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ahhh I met Marie!!!!!

105 replies

I have to share this...I have been living in Djursholm (Marie’s town) 9 months and I’ve only seen her twice from really far away. Since I refuse to camp outside her house, it wasn’t really possible to see her. But today, I was walking with my 2 kids and we saw a little boy on a bike. My girl Daniella wanted to play with him so she ran to him. The boy’s mother came up, and it was Marie! (The boy turned out to be Oscar Bolyos). She said hello to me and Daniella. I introduced Daniella and I said she really loves Marie (she loves Roxette but actually she’s crazy for Per, Marie didn’t need to know that). Marie said that’s great and kept walking. She was really nice to us. Her face was a little swollen but she looked fantastic. I just had to share with someone!!!!!!

hihi now u shared it with half of the world :P

Yeah but it’s half the world who understands!! Except those rotten Per fans....ahh just kidding, at the moment I’m so happy I even love Per!!!! And Per fans!! I love everyone lol!!!

And did she recognize you? :)

No she didn’t, and boy am I glad. I didn’t want her to think I was deliberately walking past her or something. To her, I was just a mother with 2 cute little kids who recognised her and said hi.

Well maybe she did but didn’t show you? Well, but who cares! Enjoy the moment! I am happy to hear that she’s looking fine and I am happy for you to meet her!

I´m very hppy for you too

Oh What a luck! I am happy that you met Marie today and she is happy and she looks fantastic. It means Marie already is NOT in treatment!!!

Woww! Great! :-)

Yeah it was great to see her walking around. She didn’t look sick at all except for her swollen face, and she sounded very cheerful when she said “Heeeeej!” to me and Daniella. She definitely didn’t want to stay and chat, but she was very warm and kind for the few seconds she spoke to us. I didn’t dare to ask about her illness and it’s probably not appropriate to ask that on the street anyway. She looked fine though!

Wow, that’s great!!! Good to know that she was nice and happy! I think as long as her face is swollen she’s still under some treatment. Or was it less than on “The Change” material?

I think it was less than The Change, she looked different of course because she had absolutely no makeup but I thought she looked great. Of course I am prejudiced, she could have looked like a monster and I would think she looks like an angel. But to me she looked really nice. More than anything I was happy to hear her voice *sigh*. I know, I know, I need a life....

is her hair short and light blond as usual?


That’s sooooo GREAT!!! (-:

Yup her hair is short, spiky and almost white blond. Actually, my little Daniella decided to really embarrass me, after we spoke to Marie we kept walking and Daniella said “Is that lady Oscar’s GRANDMOTHER?” I guess the white hair made her look old...*sigh*, thanks Daniella....

Uhhh..that’s hard and anyway ... funny (-;
What does she wearing?

She was wearing a cream coloured turtle neck knitted sweater, and I think blue jeans. Waaah she looked great!

LOL!!!! Kids can be evil :P

Great to hear! I do care about her even though I’m more of a rotten Per fan... ;-)

To die for!!!!
I wanna met her toooooooooo!!!!!

And what, figure of Marie?

Ooooooooh!!! This is a fantastic new!!
Maybe Roxette will be together again, 2006 or 2007!!!!

Is so amazing!!!!
What a wonderful experience!!!!! :D

Youre soooo lucky!!!!!!!! ;)


Wow that’s some really wonderful news!!
Great to hear she is looking great as ever.

I bet you couldn’t get that smile off your face after that :-)

Time to drop said child on their head.

But I digress because not too long ago I heard:

“But daddy... that man has big BOOBS!!!”

“Son, that’s a woman.”

“Nuh-uh! Short hair belongs on guys.”

By the time I turned round, I thought dad was gonna murder his son.

“Oh... that IS a girl daddy!” The young lad then proceeded to monkey climb me to feel my hair to see if it was real.

LittleSpooky: LOL, if you know Daniella then you know that’s a typical Daniella comment. Once she covered my whole face in makeup then said “There. Now you don’t look so ugly like you usually do.”

RobS: Yes, I was grinning like a fool all day haha!

Breathe8: Marie’s figure? You mean how she looks? Like I said she’s still a bit swollen and she’s not as thin as she was, but she was too damn thin before and I think she looks great.

Thanx for sharing Sparvögamarie :D

You lucky girl!!! =)

What a fantastic news....

Thx sparvoga..

Lucky Girl !!!
Great & funny story thaks for share it a fantastic Kodak moment ha ha

Sparvogamarie: Forgot to ask you did you speak in Swedish or English to Marie?

Sooooooooooooo nice to hear! Thanx for sharing...

Great News !!! i found that Marie is not thin she had a good figure before.
How look Oscar?

Great Marie’s ok, actually i worried there wasn’t much info about her and how she feels lately (except the house in Spain). And the story is so incredibly nice! :D :D :D

Thanks for sharing SparvogaMarie ;) Your are very lucky, your kid also ;)

greetings from Argentina... Jordi :)

Nice news... :)

Hotblooded: I spoke Swedish. I had always wanted to speak to Marie in her own language, so finally did it even if it was only a few words!

I was really glad to see Marie was ok because when it goes so long without news, you can start to wonder and think the worst. So it was fantastic to see her looking happy and alive. I hope me and Daniella didn’t bother her too much!

Well, I suppose I’m happy for you too. And ofcourse I’m happy to hear that Marie looked fine. I mean, some possitive news are always welcome!
And yes, I’m happy about this even though I’m also one of these “rotten Per-fans” you mentioned.

Fantastic story!! Thanx Sparvogamarie for sharing it with us! Glad to know Marie is fine and enjoying life with her children!

Don’t ALL kids say things that you wish you could ball-gag them for?

@little spooky: what does “to ball-gag someone” mean?

Baby-C: don’t worry, Daniella is a rotten Per fan too lol. 10 minutes before we met Marie she and her brother Axel were fighting over which Per song to listen to in the car. Axel always wants Spegelboll and Daniella likes Promenad genom stan (at least Marie is on backing vocals, so that’s something!)

Just try to get the kids listen to maries music more often, should be easy imean all of her solo work is so great :)

I’m trying Arlanda, believe me!! It’s taken Daniella a few days to realise she met somebody important. She said to me “That lady we met....Oscar’s mamma....she knows PER???? She’s his FRIEND???? Woooooow!” Then she was impressed. o_O

Aww... cute LOL

MD; how old is daniella

very nice and incredible story about the meeting :)we´re all happy knowing something about marie.

my tears are telling me how much you have made me glad sparvogamarie. its so amazing to know that you have met her. i mean, it means everything to me to get to know how Marie is feeling. she is so gorgeous with her kids. a perfect mother. oh my god, i am missing her so damn much !!! :-(((

ATLTK: Daniella is four years old.

Bunny: Oh that’s sweet, I’m glad my short meeting with her could make other people happy by just hearing that she’s alive and (hopefully) well. I wish Marie understood how many people are worrying and hurting for her.


I want to see her too!! And that soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
On summer vacation we‘ll drive to sweden again and maybe........................!!!

Hey biggestfan!

You’re still alive!

Super: Take a sock or something like it, put a rubber ball in it that’s about half the size of your mouth, put the ball in your mouth and tie the ends behind your head.....


oh yes! Let’s spend the whole summer there and camp in front of Marie’s house! ;) HOpe she flies to Spain then though ;)

Yeah I have a strong feeling Judith is right, I’m sure she will go to Spain. And yeah, I don’t want to be the inspiration for a bunch of fans suddenly jumping on Djursholm to bug Marie. I wasn’t even looking for her, it was just a freak thing that Daniella wanted to play with a kid who turned out to be Marie’s son.

Anyway, even if fans do come to Djursholm there’s not a high chance of seeing her. Like I said, I was here 9 months and didn’t even catch a glimpse of her until a few weeks ago when she zoomed past in a car. I also have to add, that even though Marie was super sweet and friendly to us - she clearly was not in the mood for standing around meeting fans. She walked away from us quickly, and I know the old Marie would have stopped for such a small child as Daniella. So I wouldn’t expect too much from her if you’re wanting her to do the “fan” thing with photos and autographs.

Nothing more than understandable after that hell of hard time she had to go through. I read this topic a few times now and I only can say it’s so nice to know she seems to be well and ejoying life with her family... You can always start to worry and feel the old well known feeling of paralising panic again. Once ain’t enough thanx for sharing!

I don´t know but I think Marie was so sweet and friendly because Daniella was with you. Is comprehensible that in such illness she is not in mood to meeting fans....But Marie was always a bit such in her private life. The most chance how to get autograph or photo from her was only on tour.

I think you’re right Breathe8, which is why I consider myself very lucky that when I finally saw Marie, Daniella was there. Actually I don’t think I would have dared to even speak to Marie without Daniella... I’d have stared at her for a second, had a major heartattack and kept walking. I have no idea what Marie would have done if I’d asked for an autograph and I don’t plan on finding out.

@Sparvöga: I thought you hated fans who are standing near marie´s house? what´s with yourself?

Um, excuse me but did you read my story? Did I say I was standing at her house? I’m pretty sure I wrote that I was walking down the street with my kids, not camped outside her house.

I think you didn’t understand me right!!!
We drive absolutly every year to sweden on summer vacation and not only because of Marie!! I’m NOT such a extrem fan.

I love this country (her too but that is something different!!) !!!!!

I don’t want you to think that I want to bother her, her family or something!!!!!!!!!!!

In a few years I’ll go on a college in sweden and because of THAT we drive in this beautiful country.

I think you should go camp out on her lawn!

What a good idea! Though according to Zelda (who clearly didn’t read the part where I said I refuse to go to her house) - I already did!

Sparvöga: Why did you across HER street? It has more in djursholm!

i can lend you a tent and a seat, possibly a camping stove too coz i know its a bit cold at night, you could always knock on the door and ask for a cup of coffee for those cold mornings

But great that marie feels fine! :)

Where does it say I was in her street? Me and the kids were walking to the park, and Oscar happened to be riding there also. Like I’ve said before, I lived in Djursholm 9 months and this was the first time I ran into her, how can you possibly deduct that I was deliberately waiting for her near her house? If I waited at her house I’d probably have met her 100 times by now.

Vix - that is a bloody great idea, then I’ll get to meet Marie every day when she comes out to bring me my morning coffee! Hey do you think they’ll let me read their newpaper too?

can i bring my tent too?? how bigs her front lawn?

It’s big, why don’t we just move in the whole Roxette fanclub and live there? We can do her gardening.

You don’t want me doin the gardening

I can kill a plastic house plant

Sparvogamarie, did you seem Marie is still under treatment?

Breathe8: I have no idea, but I’m guessing if her face is swollen then she is. I have a friend who was on cortisone and she had the same swollen face, and she said her face was normal again 2 weeks after she stopped the medicine.

spar: i can’t believe you haven’t knocked on her door and asked her, after all its not far from your tent on her lawn.....or is her garden that big???

Vix: as soon as she removes the restraining order, I’ll ask her.

That’s a really cute story :-)
Happy that she’s walking about looking much better than she did. I met her before her illness in Spain... she’s such an incredible person.. I literally never felt so calm in my life as when I was with her.

I come to this topic for a good laugh.

Sparvogamarie Thank you for sharing it. It’s so interesting! You’ re so lucky.

i wouls love to meet per all i heard is that she goes on like a.... you know i want per sooo bad thats all i have to say

mmmm your not looney at all are you

spar: i never knew about the restraining order, really sorry to hear about that, perhaps the snow angels were a bit over the top after all.

Vix: You have GOT to quit encouraging her! They can’t get you for conspiracy charges... yet ;o)

It was all Vix’s fault, the snow angels have always been HER idea, I have the msn transcripts to prove it!

Hej Sparvöga, I wished I could see her again one day but I know that this is quite unlikely since I don’t want to “enforce” a meeting by hanging around in front of her house... ;-( ! Anyway, you know that I am happy for you and I am grateful for the past...!!!

do you think she will sell her house in gjursholm and move permantly to spain?

I don’t think so!

snow angels my idea??? LOL

spar: so anyway, hows maries lawn, i hope your tent hasn’t left a dead patch of grass, if it has i hope its in a angel shape ;)

if she sells her house in sweden and moves to spain then we all know whos fault that is! ;)

for all swedes
the mf doc was shown at tv4plus yesterday

I think everyone who is interestet in it has seen it.

Great to know! I’ll watch it yesterday then!! :D

rewinds myself ;)

I had to get up at 2 am to watch the docu again so I could record it on DVD!

Ha Ha funny topic!

spar: i hope you didn’t wake marie up when you got up at 2am to borrow her tv, unless uve brought a tv for your tent on her front lawn?

I agree with Rox

I’m in the States.... kinda pointless for me to watch ain’t it (unless it’s been subtitled somewhere in English)...?

@sparvogamarie that meeting story of yours really brightened up my day so much!!! It’s really great to hear that she is fine and of course that you are also doing well up there in Stockholm! Thanx for sharing this one. Hugs from Austria

Hi Helene!!!!! Nice to hear from you! Hope you’re fine. I’m going home next week yaaaaaaay! (Had enough of crazy Swedes lol)

and the crazy frog! ;)

Nope I have not had enough of Cazy frog yet! I bought the CD so I can remember him forever. Oh if only someone would make a Crazy frog doll then I’d buy it for sure!!

This topic has become weird btw. I blame Vix.

tis always my fault! sux to be me ;)

I said it before, I’ll say it again.

I come to this topic for a good laugh.

This topic has become seriously off topic. It might get I’d better put it back on track.

I MET MARIE!!!! *does a happy dance*

And just to keep things weird: I love Crazy Frog. Ding Ding.

Oh and don’t forget to visit my new website, The Crazy Frog Worship Page.

sparv: your not going home coz u want to your being deported aren’t you! ;)

yeah deported for stalking Marie... lol

she was arrested for that

the real meaning behind the topic ’ahh i met marie’ is ’ARGH! marie picked me out in an identity parade’



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