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When cockroaches die..

11 replies

Ever noticed how when cockroaches die they just flip over on their backs with their feet sticking up into the air? Why don’t their legs just give in under them so they go to heaven while lying on their tummy. Or why don’t they fall to the side or something. When I spray them with my Raid poison they immediately just flip over, legs in the air. Is so funny. Its not just cockroaches. I’ve come across hairy worms too – legs in the air. When you tell my mom’s dog to play dead she flips over with her legs in the air. Maybe she was a cockroach in her previous life. I saw my sister’s horse do it too a few days back. But he wasn’t playing dead. I think he was just trying to scratch his back. I think I’ve inhaled too much Raid poison today.

It is the funniest post in a long time!

Sometimes I think I have the same problem with Raid poison. Maybe I should use it a bit less :D

The most effective way to kill a cockroach is crashing it with a shoe/trainer/whatever you have close at hand. That’s environmental-friendly. No need to poison the atmosphere with Raid or anythink like that. That way, they don’t flip over. They exhale their last breath in many different positions, believe me.

By the way, cockroaches are the most disgusting insect in the world. Specially every time I have to crash one... Once I crashed a couple that was “having sex”, back to back. And they are cannibals, also. They eat the corpses of another cockroaches when they find them.

My dog loves them. She can be playing with a cockroach for hours before eating it!

Did you know that cockroaches, when startled, emit a hormone which reacts with oestrogen, thereby causing a natural fear of cockroaches in women.
Having said that, any excuse to kill ’em is good enough for me lol!
“God doesn’t play dice.” -Albert Einstein

Living in England i havent had much experience with cockroaches but a few years ago i was unpacking my bag after being on holiday in Greece. A roach ran up my leg out of the bag, it had survived a couple of days in there as well as the 4 hour plane journey in the freezing hold of a plane. I stunned it but it didnt die (i didnt want to crush it on the carpet!) so i chucked it down the toilet where it lay for about 6 hours (cos i wanted to keep it to show my flat mate to make sure it was what it was- dont laugh) it still didnt die, we got it out of the toilet and it started walking around! they are evil little buggers! flushed it in the end but i think it would have survived that too, someone told me afterwards that they are one of the few things that would survive a nuclear explosion.

from what i understand the raid suffocates them seeing as their breathign mechanism is on their backs...on of the best bug killers if your a smoker is niccotine, soak your old ciggies in a bottle of water, it works well on weeds in the cracks of sidewalks too

my mom has a roach in hfer bathroom and she says its her pet. she named it “pat” .i hate the thing i wish it would die but its true they dont die!! RAid ;)_
I need theraphy th anks to mum ;)
sorry for mistakes. me had a few vodka shooters. Tomorrow i fix errors ;)

Where I live, you can find cockroaches about 5cm long. Very disgusting.

Once I read when you cut off a cockroach’s head it still can live on for several days.

Out of curiosity I had a look with google. Cockroaches can live without head till they starve to death. That’s up to 9 days. But please, don’t try this at home.

I hateee roaches!!! God damn them! I HATE THEM!


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