The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule

Marie to sign at NK

Written by tevensso on December 12, 2005 to .

STOCKHOLM - Marie Fredriksson will sign her art book “After the Change” at the high-end department store NK on Hamngatan in Stockholm, December 14, 17:00-18:00 CET. There are around 1,500 books left of the lot.


Too bad I don’t live in Stockholm.. would’ve been nice to have that book signed. Oh well.


It´s nice from Marie!!!! I hope she will do it in the future again and we will know about it at least one week in advance. I have got her book too.

Great! A little question: where can you find the results of the competition about Maries book? It is finished, isn’t it??

Love to get me grubs on one of them books :)

Oh my god!!!! AND I CAN’T BE THERE!!!!!!!! OH GOD I’M DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It hasn’t been published yet, the results.

I would like to be there but it’s too far. Great to hear about Marie again.

Oh my God!!I’d like to be there!!I’m dying!!I want to be there!buaaaaaa:(
Marie I LOVE YOU,you are simply great!

It’s so great that Marie is back in the spotlight ;)

1.500 left?
Wasn´t it 2.000 in total?

as far as i remember it was 2,000

So 500 sold to who...? I thought ALL Marie fans had bought this already? Or maybe they did! :D

@ tev

?? Haha.. that’s great fun! R E A L L Y .

What’s your problem with Marie? You’re always provoking people with your remarks about anything that’s something to do with her!

Grow up, Gessle-groupie!

I‘ll be there :D

Good point tev... :)
I´ve got my copy...

Hey Joyrider_Malin send me an email please!!

Thanx!!!!! :D

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I thought isn’t able to send the books due to financial problems or whatever..

@Joyrider_Malin: Please send me an E-mail, too!!!!!!

Kiwein1, what has to do with the book?

WHAT A GREAT initiative! Marie being back just fills my heart with joy - and happiness for her! However, as “Breathe8” says, I hope that in the future we’ll know about it sooner. When you don’t live in Sweden and you have your everyday commitments in your home country, it’s impossible to leave so quickly…

AND MARIE - if you read this, please notice that we’d love you to do other signing sessions if possible! What about in Malmö? We Danes would like that…

I LOVE YOUR very expressive art work with faces! Keep up the good work, Marie! It’s great that drawing is so good for you! I have worked in a pretty similar way before I saw pictures from your exhibition. But my works are mostly done with graphic arts/prints (monotypes) and colour painting. However our faces/portraits have pretty much in common. I’m now educated to teach art to children. Even in that work you’ll now be with me.


musicshop offered the book and isn’t able to deliver now. I wonder how many books they got that they can’t send now..

It is too much bad that I can not be there at the time.

Please visit to Japan again with Per again.

I know a couple of fans here in Russia, who wanted to buy that book..
But wanted Paypal to a personal account, and no oter normal shop sells it (with credit card ande international delivery)

Well, I am a Marie fan but I DON’T have that book. I am not interested in those drawings, I like her music. As you see, it doesn’t mean she only has 500 fans. Watch the Äntligen DVD, and you’ll see more than 500 people there.

@Kibkalo: You can pay by cheque too, write them e-mail.

*applauds at Animal Kingdom* Sorry Tev, but that was too funny. Gessle Groupie LOL!

I know tons of MF fans and none of them got the book. It was too expensive and also most fans were not that interested by her art. I got it more to support her than anything else, if I look at it at all it’s for the photos of her in the front.

I have to say this, it’s been on my mind for ages. Every Marie fan has been waiting for her to come back...and the one person who got to interview her is the one person who hates her the most? Sorry I just had to get that out. You know I love ya Tev. ;)

I don’t hate Marie, I just don’t happen to like her music as much, that’s not even close to being the same thing.

And following these thoughts about interviewing Marie without liking her music at all...I was wondering how could be that? Can we really trust for an accurate interview? I mean, as a fan, and after months without knowing anything about Marie, I´m interested in her personal point of view about her music, perhaps some questions about one particular song and their meaning (for example, I always wanted to know if the song “Mother” is dedicated to her mum or Bolyos´s mother) know, that kind of things a person who listen to her music -not even like or love it- can ask.

Please, I beg for more impartiality in The Daily Roxette and related sites (official ones aswell, since the same people are involved in).

I just think we all deserve impartial information.

I won’t even reply to your lame comment. Read the interview and judge for yourself. Maybe you should interview her next time?

always being sarcastic..I agree with the others you werre not the right inteerviewer Jud would have been better .

Yes, us Marie fans can do without the sarcasm...

But in tev’s defence, I did not find that interview negative in any way.

BTW: Great to see Marie is getting back into the spotlight!! :)

tevs interviews are great, and so are his comments...
I like sarcasm... Some do not... Natural thing I would say.

Great Ted, next time we’ll fly her in from Vienna and bill you then.

sometimes a ’journalist’ has to interview someone who (or what he/she does) he/she doesn’t like. But whoever it is, you try to do your job as good as possible, just as tev did. So please ted, first think, then post.

How was it? Pictures????

Poli: you study to be a reporter so you should know.. For heaven’s sake, how many journalists have to interview artists and whoever else they don’t like or are not interested in! ;)

Besides that, we all come up with questions for interviews, sometimes we also have conference calls to have a brain-storming, etc etc.. It “only” happens that Thomas lives in Sweden meanwhile the others live in Finland/Austria/United States, which makes it a biiiiiiiit difficult for us to fly to Sweden - normally in short notice - for a 30-60 min interview. It’s expensive enough as it is now anyway. If the interview would be in Finland, Visa would go, and so on.

And on top of that, Thomas is great with interviews, so why change ;)

I absolutely agree with japeke and Judith.

I had no problem with the interview itself, I mean it’s not like the magazine or radio interviewers actually like Marie. I just felt that if Judith had gone for example, at least she would have actually appreciated and been excited about meeting Marie. (I realize she was not able to, I’m just saying that us Marie fans have agonized, longed, worried, missed, waited for her, put up with her ignoring us and when she finally comes back - it’s a Per fan who insults her constantly who meets her!!!!!!!) You do make cruel digs at her Tev, I’m not a Per fan but you don’t see me insulting him every second and I always show respect for the man. As you can see, the MF fans aren’t thrilled about it. But I still love ya :p Let’s get married! Per vs Marie fights over the dinner table!

PS. Judith - I would have paid the $2000 and flown the 26 hours to Sweden for the interview :D And you know I’m not joking :)

PPS. I love sarcasm. I live on it. When it’s directed at a cancer patient - not cool.

Pictures, anyone?

This is way off topic, but my final reply to this: so everybody who claim they like Marie’s album do it to be nice to a cancer patient then? At least I’m honest about it.

I like Marie’s album because I think it is great, not becuase she is old or had cancer. When I first heard it, I did not like it - it grew on me with time.

But as much as I love the Change, I feel that Per’s songs are more “roxette-ish”, afterall he wrote them! But Marie’s voice rox ! It is her voice that makes the songs “roxette-ish”

See where I am going with this? ;)

Marie in the pic looks extremely great!!

I actually wonder what is wrong with some people at this forum at some points. Everyone is of course allowed to have an opinion, but when it turn to stupidity I think it is getting a bit out of hand from time to time. Just because Tevensso is not a person that is behaving like a teenager as soon as he see Marie doesn’t mean that he hate/dislike her. I guess what some of you people who are nagging him are talking about is the review of The Change a long time ago... or at least that is a big part of it, right?! Well, I personally think Marie seem to be (since I don’t know her personally) a really great person, but I still think The Change is the lousiest album I ever heard from her. I didn’t like a single song. But that doesn’t mean I hate her!!! I wonder if some of you will ever get that it is the same with Thomas!?!?

I also think that a crazy (excuse the expression, but it is true) fan is not the right person to interview in this case MF. A good interview should be done by someone professional enough to ask normal and interesting questions that most people are interested in. Having a drewling fan sitting in front of Marie I actually think would result in really poor interview.

And finally, no offense, but someone who is willing to pay $2000 from his/her own pocket for a 30 min interview should either send the money to a charity (since he/she obviously have way too much then anyway) or get some treatment.

There are other things in my life I can/have to spend the money what a last minute flight to Stockholm + hotel + some other expenses would cost with.. :)

And again, Thomas is in Sweden, and he does a great job with interviews (that, again, we prepare together).. I think the interview was great, given the time. IF I would have gone there I would have taken Thomas with me, so too bad for you, he’d have been there and probably would have done the interview in Swedish anyway ;)

But maybe next time when we are offered an interview with Marie we should better just say “thanks but no”? ;)

I also didn’t (and still don’t) like Mazarin, but that doesn’t mean I hate Per or I don’t like any of his work. And see, nothing happened, besides a couple of stupid comments and “hate” emails that I got and a couple of people adding me to their “black lists” (which frankly, makes me feel better, I certainly don’t want to have anything to do with freaks). He survived my comments, didn’t get a depression or alike, if he ever cared to read them ;)

LOL! (I love you too Per_mson!) If I got therapy, I’d have spent all my flight ticket money, wouldn’t I? ;)

It’s not about the album, *I* don’t even like The Change and I’m quite open about that. It’s the mean snipy comments that most fans take offence too. But most of the time, Tev is darn funny and he knows I love him. (You didn’t answer my marriage proposal!) I don’t care who does the interviews, the interview was quite good and well written. It was just annoying that the person who got to do it got no joy from it! I would have felt happier if the person that got to sit with her really enjoyed the experience!

And no, nobody said you should turn down interviews because Tev don’t like Marie. That’s just being dramatic. Nothing wrong with a bit of sarcasm and joking around, but now you guys are taking it too serious and it’s getting into *personal * attacks such as accusing people of needing help. Tev and I mess around and provoke each other all the time and I think neither of us takes it seriously. But when others jump in and join the “fight” it gets really sad.

please note the ;)


We of course won’t turn an interview down because “only” Thomas can make it :P

I wasn’t referring to you being nasty Jud, I know you never would be. I’m referring to certain people who always have to take it a step further by accusing people of being mentally ill. It’s pretty clear I’m messing with Tev when my post is full of smileys and “I love ya’s” but some people have to jump in and turn it into something else.

Just for the record, if I was an insane fan, I’d actually listen to Marie’s music (I listen to Kelly Clarkson and Avril Lavigne, NOT her) and I’d be more involved in the fan world. You won’t find my MF site anywhere on the web cos it’s not there. You will however find my new non-Roxette site which is where I spend my time these days. I come here just to see if Marie’s still alive, basically. She still has a place in my heart as a PERSON, not a star.

Yes, I WOULD spend my money to take an interview with her if I got the chance, why would I turn down an opportunity like that? I’d also do it to take a Madonna interview, and I’m not even her fan. I’d like the experience of speaking to Marie as an equal instead of her looking down on me as a drooling fan, which was the case when I met her!

I’m wondering... Who went to the signing at NK??? I so want to hear all about it!!

x Nienke

maybe you should take a look in the SOAP-Forum...

ååå ja missa det :’(
kommer hon att singnera mer gånger på NK?
snälla skriv till min E-mail då:

I don’t like Maries english album either... But I love Marie. ;)

I luff Thomas too. ;) *blows Thomas big fat kiss*


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