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Job Hunting Sites

9 replies

does anybody know any good job hunting sites in the uk?ive tried monster jobs,,jobsite,hays getting desperate now :(

I get mail monthly from The recruitment site I registered with here in SA signed me up for it automatically.
I’ve never visited their site, so I don’t know if it will help you. But in their emails they usually have lots of jobs in the UK.

Good luck ;)

are u jobless?

what is it you want to do is more the question david and then work towards that goal.

im jobless potless and got next to nothing left.hoping that some of my job apps might come good though

Try a local agency..... always plenty of work in local agency to tie you over!

was just gonna say go to temping agency, i went to Brook Street and they got me a well paid job in solicitors within the week. no interview nowt.
then u just have to give a weeks notice before u leave.

I did a lot of Agency work years ago.... pays okay and if you don’t like the job move on!

Had any luck yet David?


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