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Marie Dimberg comment to Maries rumour

23 replies

Here is her answer by mail concerning the rumour Marie would be in hospital ...

“there’s absolutely no truth in this.

Good to know, thanks for asking and telling.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm fair enough! :)

soothing - even if none of us really believed that SHIT...

What you fools, its obvious that Miss Dimberg is lying to us.


Marie is documenting her death, I can’t believe people would even 1/1000000000000000000..etc believe this after the change (thankful to live theme) and after you apply common sense!

Did anyone really need this confirmation? I sure as hell didn’t !

Why did you get answer from her?
Who are you?

@ chrisjankunas, not to darkened the day but brain tumours can return.... pray to go this never happens to Marie but it’s real life and I am sure Marie lives with that worry most of her days now....

Yeah I know they can return but she’s filming her final days????
No no no !

I don’t think Marie would ever do something like that.. I mean who would want to watch such a thing!

If anything like that happens, we would be some of the first to know. Look how quickly Per responded on the “replacing Marie” issue. I wish people would just use some of the greymatter, once in a while, that the dear lord gave them.

Over and out.

Well, the docu-part was idiotic but it could have been that parts of the rumour were true...

So, thank you for asking and telling. I only hope, that it’s really a comment by MD and not just another rumour. ;-)

Thanx for clearing up.

PS I didn’t believe that Marie would make such a documentary. And I hope that she is doing fine :)

and this one to be archived...for a third time! (readers dont seem to learn... :)

I don’t think it needs to be archived, if it’s kept civill!

where did you get the info regarding the docu from?

It’s just a silly rumour... there is no docu!

Oh well, look at the SVT website and you still can see as streaming video the documentary of the last days of a former TV host, it seems. She died because of a degenerative disease...
It wouldn’t be the first time if it was true...

Found the e-mail address in the i-net. Why she answered my mail? Because I asked her ;) Dont know. But it’s great that she did it!

PS I didnt want to start new thread - but the others were closed, so ...

You found MD email on the internet.....

I did find it as well, on 2 minutes research, what’s special about that? :O

WOW have i missed something ? what are we on about :-O

so.. now we know what we already knew...

thanks god that it´s not true!!

Great. I’ve talked to Dimberg myself, and she says exactly the same; not an ounce truth in this. Let’s stop wondering for now, or Expressen will read this and start the fire again.


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