The Beauty of Cultural Diversity
Oldag75 said on February 22, 2005 17:45:
The insistence by so many in the world that no culture is better than any other, that all cultural practices must be honored/embraced as equal by folks of other cultures, is beautifully illustrated by today’s (Feb 22) Associated Press story – such a marvelous example of cultural rationality. And now with a resounding BRAVO! to all the multi-culturalists...
2-year-old betrothed to man, 42
Pakistani tribe issues decree to punish her uncle
Associated Press
MULTAN, PAKISTAN - A tribal council in Pakistan has ordered the betrothal of a 2-year-old girl to a man 40 years older to punish her uncle for an alleged affair with the man’s wife, police said Monday.
The council decreed the girl must marry 42-year-old Mohammed Altaf, her uncle’s cousin, when she turns 18.
Altaf, a farmer, divorced his 32-year-old wife over her alleged love affair with his 20-year-old cousin, Mohammed Akmal. Akmal, a bachelor and also a farmer, has no children.
Altaf asked tribal elders in the village of Kacha Chohan, about 215 miles west of the city of Multan in Punjab province, to convene a panchayat, or council, on Feb. 15 to arbitrate and propose a punishment. As punishment, the elders ordered the girl’s betrothal and ruled Akmal should also pay a $3,800 fine to the husband.
Village councils in conservative rural regions of Pakistan traditionally rule on local disputes including those involving a family’s “honor” purportedly being besmirched by allegations of improper sexual behavior.
Police chief Maqsoodul Hassan said an investigation has been started into the case involving the 2-year-old girl, but they have made no arrests as no one had filed a complaint.
Rashid Rahman, a lawyer and Multan-based coordinator with the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, condemned the village council’s decision.
Rahman said that the betrothal of a minor did not itself break the law, but forcing a woman to marry against her will carried a maximum 14-year jail sentence. Underage marriage is also illegal but is only punishable by a fine.
purplemedusa said on February 22, 2005 18:05:
Sarcasm alert!!