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Det hjärta som brinner

7 replies

Hello everyone, i was listening the song “Det hjärta som brinner” and I like so much the intro, i love those drums by micke, but when i hear the solo moment of the drums almost in the middle of the song... shouldn´t be the same beats of the drums? Why are they different? Is this a mistake?? I like to hear exactly the same notes, or beats in both times :-)

yup i know what are you talking about. it appears in 1:48 and it sounds realy weird, but i dont think that’s an error. they added hi-hat to the section and it’s just the way the drums sound.

Could someone be so kind and tell me what that mysterious hi-hat is?:)

hi-hat is a part of the drums...those 2 cymbals that stick together every now and then ;-)

i believe micke made a mistake during the recording but they thought it sounded good and they didn’t want to record the drums another time so they kept it; i like it

Is that hi-hat a mistake?? I didn´t know it, it doesn´t seem a mistake :-s But i wasn´t talkin about it, i was talkin that why are different the beats of intro (00:15 - 00:19) , and this part of the song, 01:14 - 01:18, shouldn´t both ones be the same? or equals, almost in all songs they are, it is usual. Hope you understand me, sorry if this is a bit complicated to explain... Iam talkin about the drums by Micke, that part when the drums have their solo moment. (excuse my bad english).

What mistakes are you talking about? THEY are professionals!!! Songs are pruduced and revised (or whatever to call it) many times.

@snowman: why do they have to be the same? it would be boring if there were the same parts in the song...

Auryte, i know they are professionals, that´s why i admire them, they are my icons, i didn´t say it was a mistake, i just asked if those beats shouldn´t be the same.
Jackeill, I understand it would be “bored” i mean that it sounds great in the intro, but i don´t like so much the second part, the intro is better, why not repeat it? But who can tell us what happen to this song??, Maybe i´m a fool, maybe iam right, who knows?? me not.


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