharp! - even on MTV’s Unplugged...
Jud (moderator) said on March 6, 2005 17:20:
didn’t Marie say she liked to perform this song with Anders? I love that “flirting” :P
animalkingdom said on March 6, 2005 18:44:
He he, I guess there was something they had to come up with in order to get the song in the playlist... :P
JoyRidErno said on March 6, 2005 21:17:
Great song, great lyrics and fantastic video! Top-10 Rox song for me.
Santi said on March 7, 2005 20:03:
That of the “exceptional weakness” sentence wasn’t even written in the lyrics of the “Don’t bore us” booklet?
AURYTE said on March 7, 2005 21:22:
But actaully it is written in Don’t Bore Us - Get To The Chorus! booklet!
ditroia said on March 8, 2005 02:45:
Well I read an interview with Per and thats the explanation he himself gave.
If I find the article I’ll post it.
perishot said on June 16, 2005 00:25:
man i love the SA!!! thats my best bit in the whole song it sounds great
per is so hot! per is so hot! per is so hot!
KixGuy said on June 17, 2005 00:04:
If you guys watch The Beatles’ “A hard day’s night” carefully, you’ll notice that Macca screams a “Sa!!” very similar to Per’s. Maybe Per, as a huge Beatles fan, got his “Sa!!” from that movie. Just a guess ;)
flower said on June 21, 2005 11:36:
If I remeber it all correctly, Marie didn’t like the recording of this song. She had to do it over and over again, ’cause it sounded dull. (there’s this demo around that does sound boring) In the end so got sick of it and got angry while singing it again. This extra emotion in her voice made the click and the track made it to the album.
flower said on June 22, 2005 06:18:
Kiwein, you’re right! I always mix these two up....
Sorry... :-|
Baby-C said on June 22, 2005 19:01:
@ flower and Kiwein: Yes, that was what she thought of Dressed for Success. I think there’s even some recording of that in some documentary... I think it might have been in Really Roxette but I’m not sure. Could have been someone else...
tevensso (moderator) said on June 30, 2002 16:55:
Sa!! :)