Aaso said on November 29, 2004 16:49:
Hey, These days I was so busy with this site. Well I wanted to know if anybody here knows it or is a member...
The most popular nastionality in the Members belongs to Brazil , then USA, then Iran.
I like it, I have found a lot of my old friends there such as my high school friends and also my best friend when I was 8 years old!!!!!
Aaso said on November 30, 2004 10:48:
oh realy? I did not know that. well of course somebody invited me first :)))
I can invite you if you want just leave your mail address for me..
Kazza said on November 30, 2004 11:43:
lawyer is a member and he invited me to join about a week ago.
Aaso said on November 30, 2004 11:52:
I dunno ... we can increase the members number of roxette there as well ;)
zaine said on November 30, 2004 12:18:
I been on there for a while now too, seems like I’m the only Brit but still... it’s a great place actually
Kazza said on December 1, 2004 10:05:
@Aaso: Thanks for adding me!
@zaine: I added you to mine. I have no idea if it worked!
animalkingdom said on December 1, 2004 12:01:
ha ha ha...was just laughing over the title of the topic... orkut in finnish is a slang word for orgasms.. :)
DaminehGessle said on December 4, 2004 07:08:
Me too aaso. I have invited some of my Canadian friends and they weren’t very interested because they haven’t been through changes in their lives. I think because we have moved from a country to another and gone through changes, we’ve lost many people. I personally found some of my friends I never thought I would find again. I am so happy to have found them and can’t wait to go back to Iran and see them all.
By the way, when you say Iran is 3rd, does that mean Iranians or the country Iran? Because there are many people there that are iranian but live in other countries and there is no Iran mentioned in their profiles.
Aaso said on December 6, 2004 15:19:
yeah it’s just people who lives in Iran and mentioned it in their profile. Of course you know that there are a lot of Iranian joining from other countries and also I think there are some Iranian inside Iran which chose another country for thier profile due to the security problems :)
And I agree with you about goting through changes ..
Aaso said on December 6, 2004 18:41:
well lawyer in Iran situation is completely diff from what you may think. people are afraid of the government making any problems for their lives. There was some kinda believe that the sping system in Iranian government is using the information and data on ORKUT and as you may see in their policy they are not guarantying any abuse of the information on the site! So some people do not give the correct information :)
zaine said on December 6, 2004 21:07:
PM, it’s a kinda network system, so you add yourself and make a profile etc, then invite friends to join. You get to meet people through various ’communities’ eg Roxette, Music, Sports, cooking etc, and also by friends of friends. it’s quite cool, only the server is pretty poor sometimes. I can invite you if you want?
harriej said on December 6, 2004 21:12:
I don’t like the idea that you have to be invited to be able to enter all features of the site.
If you’re not knowing somebody who wants to invite you, it is not possible to enter.
That sucks.
It should be open to everybody who wants to be there.
Not my cup of tea.
@Lawyer: “Yea we both are members there, why don’t other people also join the site?”
The answer is off course: because nobody is invited and thus can not enter the site!
purplemedusa said on December 7, 2004 16:19:
Hey it’s super cool... still trying to figure out how it works though... but can see the fun potencial there!!
ally77 said on December 8, 2004 06:24:
Thanx PM, been having a play around, will have a nosey more when I grab some time! :) but it looks good, some good communities there!
purplemedusa said on December 8, 2004 15:02:
Yeah... trust me the “dogmatic Old Ladies” community ROCKS! LOL
ally77 said on December 8, 2004 16:01:
Been quiet at work so been having a look around, how do I invite other join!
purplemedusa said on December 8, 2004 16:05:
There shoulod be a link on the home page saying “Grow your network now!” or just go to friends page & click on the add friends link..
DaminehGessle said on December 9, 2004 08:13:
Where are you guys? Hehe I am right there on GT Community!
It’s not just to meet new people. I personally have found friends I thought I would never find due to immigration and so many other changes I’ve gone through. It’s awesome to find those you grew up with.
zeeshan said on December 10, 2004 22:21:
********** PEOPLE HEAR THIS **********
All of the people who wud like to join Orkut, please share your emails here or email me your email address and I am going to try and invite all of you to the orkut. Start typing....
Kazza said on December 11, 2004 00:07:
@Damineh: Thanks for adding me!
@Aaso: What is this More Cigarette community you want me to join? I’m not a smoker btw, but I’ll join anyway if I’m allowed!
Kazza said on December 11, 2004 00:27:
OMG Damineh!!!! I was looking at your friends and thought hey, cool, you have famous swimmers on there........and then..........PER!!!!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!
DaminehGessle said on December 11, 2004 02:16:
Hehe ya Per... Some of those guys aren’t for real. I know Michael Phelps is for real cause I asked him something and he emailed me back and gave me the correct answer. I swam with a few of these guys down in California so...
I don’t get why people would make up Per hahaha. Someone has done Freddie Mercury and I got mad. What the heck? So disrespectful!
Aaso said on December 15, 2004 13:24:
well some of them doing it just for being funny and they tell everyone I have no prob with that but some people do not want to accept that they are fake! I tried some of them ...
DaminehGessle said on December 16, 2004 05:29:
Actually, some of them are real. Think about it. They are quite young so ofcourse they’d spend some time on the computer and the orkut phenomenon is pretty hot right now.
I just don’t like people who fake dead people. That’s all. I don’t care if they fake Per. but Freddie?! :(
purplemedusa said on December 16, 2004 09:33:
Zee... i have no idea to even start looking for your profile... mmm ... bleh
Aaso said on December 16, 2004 12:32:
This is true just when the real person is not using the orkut. But imagin for example from x football player are 5 profiles which I know for sure one is real. And all the other four claim that they are the real one. So how would you feel? well, I don’t like it at all.
TinyBubbles said on February 17, 2005 21:36:
i think orkut sux
just thinking out loud
not like anyone asked my opinion
but i thought i’d share it just in case
ally77 said on February 23, 2005 22:18:
I used it for some time, but I spend enough time on other forums... without adding to my list! :)
Santi said on June 5, 2006 23:01:
I am there and we have a brand-new community with several TDRians called “The Fight For Common Sense”. Not Roxette related, but very much off-topic related :D If anyone wants to join your welcome!
purplemedusa said on June 6, 2006 09:07:
Hi Santi pleaze send me the link... I’m to lazy to search for it! ;)
Santi said on June 6, 2006 11:38:
Well, here it is:
TinyBubbles said on June 9, 2006 17:54:
LOL now i know what i can do for the next few minutes to combat boredom.. search for purps on orkut. I know i got you in my friends list. Never actually see you there tho.
Santi, i like our dicussions on “common sense community”. You need common sense in those topics aswell..
oh and here is my orkut profile link:
purplemedusa said on June 10, 2006 04:24:
LOL bubbles!! The last time i checked everything was flooded with Brazilians - whilst I have NO problem with Brazilians, I do however had a problem with understanding and UNLIKE some people I think online translaters is just plain CRAP and hence no point to actually even try... plus I really don’t want to break my “ctrl”, “c” & “v” keyboard buttons on the translation part; think i’m heavy enough on the keyboard! But will check it out a little later - thanx for the linx!
TinyBubbles said on June 10, 2006 11:49:
I once looked for South Africans on orkut.. LOADS!!.. but they are all Brazilian bah :’(
I think LittleSpooky is also on orkut..i’m sure i saw her there once..
Harrie and i saw a “TDR” community on orkut.. but it too is Brazillian :S Maybe we shud start one ourselves.. those brazillian tdr member - i dont even know any of them :(
Majdy said on October 9, 2006 03:31:
Hey, can anyone invite me?
My email is majdyrox AT gmail DOT com!
thank you!
xarrrr said on November 29, 2004 18:33:
lol you cant join until someone invites you haha