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How is Marie?

74 replies

My mum asked me how is that women from roxette now , i had to say i have no idea ? Has they been any news how she is or what she is up to ? is she just chilling out ? ? ? any recent pics in press or anything :-S

Seems nothing since the last single release....

There are no pics right now.

Hope that she is okay right now.

I’ve heard that she moved to spain!

She bought a holiday home in Spain!

Sparvoga: I TOLD YOU camping in her yard wasn’t a good idea... but NOOOOOOOOOOOO... you just had to listen to Vix on this ;o)


Hello, Asa told me that Marie is relaxing in Spain the whole summer. So she really bought a house there. She also told me that Marie is feeling very well, because she does not need to take the medicine anymore. She also is looking better again.
Asa also said, we should be patient as regard Roxette. There will be something again, but don’t know when. It was a hard time for both Marie and Per...

Thanks to Asa !!! It was a wonderful time staying at Hotel Tylösand ! :-)

@ Littlespooky - LOL!!! ;o)

Asa really say that bunny or is that a joke ? ! :-S if not a joke its wonderful to hear :-)

@Bunny2: When did you met her?

“we should be patient as regard Roxette. There will be something again”

what a relief!!! I knew it!! That´s what I wanted to hear!

@ bunny2... your not telling porkies are you...

bunny2: Is it really true??!! Has Åsa really said that??!!

You shouldn’t believe german fans...

Hmm.... hope that it is true.......

well listen its rubbish its absoluty not true
she or he doesn,t have had any kind of contact with åsa if so it was on aftonbladet first
but there is nothing about marie
it,s just a made upe storry to help you believe it

it,s just to pull a stunt no one know more and better about marie then marie her self she will come with the news as she find her self ready for it
and it could be next year with the aneversary of roxette

wait till the official statements of the press before cheering


I find it hard to believe Åsa gave out that kind of information about Marie...too bad I’m not in Sweden anymore to see if Marie’s face is normal!

Hey what happened to the funny post from Kathrin calling me stupid for camping in Marie’s lawn? Hmm, well just so you know I had a great time toasting marshmallows with Marie by the fire, singing campsongs and getting drunk. And Vix and Spooks are probably the only ones who get the sarcasm....

Sarcasm is my best friend.

Of course, I had one of my posts deleted by the mods (NO COMPLAINTS) because I slagged someone.

Sparvoga: What songs did you sing? I hope to hell it wasn’t Kirk, Spock, and McCoy’s rendition of “Row Row Row Your Boat” ;o) (Reference ST: V, the Search for God)

How boring, slagging people is fun. Speaking of slagging, Marie and I had a great time slagging Per during my camping trip in her garden. We made up funny songs about him and she told me all the goss about his facelifts...all 7 of them! Don’t even start me on the lipo...

Yeah baby!

Hey... did the kidlets hang with you? Or was it strictly ADULTS ONLY?

No, adults only, it was too cold to be camping in a celebrity’s garden with little kids. Where’s Vix, she usually gets in on our little me-camping-in-Marie’s-garden charades!

LOL, I like your sarcasm!

@crashroxer: you ARE German !!!!

People listen: I really met her in Halmstad at Hotel Tylösand while I stayed there this summer together with 2 of my friends. She really said that to me ! Why I should lie ??? I am not that person.

I just thought about telling you this since it’s very nice to know now that Marie is better now. Asa was really cute. Even my heart was beating faster when I stood in front of her. I wasn’t sure if I will ask her about Marie, but it was my chance. I’m more happy now.

Believe it or not ! I do not care of people who think I am lying!!!

To the ones who believe me: Ain’t it just wonderful to know that Marie is feeling better again ! And that she is relaxing in Spain with her wonderful family ?

@crashroxer(again): I met her July the 5th in the hotel.

Bunny2, thank you for telling us! People are just skeptical after these months of silence, don’t take it personal. That’s indeed great to hear, for Marie personally and for Roxette as well ...especially in combination with Per’s hint at the front page... ;-)

ps. I think crashroxer was ironic.

I think she’s sunbathing in the backyard of her house in Spain.

Let’s see what the future brings. I bet they’ll surprise us in 2006...

No, he wasn’t ironic, he really isn’t German and I’m not being ironic either when I say thank God, heheheheee :-) No,... but orginally he’s from another country I can’t remember right now but maybe he will tell us (?).

Unfortunately I can’t believe bunny2 either (don’t take it personally) but nevertheless I hope it will turn out to be true of course.

I read it again and I believe Bunny. If she was going to make up something then she’d probably say something like Åsa said there’s a new album next year. I find it a bit strange that Åsa is telling thing about Marie’s medicine though, she shouldn’t do that! Anyway thanks for sharing your news Bunny, it’s nice to hear.

Hey Spravoga? Learn any really good “adult” jokes? I’m runnin a little thin over this a-way (I live in Mormonville, USA mind you) and I figure ANYONE outside of the US can’t be as uptight as they are here about “adult” jokes


Oh yeah... next time... Marie asks you not trample the perennials (spelling?). They’re a bitch to grow back!

I also belive Bunny! I mean why shouldn’t Åsa tell that Marie is relaxing in Spain? That’s not secret at all that she bought a house there! And as Sparvöga said, she didn’t tell anythin about a new album! I wouldn’t believe if Åsa had shared a secret about a new album with a fan but in this way it sounds likely.

Per also told about the house in Spain.. some people simply can’t seem to stand that another person meets Rox&Related when they are not around..

i only wanted to know how marie was doing and up to LOL LOL

Hi everybody! I think it´s great to know that Marie feels good and I think her time near her family is very importent at the moment. I believe the story about the meeting with Asa- why not!?
Marie already told us that she´s back again in the message when her CD came out. She even said that she sometimes didn´t know if she could finished the album: so let her time!!! She din´t forgot her fans!

Why should Asa tell anything about Marie? It´s private. And for me the first time to hear that she´s talking about Marie´s illness with a fan.

I’m happy that I waited for another comment from Bunny2. So it wasn’t a joke :) Now I start believing in it... What made me suspicious was the part about Roxette, that we will have to wait for Roxette... I mean, how come Åsa knows such things. Does she really know future plans for Roxette?..

maybe, just maybe, because she is married with half of Roxette? Dunno, normally couples talk about work and future plans as well...

Marie needn´t medicines? It seems early. When Sparvogamarie met Marie in the Spring, so she took medicines yet and already not? I wish it was right!!!

@Breathe8: Anyone lies!

@Zelda: not necessarily a lie must be involved. I know from the time when I had to take cortisone that you can’t stop taking it from one day to the other, you have to fade it out (slowly reduce the dose day by day). So I guess sparvoegamarie saw Marie when she already took reduced medicine and now maybe the “fade out time” is over and she doesn’t have to take it anymore.

Although I’m also sceptical ’bout these new I hope that these are right (don’t want to say with this statement that anyone is telling lies here). Just hope that Marie is fine.

I believe Bunny... =) and I’m really happy for this little news!

btw, crashroxer IS german and he was surely ironic... ;)

Living in a certain country doesn’t mean you have to be a citizen of that particular country ;-)

Watch my profile...

I had a friend on cortisone and she said it took a few weeks to look normal after she stopped. So I guess it’s possible she had already stopped when I saw her but she was still swollen.

Jud: I don’t think anyone didn’t believe Bunny because they couldn’t stand it that she met Åsa (who would be jealous of meeting Åsa??? :p ) but it just sounded weird to me that Åsa would be giving such info on Marie. Then again Per gave out some very personal details about Marie’s illness to my 2 friends, I guess if you want the real news go to him and his wife!

@ Sparvöga: check your e-mail... ;-)!

Maybe that’s the reason why Per & Åsa weren’t invited to the weddings... They’ll give out everything :D LOL

@Sparvogamarie, I guess you are not going to tell us what he said but would you less us know whether it would be good news or not so good news if we knew the news :-)? Please ;-)

Sometimes you find out the most interesting stuff when you act like they’re “another human being rather than a rock star”.

A few years back, I was doing some volunteer security work and had met several guest stars from Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as a couple of the writers (tech manuals not episode writers). I was standing out in the parking lot with one lady who looked like she was having a fit over something. I’d asked what was up and spent the next 45 minutes discussing the high points of having a kid getting ready to hit the lovely teenage years of “You won’t let me do anything I hate you” phase.

When all was said and done with the convention, I’d been invited to dinner at the hotel’s restaraunt (one of these days I’ll learn to spell that word), and the writers, the actress I’d been talking to, and one of the other actors and I had a good dinner together. We joked and laughed and I’d learned that the brother of one of the writers was going in for major surgery (didn’t say what, I didn’t ask) and he was kind of worried.

All in all, I learned more about them than what’s in the bios on the internet or fan club. Why? Because I talked to them on the level. Sometimes, a person needs an “outside” party to listen to their fears.

Sparv: was not talking about you ;)

No prob Jud I didn’t think you meant me, I just thought that everyone doubted Bunny because it is weird that Åsa would tell about Marie’s medication. Considering how secretive Marie has been about her illness, especially her medicines, that Åsa would go and tell a fan!

The stuff Per said was 3 years ago so it’s nothing new. He just told my friends about how Marie was doing at the time, and it wasn’t good news but that’s cos it was a few weeks after her surgery and she was having some problems.

Spooks: Actually you are so right, I think stars forget to act like stars if you approach them as a person. That’s what happened to my friends when they met Per (see above), they were chatting with him and he just started telling about Marie. And when I met Micke a while ago, and I just asked if his wife was ok. He was sooooo sweet and thanked me several times for being kind enough to ask about her, and spoke for a few minutes about how Marie was fine but recovering very slowly, and how cancer takes a long time and stuff. And when I think about it, when I did meet Marie she was very friendly until I showed that I knew who she was. Then suddenly she wanted to leave. I should have pretended I didn’t have a clue who she was!

And it’s not just that stars “forget being someone other than”, it’s WE forget that they’re human too! We get so wrapped up in that they have a talent and we’ve been granted the privelidge of experiencing this talent, that we’ve forgotten that they can succumb to the same problems that everyone else does.

While this is not true for MOST of us, it seems to me that some have forgotten that Marie’s human. Cancer is a TERRIFYING thing. It’s doubly so when it involves the brain, or other ’critical’ organs. There is so much we don’t know about the brain and its functions beyond the need to protect it. Has anyone ever talked with someone who used to box for a living? I have at the mission / church my mom and her husband run out of their home (no, he’s not my step dad... he’s just my mom’s 3rd husband). You’re lucky to follow the conversation at all.

Why? Because the brain’s banged around on the inside of the skull so much that it’s been bruised, bloodied and swollen and things like memory, sight, motor coordination, speech and other things are DRASTICALLY affected.

The actress I was talking about? She has a kid who I believe is now 18, or older now. When we talked, she couldn’t understand how to connect with her kid. I asked her to stop and think about when she was that age, and how she reacted to her mom and what not. I also told her to remember to tell said kid “I love you, no matter what” on a regular basis, and rather than lecture - have an active discussion on sex, alcohol, drugs, and so on down the line. She’d be surprised at how much her kid listens.

I also reminded her that her kid needed to also find out “life’s lessons” first hand sometimes. I’m sure most of us here remember sticking our hand on a hot object (no matter how many times we were told not to).... you learned first hand how hot that stuff was, and you didn’t do it again... right? I told her that it was about the same thing. Because I talked to this lady as if she were a next door neighbour or a friend up the road, she told me later at dinner, she felt better about facing the “Teenaged Monster” at home.

And she wondered if I had kids of my own. I said No, but I remember the sage advice of my mom, my gramma, and a lot of my teachers. I’ve also got friends (by this time I was in Community College) who have the same problem in relating to THEIR kids.

First and foremost: These people ARE HUMAN. Whether or not Åsa told so and so information isn’t surprising. Given half the chance... and about 2 days of hanging out with them and their friends, I bet I could come home with stories that would make people here jealous.

That’s all it boils down to, I think.

I agree, Spooks

Well said Spooks ;)

Hello again. Well, Asa told me that, because I begged her to give me an answer. She was really sweet. I mean, I asked her and I was very friendly. Maybe she was nice because she knows me already from all the years I ” followed” Roxette.

My friends met Per some days later. He was nice as always as they told me. But I was wondering why they did not ask them for any news.

When I met Per last summer in Halmstad I also asked him about Marie, but as always he isn’t that big talking man. Just some words like “Yeah, she is fine” and stuff like that.

But I believe Asa. She doesn’t need to answer if she wouldn’t wanted. But she did and I am happy about it. Thanks to the people who share my news and believe me ! HUGS!

Guys I think Bunny is Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agree Spooks, it makes me sick when I hear fans say stuff like ’it’s time for Marie to do something, it’s been 2 years since her cancer bla bla bla...” it’s like...the woman’s been through HELL, she’s sick, she’s not just gonna get better because you guys want an album from her!! It’s possible that Marie has some permanent damage from her accident and illness too but some fans can’t accept that because she’s “not human, she’s a star”.

I’ll admit, I’m guilty of wanting to hear something “new” from Roxette, but you know what?

Ultimately, I am ever so glad that the life force of this woman was not taken from us at such an early time. I would miss her input into my life with the music she’s already produced, and what she could possibly do in the future. It would have been a devistating loss to the music community (even though most people today have no idea who Roxette even IS).

People who know Marie well enough, well know that she would also choose to put her family first, and this happening with her health, it’s god damn obvious the last thing on her mind over the past two years was her thinking... “oh we must make a new album”

ally77, you are so right ! thanks for your words ! :-)

>>”Ultimately, I am ever so glad that the life force of this woman was not taken from us at such an early time.”

Beautifully put Spooks. For me personally, yeah I’d love to have her back but if she never returns I’m just glad she is still alive and going on with her life even if I can’t see or hear from her. It’s kind of like an ex-boyfriend or something, I can’t have that person anymore but I’m glad they’re enjoying their life. Does that make sense? Ah I’m talking rubbish.

Perfect sense to me.

Well said Sparvogamarie ;)

I also agree that the way you speak to a famous person makes all the difference. I’ve never had a proper conversation with Marie. Partly because although ive met her a few times the situation wasnt really right to get into a proper conversation, partly because both of us are shy, partly because i would find it hard to be natural around her because she is such an idol of mine.
I had a long conversation with Per though at the after show party in Karlstad on the Room Service tour. In that different setting he was very easy to talk to. It also helped that although i am a big Roxette fan, Marie has always been the one i am more a fan of, so i wasnt so starstruck talking to him. We must have talked for 10-15 minutes, and it was a very natural conversation. It wasnt like i was talking to a pop star, just that i was talking to someone i had met for the first time. He was telling me about how he and the band did some sightseeing in Scotland after the Summer Joyride tour in 1992 and how he went to Loch Ness. We talked about other things that i cant remember much aswell, but in that 10 minutes i learnt much more about his natural personality than i could have learned in 20 years of being a fan and reading interviews. Other times i have met him outside venues, etc he has been a bit standoffish, but in that natural setting i could tell he was a really nice guy who just happened to be famous. I would love to have a conversation like that with Marie someday, although it will probably never happen

Ncurran: I was standing next to Per for most of that party....were you the one Per was talking to when someone interrupted him, and he turned back to the person he was talking to and said drunkenly “WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CENTRE....errrr...I mean, WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CENTR....SENTENCE! IT WAS INTERESTING, WHAT WERE WE TALKING ABOUT????” Then he couldn’t remember. Hilarious.

Hej bunny2 :) cool that you met her again and asked her. I’ve heard it already before I came here and read it! I guess you know from whom!:D
Sad is that TDR is still the same...full of jealousy and arrogance...and what do we learn from this: keeping your news for yourself and just share them with your friends! ;)
PS: somebody who doesn’t want to be mentioned found out the prize of her bag....I just can say...oHGMYGOD

Have a nice day Bunny2!!

Greetings from an old friend....
disappearing from here again like a flash

Sparvoga, i think so yes, but its a bit of a blur as i had had a few beers! was a pretty long conversation, and we did get interupted...then i started talking to that woman from EMI. Li Eriksson or something? She was really nice aswell.

I saw someone famous today... perhaps only known to us UKers who watch C.Street.... the guy who plays Sean Tully in the show was shopping in my local ASDA, guys, he just as good looking as he is in the soap!

CRIZ: Yeah I know what you mean, I was sorry I shared about meeting Marie after some people made horrible comments. But at the same time you have to ignore those fools, because a lot of people were happy to get my news about Marie. And I’m happy to hear Bunny’s news. Considering we can’t trust the newspapers the only news we get is from fans who are lucky enough to meet someone!! So we should be grateful when a fan shares something!

Right! We’re thankful for every snippet! Some people will always complain anyway.

hej Bunny 2! What´s your mail adresse?

I hope fine.

I used to take cortisone when used to have Asthma but I stopped after I got operated on my nose cuz now I don’t have asthma anymore!
But in my fade out time I had allot of Headaches!

i´m not like that


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