I NEED VOTES!! In race for record deal
NickNL74 said on January 19, 2007 15:15:
Hello everyone!
My cousin and her friend are in a race for a record deal on a dutch news site and at the moment they are in 2nd place.
It’s important to get as many votes as possible to get to in 1st place.
It’s important for me as well since I’ve co-written half of the songs they have finished.
I would be very grateful if you would help me out!
Here’s what you need to do:
Go to www.nieuwsbeeld.nl and click on “Talentenjacht”
Scroll down until you’ve reached a form (you will NOT subscribe to a newsletter with this)
In the UPPER bar you selects “NoTess” from the drop down list and fill out the rest of the form and send it.
You can vote until next tuesday (23rd) ONLY.
THANKS VERY MUCH for you help!
Please ask as many friend as you can because it’s VERY important they get as much votes as possible!
p.s. more songs can be found on www.nouschka.nl => music
To administrator: I know this is off-topic, but could you PLEASE alow this msg for one tome only? It’s for a good cause and very important. Thanks very much for your co-operation! :-)