Do you have any pets?
Debora said on August 24, 2006 19:22:
I understand you. Even though Deimos (that was my cat name) died many months ago sometimes I still cry when see her picture hanging on the wall.
I saw your dogs pictures. My Kasumi has a ball as well and she’s always playing with it, she really loves her ball!
Beautiful cat! And its eyes are blue!
roxtexanet said on August 21, 2006 04:12:
@nate: Your dog is BEAUTIFUL! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cuter puppy...!
We have (deep breath): 3 cats, 2 rats, and 1 dog (also a German Shepherd, but crossed with something small like a corgie maybe). Our house is a zoo...
pwbbounce (moderator) said on August 21, 2006 07:27:
We’ve got 3 Budgies at home. Click on link above.
On the right we have Boom, the middle is Bong, and the Left is Bing.
Whilst they’re not strictly mine, I do have to put up with the infernal din they make!!!
nate said on August 21, 2006 11:08:
@ pwbbounce - nice pics, luv the names :)
@ roxtexanet - Thanks! yeah, I’m proud of her - she was much easier to train than her predecessor (a Siberian Husky).
Wow, your home does sound like a zoo! - must be a full-time occupation looking after and caring for all those animals! :) “Hope” sure can be a bit of a handful at times, but she’s so good-natured. btw which part of our lovely country are you from if you don’t mind me asking?
whateveriam said on August 21, 2006 11:30:
Eric, she’s gorgeous, and I’m a cat person!
Don’t have any animals, cos my brother is ’allergic’ to them. Well, I go round my friends house- she has loads of cats and 1 dog, I come back and he doesn’t get wheezy- really allergic then. Will probably have animals when I leave home- my flat will be a menagerie...
Debora said on August 21, 2006 19:32:
Yes I have! I love animals. I’ve got 5 she-cats: Reina en Colores, Princesa e Infanta Perica, they are triplex and they were born on January 14th 1998 . The other two’s names are Flaquita (1o years) and Chiquita (6 months more or less. Not sure because she came here and never went). I have also got a she-dog: Kasumi Tsunami and she will be 2 years next November.
I had a beautiful cat, another girl, who died in 2005 because of a cancer.
roxtexanet said on August 21, 2006 19:36:
@nate: I live in Regina now, but I’m from Sudbury, ON originally. Where are you? I think I read in another thread that you were in Southern Ontario...?
nate said on August 22, 2006 22:34:
Thank you all for replying, and for all the kind words. Yes, I think animals are great too.
Sofar, we’ve got 9 cats, 5 dogs, 3 birds, and 2 rats: with the following names:
Reina en Colores
Infanta Perica
Kasumi Tsunami
Any more pet owners on TDR?
nate said on August 22, 2006 22:39:
@ roxtexanet
Admittedly, I’ve never had the privilege to visit either Sudbury or Regina. There’s so much of Canada I have not seen.
Well, I was born and raised, and still live in Canada’s most beloved city :) Toronto
Much of Toronto’s reputation is well-deserved I’m sure - but, it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Perhaps I’m just a little biased.
nate said on August 22, 2006 22:43:
@ Debora
I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I remember when my Siberian Husky (Mika) passed away in July of 2004, I was very saddened by her departure. It’s almost like losing a very close friend; it took me more than a year to arrange for a new dog.
You have such beautiful names for your pets.
WorldFalls said on August 24, 2006 05:36:
I have a cat named Crookshanks. We got him about six months ago from an animal rescue center. He is the love of my live! :o) Here are a couple of photos:
ally77 said on September 4, 2006 20:54:
Just Alfie-Jack, my 3 year old Jack Russell Terrier... :)
Oh and I can’t forget Oskar who is 7 in October but he’s with my parents...
Alfie’s all mine!
kiruna_92 said on November 11, 2006 21:59:
I’ve got a angry 6 years old toy poodle named Totte. He’s only kind to my mother and my sister, he’s favorite hobby is to bite me when I try to get him out of my lap. Bad dog... :-) But I love him anyway.
Here is some pics of him btw...
Ary-Sya said on November 11, 2006 22:21:
2 dogs:
_Marta 3 yerasl old and small
_Duffy is my fave and she is 9 and she’s a big dog.
2 cats:
_Maya all black with the panties white. she is 3
_Alma her child like her. she is 2
2 turtle:
_Gusco, translate is shell, the male (i think because it has a big shell) and “he” is 5 years old.
_Sciella, silly name...but i liked it she should be the female (cause its shell is small but high) and she is the same 5.
2 fish:
they haven’t any name. before i had more but they are dead in a little time.
Marlene said on November 12, 2006 19:36:
We’ve got some pets, too.
One cat, Mrs Norris (@WorldFalls: another Harry Potter fan, I guess...)
Two guinea pigs, Oskar & Zoe (my daughter was a Sesame Street fan back then when we got them)
Two African *I don’t know exactly what they are called* mice, Lili and Lola (just because we like the sound of it)
And fish, one is called Fledderflosse, the others are without names
That’s it for now but I really like to have a donkey, peacocks and some geese one day.
Breathe8 said on November 15, 2006 13:30:
I have got 10 years old parrot called Kimi (Rosela), one little rabbit called Cholito (4 years old) and one 12 years old cat called Tiffani. They are very nice..
Breathe8 said on November 15, 2006 13:35:
@Pwbbounce, your parrots are very nice. I love animals, especially parrots..
coyboyusa said on November 15, 2006 14:48:
well i just added a 6th, thats right, 6th kitten to my house lol we named him chewie and he’;s a cute little tabby I’ll have pics up soon hopefully
Debora said on March 14, 2007 22:21:
I’m really sad, one of cats, Princesa, died about an hour ago, at the vet’s. She had 5 tumors... I felt a bit responsible, maybe with no surgery she could have lived some more time. She was going to die, anyway, but, don’t know... I will miss her so much. She was a nice cat.
coyboyusa said on March 14, 2007 22:57:
cancer is really a no win situation with cats. What really upset me was with my brothers cat. She had undiagnosed kidney disease for almost 3 years. By the time she passed on her kidneys had shrunk to the size of cherry tomatoes and from what we were told she was probably in a lot of pain for over a year as toxins built up in her body...unfortuantely cats rarely vocalize pain. she had a matted coat which we were also told was a possible sign of kidney issues but because she never exhibted urinary problems or any evidenve of blood toxicity, noone ever really thought much about it because she was a shelter cat and sometimes shelter cats don’t groom very well
StillRoxin said on March 20, 2007 19:42:
I have two cats, Puck and Garfield. Puck is only about 2 years old and is the size of a small dog, can’t put him on diet food because he has vet prescribed food that he has to eat. Garfield is 14 years old, they are both orange tabbies and absolutely loveable!
~Dream about the sun you Queen of Rain~
roxer1986 said on March 24, 2007 23:25:
i have many dogs i have 4 cat’s many birds
it is much for to write all the names here
nate said on August 20, 2006 19:49:
If so, what kind of pets do you have? How old? What are their names? Any online photos you would like to share?
Personally, I own a 13 month old White German Sheppard, which I’ve had since September of 2005.
I’ve named her Hope.
Here are some pics...