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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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4 replies

How many of you guys here already read Alan Moore’s prime work?

Yes! I read somewhere that they were making a movie out of the series. I dunno about that...

“Où sont mes pantalons?”

yes, it’s true...right from the start.

zach snyder (300) is in charge, and names are popping up...rodrigo santoro, gerard butler, keanu reeves, patrick wilson...let’s see...

While I liked 300, I’m afraid that under his direction, Snyder will miss the point and make the Watchmen movie a purely visual piece of candy.

But... to see Rorschach in flesh and blood with a CGI mask– that would be sooo cool. David Caruso as Rorschach!

“Où sont mes pantalons?”

hmmm...why not jackie earl haley??


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