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Double nationality

12 replies

By talking to a friend in the international forum, I got the idea for this topic about having two nationalities... in brief, my father is Italian, I was born in Rome and I have been living in Italy since day 1. On the other hand, my mother is English and I have been going to England since I was little for my summer holidays and sometimes at xmas time. At home we speak a mixture of both Italian and English (surrounded by Swedish music *lol*). So what? You would probably think. Well the problem is that sometimes I don’t feel like having a real nationality. By law I’m both an Italian and a British citizen but my friends in Italy always tell me that they notice big differences between me and them in a way they can’t really explain. When I’m in England, I can speak English with a perfect Lancashire accent (*lol*) but sometimes I don’t know certain words or, ways of saying because I don’t live there. My English friends and family don’t see me as an Italian because both of my accent, family and appearance but also, they don’t see me like an Englishman....

I’d like to know if anybody else here feels the same and by the way, I feel very European! I once made a T-shirt with this writing:

50% Italian, 50% English and 100% European! It was quite cool til it faded...

lol... i’m also a bit “confused” with my nationality....

born in south africa, my mother is south african and my father is scottish. moved to england when i was 13 years old. when i was in SA i always embraced my “british” heritage but now i live in the UK i embrace my “south african” heritage. but to be honest, after living here and growing up here (7.5 years now) i kinda feel like i am English now. confused?! mucho!

I sure feel Basque though this is not a recognised nationality yet :D lol

heya! no, i’m just a bit “veneta” a bit “genovese” and a bit “friulana”...oh, and i have a particular “longobardo skull”.

Well last time I checked I am 100% English.... but then that’s taking in my parents only not there parents etc...

roxlad how did u get a Lancashire accent if u dont live in uk ?

Uhh.. my dad is half indonesian,half malay and my mum is a swedish-finn, and i’m born in singapore, lived there until i was six, and then we moved to finland.. sounds a bit complicated? oh and i speak with my dad english, with my mum swedish and with my stepfather finnish.. so i guess i am a..50% swedish-finn and 50% indonesianmalay.. or something like that... :D

*lol* reading all this makes me feel better :-)

I guess I got my lancashire accent from my mum because she was the only person speaking English that I knew when I was a child and then of course by going to England every summer. I thought it was very funny when on a day trip to London somebody told me to have a nice dye.... (meaning day of course).

I’m 50% US American and 50% German because my Father is from the USA and my Mother is German!
The Best thing is that I don’t have to choose Citizensships because there is a Law here in Germany that says Girls from the age of 18 that don’t go to the Bundeswehr(German Army) don’t have to choose,but the Boys have to!
My Uncle which is a Police man,his Rank is Hauptkommisar(I’m not sure if that means Sheriff or not)he told me that!

I’m catalan but unfortunately I cannot have that nationality on my ID either ;)

But at the same time I’m Spanish, I’ve been raised in Catalan (family, most of lessons at school and university, most of my friends, 2 TV channels) and Spanish (some other friends, some 4-5 other TV channels, some few lessons at school+uni) and while I was not feeling the difference to switch from one language to the other when I was living in Lleida, I do feel it now! Now I’m more aware of the two languages at least, and realised that being Catalan is an important side of my being :)

Now that I live in Austria.. I speak German and English 50%-50%, VERY few catalan/spanish except for the few minutes I daily talk with my parents (catalan).. even though this has changed in the last months. A couple of Spanish colleagues are now working at the bank AND, believe it or not, also a guy who’s half Austrian-half Catalan with whom I have quite some to do weekly and with whom I speak Catalan. Who would have told me when I moved here and I started to work at the bank 3 years ago that I would be able to do part of my work in Catalan! He of course never expected to find a Catalan girl working with him :D

So, all this bla bla to tell that even though I don’t have double nationality, I think I know how it feels to be raised in 2 languages and live in 2 countries. I know I will never be like an Austrian even if I learn the language perfectly or live here for many years, but I also know living here has changed me and I’m not 100% catalan/spanish anymore.. mess!! hope I made myself somehow understood :D
Marie Fredriksson Online

I’m a Mutt

Tattooed White Trash

Argentina is a melting pot of nationalities from all over the world. Immigrants arrived massively since 1890 (approx.) until the 1st World War. For example, my father’s family has Italian heritage (some Germans were involved too); my mum’s surname is Basque, from Northern Spain. Her grandfather arrived from Spain in 1915, more or less. I don’t have much info about dad’s ancestors. But after so many generations being raised here, we all feel like Argentinians. Of course, we all have surnames from different origin: Spanish, Italian (40% of us!), Polish, Jewish, Lebanese, Armenian. But some people still follows the traditions of their ancestors. There are institutions for each community, where you can learn the language, the traditional dances, etc. Well, I was never much interested in that, but many people do.

My cousin has double citizenship: Argentinian and Italian, because his grandfather was Italian, indeed. I can’t do the same, ’cause I am 4th generation already, hehe.

haha I’ll join Littlespooky - I’m a mix of everything, and have just produced an even bigger one ...poor lil thing lol At least we’re not inbred! :P


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