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Do you know Michel Gondry?

1 reply

I was just wondering if any of you know the work of Michel Gondry. I personally find his videos fascinating. Do you think Roxette will ever work with him? He is such a talented, creative director. I would love to see a rox video made by him.

Here are some examples of his work:

Kilye Minogue - Come into my world: you have to watch it till the end to really see the complexity in this one!

Chemical Brothers - Let Forerver Be:

Björk - Army of me:

Daft Punk - Around the world:

And BTW, aren´t you tired of Arkerlund??

Yes, he’s great. I love the clip for “Army Of Me”. He also did “Human Behaviour”, “Hyper-Ballad”, “Isobel” & “Bachelorette” which are all great videos!

I might be a little tired of Åkerlund and the still-picture flavoured videos but apparently Roxette aren’t.


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