ally77 said on September 3, 2005 06:26:
Sorry having a theme moment here...
But can I say I hate parents who let there kids run around and cause havark to other people, and even worse parents who think they are perfect parents when really they have real issues abnout parenting....
Take for example a blonde 23 year old mother of two near me.... you can imagine the kind, would rather entertain her friends and let her kids get up to whatever the want... now no real problem with this but when one of those children is under the age of two and it’s running around the close on it’s own I am really concerned for the child well being...
A lot of my older neighbours have mentioned this, and I swear it’s an accident waiting to happen.... she don’t seem to give a shit about the poor child....
People like that should be banned from having kids....
Roxfever said on September 3, 2005 11:41:
There is even a law that supports those bastard children in Germany. If a little bastard child which is under 14 (or 11? I don’t know exactly which age) runs into a driving car, damagas a neighbor’s window, ... and the parents can prove that they kept an eye on their little bastard child the owner of the car, the window, etc. has to pay for the damage caused by the little bastard child and not the parents’ insurrance. It might be true in some cases the parents really watched their little bastard and that their bastard child is such a bastard that having an eye on it doesnt’s help but I wonder why innocent people get blamed for it. This is quite weird....
coyboyusa said on September 3, 2005 13:14:
i think they shoudl devise a time released contraceptive give to women at birth so the one swho should be mothers dont have kids when they r 16
ally77 said on September 3, 2005 19:31:
@ Anarem ..... ha ha I loved that!
@ TInybubbles, make it 30!
Anarem said on September 4, 2005 22:05:
@coyboy: why just the women? Why not give male babies reversible vasectomies at birth? :-P
kachina008 said on September 5, 2005 07:44:
wow, Listen to us trying to determine the genetic future of the planet!
While I agree that some people just should not have kids, how can you justify putting a control like that on the population? sounds a hell of a lot like the Nazi philosophy of the perfect Aryan race. How about educating ppl?
TinyBubbles said on September 5, 2005 12:24:
Hold yer horses Ally haha. I’d like to have a baby before i’m 30 please :)
TinyBubbles said on September 5, 2005 12:38:
But Kachina dont you think it would be better to make people work for the chance to have children. Force them in working for it. People need to understand that having children is a privelage and not a right and that accidently falling pregnant without being prepared emotionally/financially is actually not ok. In this country where i am i see kids as young as 13 becoming parents and they are being told it is OK. Really you shudn’t do this kids, but now that it has happened it is ok and everything will be fine. Here is more social welfare and here is a council house. Congratulations for falling pregnant. Well done!! I’m afraid education doesn’t work where this is concerned.
Omg i’m getting so worked up now. *Breathe BREATHE*
kachina008 said on September 5, 2005 13:30:
TB: maybe but what you describe is the breakdown of society...which is something we should work on, instead of restricting people’s basic birth right to reproduce. Lemme tell you, imposing those kind of restrictions are not going to work!
here’s the pickle tho...both men and women hit puberty about 12-13. which means that the human animal can reproduce at that age. But in our society, that is a seriuos no no. Why is that? possibly because kids that age are just kids and cannot bear the responsibility of bringing up a child. But we as a society have decided this, and not mother nature. interesting, isn’t it?
Jud (moderator) said on September 5, 2005 15:30:
I always have to laugh when they say “no to gay adoption” - wth?? what about all those (straight) parents that abuse their children, don’t take care of them, ignore them, don’t love them, isn’t that affecting the child???
We have such families around here too, there are a bunch of kids (4-5) running wild on our street, playing with balls, skates, whatever.. I’m always afraid they’ll hit my car :/ And u think they would pay? The kids themselves are frightening, let alone the parents :O
Santi said on September 5, 2005 23:52:
Kachina: According to Richard Dawkins (the zoology professor of Oxford who wrote The Selfish Gene) if we didn’t allow people to have kids when they’re too young, humans would have longer lives, reaching normally way longer than 100 years :P:D
He also says that is quite a crazy idea and that no politician could ever try to make it work :P I agree it feels too totalitarian...
kachina008 said on September 6, 2005 09:22:
I should have read “selfish gene” !!
I guess the human race will never do what is good for it :P
TinyBubbles said on September 6, 2005 12:28:
I guess that makes me totalitarian then cuz i still feel the same.
kachina008 said on September 6, 2005 15:30:
TB: here’s another way of putting it. How would you like it if your government told you that you couldn’t have babies because you were...well...blonde for example? :P
TinyBubbles said on September 9, 2005 12:29:
What?! Are you mad?!! No blondes?! We are already a dying race without government intervention lol! What would the world be like without blonde jokes?!
Now i would however like my government to prevent a 16 y.o. with no proper education and no job to have babies. If a 16 y.o. had a house and made enough money to afford 10 children, then by all means SURE!! If there are people (young or old) living on welfare, having more babies which I, the taxpayer, have to support - now why is it so wrong for me to want to prevent this?
A girl across the road from me is 17. She is expecting her 2nd child. Her entire family including herself lives off welfare. Her mom has to take care of her child as she could’t care less. And now she is expecting another one. I often see her on the street with supspicious characters, smoking and drinking and then i wonder what that unborn child will be like :( Why is it so wrong for me to want to prevent people like her to have kids?
Santi said on September 9, 2005 15:06:
Because as the saying in English goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. It wouldn’t be too long until it would begin to be misused and just privileged people could have children.
Besides, the way you put it (have a house and can afford 10 children) only rich people could have it. My parents don’t have a house, we rent. What’s wrong with that? I know I come from a poor family, but I like to believe that children are people and are something more than a luxury item, as you seem to put them.
About making some kind of mental exam, let me tell you that what you proposed is far from new, it’s called eugenics, and in its modern form it’s more than 100 years old. It was certainly popular in Germany in the 30’s... if you know what I mean. A good movie on this is Gattaca (by Andrew Niccol - 1997)... As the movie seems to state, if we start this path, it will be misused and it’s going to be hell to get rid of it.
About people living off the government and expecting more children... Well, seriously, sometimes it is important that they have their freedom to do so, not because what they do is good or bad, but because the freedom of that individual ensures your own freedom.
ally77 said on September 10, 2005 07:12:
Oh god my neighbours from hell have returned from there 3 weeks in Florida... god help me!
TinyBubbles said on September 10, 2005 12:32:
That freedom you are talking about causes a lot of heartache and bad bad karma.
I really do think bringing unwanted children into this world is criminal and that is just how i feel.
ally77 said on September 20, 2005 20:19:
All a child needs is love and attention from a parent or parents.... money is not always needed, as long as a child can be given love and warmth.... that’s all that matters... .
ally77 said on October 4, 2005 21:09:
Oh my god, a quiet evening.... jeez someone must have kidnapped all the children!
Anarem said on September 3, 2005 06:47:
I’ve always liked the concept of putting contraceptives in a city’s drinking water supply, and if someone really wanted to have a child, they would have to prove to authorities that they are mentally and financially stable enough to have one. Once a person’s fitness as a parent is proven, the authorities would hand that person an antidote for the contraceptives in the water, allowing them to have children.
I can’t believe I just wrote that, because I believe completely in personal freedom, but geez, children are a gift, and they will be totally dependent on you for the rest of your life. Stupid people don’t realize that, self-centred people don’t realize that, teenage mothers don’t realize that. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been to the Wal-Mart, and seen parents screaming at their children for doing some thing or another. The one time I saw a woman actually reprimading her child in a completely non-abusive way, I almost wanted to shake her hand. Sad, really, that this woman is one of the exceptions.
I fear for the future, because some of those little bastard children will be the ones wiping my bum when I become an incontinent old fogey. Ugh.