Gianna Nannini
Invisible_man said on May 3, 2007 01:54:
What a song! What passion!
It truly breaks my heart to listen to it. This is what for me great music is all about... and.I love Europe for the great music it gives us :-)
I maschi
oh yeah I don’t speak Italian, but who cares, just listen to it
Invisible_man said on May 10, 2007 23:43:
Nice song, but nowhere close to I Maschi imo :-)
I heard a few of her other songs on youtube, they are all nice.
You’re lucky to live in Germany and get to hear so much more music than we here in US. :-)
Kathrin said on May 21, 2007 18:23:
Life is like a Box of Chocolates, you never know what you gonna get!
Kathrin said on May 6, 2007 19:44:
Have you ever heard of this one:
It is the Song she sang for the Soccer World Cup 1990 in Italy!
This Song is my favorite Gianna Nannini song!
Life is like a Box of Chocolates, you never know what you gonna get!