What year would you repeat?
davidc4 said on June 1, 2006 09:49:
if you could choose to repeat a year what year would it be?and what was your favourite song from the year?
I would choose 1995 but at the age i am now as i loved the music and it was nice and sunny i could have got drunk in the sun......shame i was only 11.
favourite track from 1995-Try Me Out-Corona
davidc4 said on June 1, 2006 10:36:
show off lol wouldnt mind trvelling a bit some day though need the money first
Claire said on June 1, 2006 11:37:
1999 for definate (i started to go out, learnt to drive and travelled round Norway for a bit) but im with you David 1995 would be good too but i would just like to go back to those years and be the same age as i was - 17 and 13, oh i loved 97 too.....
Claire said on June 1, 2006 11:38:
OMG and the most important thing i missed off.... i met roxette in that year woops
ally77 said on June 1, 2006 12:55:
I want to repeat 1991 - I would have choosen different GCSE options instead of doing what my friends where doing, I would have preferred to have continued with German, History, Music, instead of the crap ones I did....
I might then have done something different with my life...
Song would have been The Big L, it was the track that turned me into a Roxer!
natasha1 said on June 1, 2006 15:49:
1995 - left boarding school (where I had been for 4 years) passed 4 A’levels - passed my driving test - - got a golf convertible - started at Brunel Uni - came out big time - brilliant !!!!!!! I was only 18 yrs old!!!!!!!!!!
and yes NTRANCE was the song of the year !!!
Majdy said on June 1, 2006 22:44:
I’ve been waiting for years and years for 2005-2006 to come, so I don’t want to repeat what....
KATXORRO said on June 2, 2006 04:53:
1997.-. I can´t remember more songs from that year than the ones from TWATG. But I was fifteen and have never ever had such a big fun...
By the way, hi you all, this is my first post!
davidc4 said on June 2, 2006 13:45:
hi katxorro!!!!!!
claire i agree about n-trance being a top tune as well oh i want 1995 back even more now and it slips further away each year.i hated 1997 though as i was getting bullied in school so 1997 and 1998 were terrible.i can only remember music from them years now coz i blocked the rest out.1999 was good though someone in school actually risked ridicule and hung around with me.we are still mates today.2006 has bin a shitty year though everythings happened to me at once
got sacked
car keeps going balls up
got arrested
nearly crashed
got car jacked
debts fell behind now living in fear of bailiffs
got a bucket stuck under car now all i can smell is burning plastic
went to birmingham(joke)
ally77 id change my GCSE S as well coz i listened to my teacher and not myself they were running a new GNVQ scheme at the time and were trying to get people on it.i should of stuck to history and business studies.my drama teacher told me it would be a bad idea to do her subject fot GCSE i did it anyway and passed with flying colours.
TinyBubbles said on June 2, 2006 21:33:
2003. With all my heart and soul i am on my knees now begging i can redo 2003. At least just the months of April and May of 2003.
Its a difficult thing tho...cus maybe things happen the way they are suppose to? And possibly everything happens for a reason and as shit as my life has been since that year maybe it was suppose to be this way for some reason.
But yeah, if i could i’d definitely redo at least May 2003. I’d have made sure i didn’t fall in love. OR at the very least i would have made sure that person didn’t found out i was in love with him. Maybe we’d still have been friends today.
Santi said on June 1, 2006 10:08:
I would repeat 2001, without any doubt. But I don’t recall many songs from then...
maybe “Real Sugar” by Roxette.
EDIT: Oh, I choose 2001 because then I lived in Sweden and I travelled all around Europe (Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, France, Denmark, Norway... and some other places :D).