Hot news on
Mikalex1 said on November 6, 2006 07:38:
A lot of us were asking why Marie moves so strange in the performances we saw in the last time.
Find your answere in the news section from
Sparvogamarie said on November 6, 2006 08:39:
I was thinking the same thing Kiwein. Most of that stuff was not new anyway, Per said something very similar in an interview a week or so ago. I hate these articles that cheapen Marie’s health problems as a hot headline just to sell papers.
angelofmusic said on November 6, 2006 08:49:
I cried when reading that story! I’m not sure either that it is an appropriate thing to write about her illness like that - she could be very hurt if she knew about that article! It says such a bad things about her (that she is a shadow of her own etc):-( I don’t like it! Marie is still the very best, she is being so brave and doing everything to get back a normal life again, so why say such things?
Sparvogamarie said on November 6, 2006 08:54:
That’s exactly how I felt angelofmusic, it was a horribly negative article, and Per & Marie have been trying so hard to give a positive picture.
Anyway the more we talk about it, the more we push this to the top of the page and further promote that tabloid journalism. It’s not hot news at all, it’s junk and we fans should listen to information that comes straight from Per and Marie, not misquoted articles that we’re not sure of.
sonnie said on November 6, 2006 10:36:
not very tasteful to publish such an article on a “fanpage”. and by the way: where are the hot news? we know these things already from other interviews per and marie gave. creepy details probably made up by the newspaper are no hot news in my opinion.... :(
thenicekai said on November 6, 2006 11:52:
The news are not so new at all. The few “facts” inside may be true but the atmo of this article is quite negative.
But what bothers me first of all: Why does a “fanpage” use that crappy article in order to entice TDR readers to come to their site? :-/
room-service said on November 6, 2006 12:09:
Where are the news? I can’t find anything we didn’t know already... but thanks for the scan ;-)
sille-rox said on November 6, 2006 12:12:
Article is from the Magazin: Seitenblicke
look here:
Arlanda said on November 6, 2006 13:53:
I hate the way the article os written... I almost cried too. So negative. No more words... I do love the photos in it tough so thanx for scanning.
Love you, Marie!
rox-kuryliw said on November 6, 2006 14:50:
true, i only know one person to have had a brain tumour and he is blind and cant use his right arm, but great funny chap and very talented. i think alot of people dont know the extent to what brain tumours do. depending where it is just a little pressure on the area can make some one not walk again. So this is postive in a way.
substitute said on November 6, 2006 17:30:
I agree with Arlanda,i hate the way the article was writen.
Once again: Marie were,Marie is and Marie will always be THE BEST on stage!
Jud (moderator) said on November 6, 2006 19:11:
I agree with the others..
When our neighbour dropped by a couple of days ago to show us the article (she knows we like Rox) we couldn’t believe our eyes :O you should know that this Austrian magazine is worse than Expressen’s crap! It is a gossip magazine of the worst kind (just look at the cover ;))
CRIZ said on November 6, 2006 21:30:
If I look at the pix from the red carpet I can’t see that she had sooooo many problems. The seems she was in a really great mood.... in this article it sounds like she was near to creep....ts ts ts
LittleSpooky said on November 6, 2006 22:38:
No comment because I’m really trying to learn:
“If you can’t say anything nice.... SIT DOWN AND STFU!!!”
yellowtigger said on November 6, 2006 23:33:
I can´t believe how the people makes a big reaction for this article.
Littlemarie don´t believes in those words, in this article. We are not agree with this.
We published it because we want to share it with the fans, who can´t get those bad articles.
We want that the people knows all the differents publications and bad news about Marie, Per or Roxette.
Somes are good some sadly are gossips and bad.
Hot news, is just an ironic. ;)
Lars-Erik_Olson (moderator) said on November 6, 2006 23:46:
I’ve only now just seen this thread, and I object to the publishers of using TDR to lure our subscribers to their site using such a tactic as “hot news” ... when it’s really NOT hot news at all.
I did not object previously when they wanted to promote an interview they ran... but this and that are very different animals.... thus, the decision to “archive” this topic.
Kiwein1 said on November 6, 2006 08:23:
Well, thanks for translating and putting it online - I hope you’re aware that this is YELLOW PRESS at its best. The things Per said we already know and the rest of the text is not only badly written but also not very nice.