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Check out my songs!!!!

7 replies

Hey fellow Roxette fans!

I have been songwriting in various bands for a while and now I am doing a little solo project! The songs are only demos at this stage but check them out and let me know what you think :) :) I have about 25-30 songs to record for this project so plenty more to come!

add me if you are on myspace!


Really nice songs. You’ve got a great voice too. I’m sure you will go far :-)

Thanks for the support Rob :)

Yes, they’re nice!

I have a new song up!

Check it out:


I have recorded a new song “I wont sleep” go and have a listen! Let me know what you think, cheers :)

Sounds nice. Love the music in your songs.

Is it just my speakers or is there a little bit on distortion in the vocals in some parts of the songs.

Thanks Rob :)

Yeah it depends on the speakers though, it does it on some and not on others. I may have put the levels a little too high though ;)

Thanks for listening


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