MiracleMan said on October 15, 2005 07:03:
Been listening to BBC Radio on the computer at work a lot last week and I need something explained to me:
Pants=God awful? Example: That movie was pants.
I’ve heard several people using it and it’s rather amusing. If that indeed is what it means, then why?
And why is ‘bollocks’ bad, but ‘the dog’s bollocks’ the best thing to be?
rox-kuryliw said on October 15, 2005 10:39:
pants me is crap lol ie ’ that movie stinks’ ’thats movies pants’ same thing.
I have a friend over from canada, and its been so funny , i had not idea what the hell an egg plant was lol or a zukeny , and me trying to explain what a fag was, was funny lol.
TinyBubbles said on October 15, 2005 12:35:
Thanks for all this MM and Vix. Will try and use all above phrases in my next conversation. (once the garlic wears off)
plectrum said on October 15, 2005 13:08:
wow TB... that garlic must have been the (dogs danglies) lol
coyboyusa said on October 16, 2005 13:16:
and they say americans have perverted the american language lol
Vixzter said on October 16, 2005 13:31:
i use knobber alot ;) means idiot or stupid or whatever ;) tis possibly a vixzterism but me and my mates use it alot.
aswell as pants theres also arse (spelt correctly!!) ;)
MiracleMan said on October 16, 2005 16:28:
HA! Knobber? As in dumb as a doorknob? Here in the US knob is a euphamism for the penis. (Had a completely dofferent connotation when I first saw that) Thought it might have been a synonym of wanker.
Next question: (apologies to Zaine who explained this to me once, but I can’t remember. . .)
Git. I hear it on shows or in movies every now and again, and they used it on Red Dwarf rather frequently.
Also what is a prat exactly? Is it short for somethig?
tevensso (moderator) said on October 16, 2005 17:17:
Nope, a prat is an ass (as in rear end), loser, dork, idiot etc... It can also mean the woman’s sex. I don’t know BE, but I checked a dictionary. :)
Vixzter said on October 16, 2005 18:24:
yup prat = idiot, also pillock is another term for idiot ;-)
git = arsehole etc
the word git comes from old iron works, when they used to make things in molds if there were any bits left hanging off they were called gits, they’d be cut off cos they were useless (hope that makes sense cos it don’t to me)
hence the term useless git ;-)
@MM: you watch Red Drawf??? excellent! ;-)
LittleSpooky said on October 16, 2005 19:29:
Rox: Zucchini is how you spell that one (yeah, figure that one out).
Fag = Slang primarily for homosexual male. Very RARELY have I heard it applied to homosexual women.
Eggplant = Giant purple looking thing that can’t make up it’s mind as to whether or not it’s an egg, or a plant.
Coyboy: There’s a difference betweeen “Queen’s English” and “American English”. And we HAVE perverted “Queen’s English” because American’s have stolen from ALL languages and used them inappropriately.
steven said on October 17, 2005 08:18:
One of my favourite words/sayings is: Cwtch.
It’s a Welsh word that has recently been incorporated into the Oxford English Dictionary.
It has too meanings:
1. a cuddle or hug.
2. a cupboard or cubbyhole.
Example: Give me a cwtch OR Would you like a cwtch etc.
To pronounch it: it rymes with “butch”.
klair said on October 17, 2005 10:53:
Minger and mingin’ are fabulous words!!
minger = ugly person
mingin = something ugly/disgusting
How come we have far more slang words to describe something bad and so few to describe something good?? :)
felicity-brown said on October 17, 2005 14:40:
Because we’re a pessimistic, miserable bunch?! :P
Oi, Thomas it! ;)
felicity-brown said on October 17, 2005 14:43:
@ Klair: Maybe because some idiot decided that the word ’bad’ actually meant good *confused* ;)
ally77 said on October 17, 2005 16:45:
The most “TOP” topic on TDR at the moment, there is no way this is “PANTS”
harriej said on October 17, 2005 20:44:
Somebody called me wicked once...
Is that a compliment? I thought it was....
ally77 said on October 17, 2005 22:21:
I think I want to be a chav, I quite like me burberry... get a top range on market, it ain’t pants like some of that crap I see....
xarrrr said on October 19, 2005 09:17:
aaaaaaah i say wicked all the time.... it means like really cool or something. like if i said that film was wicked it means i really liked it :P
TinyBubbles said on October 19, 2005 11:22:
Just wait till the aussiess bring their slang to this thread!
Vixzter said on October 19, 2005 12:58:
gawd struth mate! ;-) grab some tinnies and we’ll have a barbie
plectrum said on October 19, 2005 18:19:
@,chavs are us eh?wi mi burberry cap,mi strides tucked in mi socks & mi bling from argos round mi neck ...innit
rox-kuryliw said on October 19, 2005 20:08:
ally77 you dont wanna be a chav, i think there foul have to say, when they tuck there joggers in the tracksuit bottoms thats the worst,
MiracleMan said on October 19, 2005 23:19:
Vixy: They used to show Red Dwarf on a Public Television Staion out of St. Louis, Missouri on Sunday nights. Cracked me up. I think I’ve seen the first two or three series. I’ve seen photos etc. from the later series and I have no clue what happened.
So. . . next on my list for undersanding:
WHIN(e)ING. Not sure of the spelling. (Annoying, whiney?)
And I’ll throw in TWEE just for the fun of it. (Too Precious & stuffy?)
DaminehGessle said on October 20, 2005 04:15:
Ya I was amazed how a friend of mine didn’t know what neither zuccini nor eggplant meant! Amazing!
When I was down in the US, I’d say “awesome” and the first question they’d ask would be: Are you Canadian? haha. Or even back East as soon as you say Awesome they’d ask the same thing.
We use wicked quite alot actually.
ally77 said on October 21, 2005 06:48:
I was joking about being a chav..... someone did once buy me a cheap burberry umbrella.... it’s still in the house somewhere, in the wrapping paper!
Anarem said on October 21, 2005 10:58:
I used to love this British show called “At Home With The Braithwaites”. They used the word “pillock” a lot, which is a hoot. I also like the word “tart”, which is sometimes used in Canadian English, but in a more humourous, ironic way.
Anarem said on October 22, 2005 15:53:
Another one:
A co-worker of mine went down to Mexico on holiday, and she met a group of wacky Englishpeople in a hot tub. One of the women had scolded a man she was with, telling him: “Oh, you big girl’s blouse!”
LOL! I love the British. Sigh.
Vixzter said on October 25, 2005 06:08:
going back to the dogs bollocks.......mutts nuts is another way of putting it ;-)
LittleSpooky said on October 25, 2005 07:59:
Vix: Do I wanna know why you’re obsessing with animal genitalia? ;o)
LittleSpooky said on October 25, 2005 17:28:
Fanny = your butt.
ie “I got whacked on the fanny for my birthday, 22 times.”
plectrum said on October 25, 2005 17:53:
lol @ spooks, i’ll try not to embarrass you but f*nny over in the uk means something els which i will not mention
Vixzter said on October 25, 2005 18:11:
you can also describe someone as being a complete/right/total tit ;-) means prat idiot stupid etc
Kazza said on October 26, 2005 12:30:
“gawd struth mate! ;-) grab some tinnies and we’ll have a barbie”
@Vix: The correct spelling is “strewth”.
I have never used the word “tinnie” nor “strewth” in my life. Nor do I say G’day mate! I also personally prefer the word “barbeque”.
But that’s probably just me....
Btw, I know eggplant is aubergine, but what do you call zucchinis elsewhere in the world?
on_a_mission said on October 26, 2005 20:50:
’square go’ = fist fight. That might just be scottish though...
Neil? Help us out here.
steven said on October 27, 2005 10:00:
One “Britishisms” that really get’s “on my wick” (Oh there’s another one! :)
“I ain’t done nothing”
If you “ain’t done nothing” then you have done “something”.
You see a lot of this on the BBC’s “Eastenders”.
klair said on October 28, 2005 13:40:
pick a letter and knock yourself out!!
ally77 said on October 28, 2005 17:02:
Yep I’ve been put off my tea now....
sausage sandwich
ermmmmmmmmm okay!
Debora said on October 28, 2005 17:59:
I’m learning English at the moment and the final test, probably next year, includes lots of idioms... I think I won’t take it...
I can’t understand a word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
DaminehGessle said on October 29, 2005 04:07:
I grew up learning British English so when I moved to Canada, I threw in all these comments noone understood or did, but they were quite uncommon. One was ” it’s raining cats and dogs”. Man I was picked on a few times for that.
Oh and “eh” makes life easy. I’ve noticed Americans use “huh” instead of “eh”. You guys always make fun of us for that.
Queen_Marie said on October 30, 2005 06:53:
That really is a great link, klair! I love the Cockney rhyming slang.
And I had a good laugh reading the Australian Slang link. Some of those words, I haven’t heard in years.
LittleSpooky said on October 30, 2005 07:54:
I’ve used “eh” more times than I care to count and I live in Utah... hell and gone from the Canadian border :o)
Denstandigaresan said on October 30, 2005 13:56:
Hehe, great thread! Missed this. Hmm.
Fliss, did you put down the one i’ve heard you mention on more than one occasion.. MISOG! Hehe!
Miserable old git innit?
I use Accidently on purpose A LOT. I also use a lot 99% of the words listed on here.
I say Amazin’ a lot too. NO idea why, think i’ve picked it up somewhere.
One I have used a lot since watching a documentry type programme here called, ’Life of Grime’, “Stick it up your chuffer”... an old geezer on there used it loads, I liked it so knicked it. ;)
I still occasionally say one my friend always says, i’ve picked it up from him... “Up your chocolate starfish”... in other words, stick it up your arse. ;)
sfchemist said on October 30, 2005 22:47:
I had a tough time explaining “on the pull” to some non-British friends and the many ways that can be used.
rough translation: “i’m out on the pull tonight” = “i’m going out with the intention of meeting someone”
Vixzter said on November 2, 2005 07:17:
everything is chipper or pukka = everything is fine/alright
good grief/blimey/crickey = unbelieveable or words to that effect ;)
kachina008 said on November 2, 2005 08:17:
lol “pukka” is acutally a hindi word. didnt realize it was brit slang till I heard Jamie oliver use it :D
kachina008 said on November 2, 2005 10:56:
pukka actually means perfect.
like “woh eek pukka gadha hain” means he is a perfect ass :P
I think it means the same thing in brit slang tho :)
TinyBubbles said on November 2, 2005 13:19:
Jamie Oliver uses ’pukka’ all the time :) I loveee Jamie *kiss kiss* I think he is pukka!!
felicity-brown said on November 2, 2005 18:21:
Funny site hehe ...amazing how many of these words one uses ...oops! :D
Yup, Mands, I use “misog” (miserable old git) quite a lot ...erm, is it just me on here? I’ve heard peeps around me using it n’all.
Vixzter said on November 7, 2005 17:27:
poppycock = rubbish, crap etc
(saw it on the front of a paper today)
also you could describe something as a load of ’old cobblers’ which also means rubbish, crap etc
steven said on November 7, 2005 20:31:
I haven’t heard that in years!
I’m gonna use that in the office tomorrow.
plectrum said on November 8, 2005 05:33:
cack = rubbish,crap,garbage etc etc etc
going for a gargle/slurp = going to the pub
dropping a log = having a sh*t
laying on the nest = slap & tickle/sex
bottyburp = fart
TinyBubbles said on November 8, 2005 13:51:
What a load of poppycock!! I just loveeeee saying that!!
kachina008 said on November 11, 2005 07:20:
So there is this german guy at work who lived in England for a bit and picked up british things to say...he says them all in a VERY german accent, it is horrifying (I think he is an a**hole) but anyway, here is something he apparently says “Thanks gaff (sp??)”....any idea what that means? i figured it was maybe “gov” but I don’t know. any ideas?
His gf is also picking up the expressions from him, and she says them in a wonderful polish accent. YIKES!@#
LittleSpooky said on November 11, 2005 08:01:
Probably is because in German the V sounds like F and the W sounds like V.
So, technically, a Volkswagen is Folksvagen....
ally77 said on November 11, 2005 10:19:
I keep trying to think of more.... but I can’t come up with them...
pan of scouse... a kind a stew...
Vixzter said on November 11, 2005 11:11:
nutter, nut case, nut job, looney, fruit loop = mad person ;-)
noggin = head
peepers = eyes
knockers, bristol citys (ryhmes with titties) = boobs
plectrum said on November 16, 2005 07:17:
chuffin hell = ?
button it = shut up
slaphead = bald person
LittleSpooky said on November 16, 2005 07:50:
I got into an argument with my Rice Krispies the other day. I distinctly heard: “Snap, crackle, f*** him.” — George Carlin
(just for a laugh)
LittleSpooky said on November 16, 2005 10:42:
“Jesus, Lord, Protector of all that is Holy.... Protect me from fat people in short pants.” — George Carlin, Life is Worth Losing
plectrum said on November 17, 2005 03:42:
just wondered with the dickhead part thats all,don’t worry,sometimes i seam to get a bit emotional from time to time thats all
MiracleMan said on November 17, 2005 05:16:
the whole kit and kaboodle—We use that over here. Not quite up to date slang. . .
Vixzter said on November 17, 2005 07:01:
@plectrum: erm....nope, just when i saw you put slaphead i thought of dickhead ;-)
balls also = bollox, as in load of bollox but same meaning as BS ;-)
ally77 said on November 25, 2005 04:47:
I flippin freezing... is one I hear a lot this time of the year... not exactly british!
plectrum said on December 15, 2005 04:35:
c’mon ally you can do better than that surely lol
how about ......sod this for a lark i’m off for a gargle (a pint)
Vixzter said on December 15, 2005 07:34:
sod this for a game of soilders
tatical chunder
pwbbounce (moderator) said on December 15, 2005 09:41:
All these “Britishism” make us sound really strange!! lol
LittleSpooky said on December 15, 2005 17:47:
Vix: That last one wouldn’t happen to be related to a complete fuster cluck?
Vixzter said on December 15, 2005 18:27:
@spooks: no idea ;-)
anyways.....i’m a bit pissed so you never know what the hell i’ll come up with in the next couple of hours ;-)
Vixzter said on December 15, 2005 18:31:
grin and bear it
theres another one ;-P i swear ist only brits readintthis topic and larfin at themselves ROFLOL
Vixzter said on December 20, 2005 20:37:
pissed as in smashed as in sozzled as in sh*t faced as in tippsy as in trashed as in.......
well that was last week....
and now......
TROLLYIED ( not spelt right but a plural of Trolly.....thing u push at a supermarket)
but anyway it has the same meaning as........
harriej said on December 29, 2005 12:10:
@Vixzter (theres another one ;-P i swear ist only brits readintthis topic and larfin at themselves ROFLOL)
Nope, I am dutch, but I like this topic very much!
Learning some nice English, which I otherwise would never have known ;)
harriej said on December 30, 2005 19:47:
break a leg....nice thing to say to people who go on wintersport!
plectrum said on January 7, 2006 03:28:
have to laugh at vix pmsl.....nowt like getting trolleyed isn’t there?
denny said on March 24, 2006 05:47:
LOL, I just read this thread. I’m using pretty much Serbian/English :P And I have so many different influences but I mostly use American (movies, series and music of course). Recently I began working with Australians and I was quite surprised that I can understand them very well :)
All those slang words are funny but there are two that annoy me soooo much and I don’t know why.... “Mate” and “No worries”... argh.... Hate when my boss tells me No
pwbbounce (moderator) said on March 24, 2006 08:03:
We have a lot of little Guernsey sayings here. No doubt the people going to the meet will hear some next week.
We say “Isit” a lot when we ask questions. And sometimes at the end of a sentence we add an “a”. I haven’t got a clue why, but everyone does it here. It’s quite strange!
Vixzter said on March 25, 2006 15:57:
shut your bark = shut up
pulling your leg = i’m joking (sort of thing)
ally77 said on March 27, 2006 15:53:
This made me laugh...
Can only be in Britain?
One of the British national daily newspapers is asking readers “What it means to be British?” Some of the emails are hilarious but this is
one from a chap in Switzerland...
Being British is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese TV. And the most
British thing of all? Suspicion of anything foreign. Oh and!!!!!
Only in Britain.. can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. Only in Britain do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in Britain do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a DIET coke.
Only in Britain.. do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters.
Only in Britain.. do we leave cars worth thousands of pounds on the drive and lock our junk and cheap lawn mower in the garage.
Only in Britain.. do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won’t miss a call from someone we didn’t want to talk to in the first place. NOT TO MENTION...
3 Brits die each year testing if a 9v battery works on their tongue.
142 Brits were injured in 1999 by not removing all pins from new shirts.
58 Brits are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.
31 Brits have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the fairy lights were plugged in.
19 Brits have died in the last 3 years believing that Christmas decorations were chocolate.
British Hospitals reported 4 broken arms last year after cracker pulling accidents.
101 people since 1999 have had broken parts of plastic toys pulled out of the soles of their feet.
18 Brits had serious burns in 2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their mouth.
A massive 543 Brits were admitted to A&E in the last two years after opening bottles of beer with their teeth.
5 Brits were injured last year in accidents involving out of Control Scalextric cars.
And finally......... In 2000 eight Brits cracked their skull whilst throwing up into the toilet.
Vixzter said on March 27, 2006 16:13:
can i just put any rumours to rest before they even start....... i have never been admitted to hospital injuring myself by opening a bottle of beer with my teeth ;-)
LittleSpooky said on March 27, 2006 23:22:
That’s ironic... that post about “Only In Britian” has been circulated here with “Only In America”
denny said on March 28, 2006 02:38:
@TinyBubbles Nothing’s wrong with ’no worries’ lol, it just annoys me for no reason at all :P
ally77 said on June 25, 2006 12:28:
Not quite all British but I thought they where funny!
A few clowns short of a circus!
A few fries short of a Happy Meal!
An experiment in Artificial Stupidity
Dumber than a box of hair!
A few peas short of a casserole!
Doesn’t have all his cornflakes in one box!
The wheel’s spinning, but the hamster’s dead!
One Fruit Loop shy of a full bowl!
One taco short of a combination plate!
A few feathers short of a whole duck!
The cheese slid off his cracker!
Body by Fisher, brains by Mattel!
Has an IQ of 2, but it takes 3 to grunt!
Warning: Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear!
Couldn’t pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel!
He fell out of the Stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down!
An intellect rivaled only by garden tools!
As smart as bait!
Chimney’s clogged!
Doesn’t have all his dogs on one leash!
Doesn’t know much but leads the league in nostril hair!
Elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top floor!
Forgot to pay his brain bill!
Her sewing machine’s out of thread!
His antenna doesn’t pick up all the channels!
His belt doesn’t go through all the loops!
If he had another brain, it would be lonely!
Missing a few buttons on his remote control!
No grain in the silo!
Receiver is off the hook!
Several nuts short of a full pouch!
Skylight leaks a little!
Slinky’s kinked!
Surfing in Nebraska!
A few sandwiches short of a picnic!
MiracleMan said on July 13, 2006 00:14:
My own: A few syllables short of a haiku
My mother would yell at us: “You couldn’t pour pee out of boot with the instructions on the heel.” I miss that.
Anarem said on July 13, 2006 01:58:
I like your Mom’s moxie, Miracleman!
Another Britishism I discovered recently was “chav”. Whoa!
Vixzter said on July 13, 2006 06:26:
Chav lol yea thats Brit.
’Going off on one’
ie: He/she went off on one = lost their temper etc
MiracleMan said on July 15, 2006 16:28:
My mother once—in a moment of exasperation—turned to my father and said, “We should have drowned them when we had the chance.”
She also used to say in repsonse to an “I want“ statement: “People in Hell want icewater.” I like to use that at work.
God, I miss that woman.
Vixie: there’s a lot of going off over here too—She went off on me.
Anarem said on July 16, 2006 18:58:
Who would we be without our mothers? :-)
My mom used to say, “Geez, I wish I could set the whole house on fire so I wouldn’t have to clean it.” I think it sounds better in her mother tongue, there is always something lost in translation. :-)
Other Britishisms I discovered while watching Little Britain (I love that show!):
whateveriam said on August 5, 2006 23:06:
New one which I only just remembered to include.
Nate asked me what it meant, so I explained that it is slang for Christmas.
Another one-I’ve only ever heard Brits call themselves this-Whovians (Doctior Who fans)
Another-dingbat/divot (pronounced div-ott with a HARD t)- slang term for general idiocy or idiots. As in -you divot!
Oh, and finally ’muppetry’. This is another term for stupidity
Vixzter said on August 6, 2006 13:50:
this one s abit rude...
knob jockey
means idiot or such like.
you could also call someone a knob or a my fav lately....knobber ;-) also means the same as a above.
ally77 said on October 9, 2006 11:51:
Don’t know why... but the word WANKER keeps popping up a lot these days!
plectrum said on October 9, 2006 14:11:
If i fell into a barrel of t!ts i’d still come out sucking my thumb.
The lights on but the batteries dead.
The lights on but no-one is in.
ally77 said on October 9, 2006 16:28:
The lights on but no-one is in....
That’s my dad.... bless him!
realsuga said on October 15, 2005 07:10:
not sure about the pants one but the reason why the ’dog’s bollocks’ is a good thing, is cause a dog can lick his balls! Seriously.....apparently that’s a good thing, lol