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Why Anders left Roxette?

18 replies

When had it exactly happenned and why? Was there a conflict between Anders and Per or they had another reason?

I’m sure it’s got something to do with their failed romance!!

LOL So where’s the story? ;)

Anders produced his girlfriend Jennie´s soloalbum.
If there was really trouble between Per and Anders, Anders would have not been part of the Mazarin-band nor would we have seen the GT reunion.

i think there wa sa difference in musical directions and per and marie weren’t interested in keeping the “band” element of roxette going. I think too it had alot to do as to whether or not there was going to be a tour for hand.

Looks like Anders and Per have a hate-love relationship ;)

Gt splits up: break, Roxette forms: together again, Rox gets new sound: break, Per goes on tour: together again, GT25: together again ;)

Nothing against Christoffer but Anders rules :D

heheh, yeh... i like christoffer a LOT... he’s great.... but anders.... *droooooools*

Oh give me Clarence any day...

clarence is a laff! :D

He is... just love he’s look in the Mazarin DVD!!

ya seen ma pic with him? he was sooooo (well kinda) drunk :P

Nah... share!!!!

i’ll pm you at r2r :P

ANDERS rules!!! Hopefully, HE returns to ROXETTE :)

I know they always claimed Anders left because he wanted to work with Jennie Löfgren, but reading Jonas’ biography, I’m wondering if it was more like the other way round - he worked with Jennie (who didn’t even have a record contract at that time!) because he wasn’t needed in Spain for the HAND recording sessions...

Fick läsa i kvällstidningen att Roxette skulle börja jobba på en ny skiva och att jag,
Anders Herrlin och Pelle Alsing inte skulle vara med.
Vi 3 + Lena Magnusson på klaviatur började spela med Jennie Löfgren i stället.
Jag spelade på massvis av inspelningar utav hennes låtar som förmodligen aldrig kommer att ges ut.
Några av dom var otroligt bra. Vi repeterade inför livespelningar, varav en blev av.
Men en bra sådan, den resulterade i att Jennie till slut fick ett skivkontrakt.

Nah... it’s really a case of Per wanting to spend more time with his family and didn’t want to much complications with tagging his lover (Anders) along to Spain... can u imagine Ander’s disapointment?

LOL! God, Miss M....

I also got the idea that Anders was no longer needed - especially while HAND was being recorded - he was the techno fundy before, so when Michael Illbert came onto the scene probably knowing more than Anders, there was no need for him....

But Anders seems to have made things things more organized and less confusing than Michael anyway Michel has done a few nice songs for Roxette ...he was behind JA , YDUM and IDWTGH from 1995 ..HAND in his hands was a serious joke...Anders would have given it a much more stroger cohesion in sound and structure ... and not allow all the songs to sound so different from one another...

But maybe has Anders been on HAND:
- we would have never loved catfighting over this record the dramatic way we did;
- we would have never loved/hated Stars
- COY would have never been what it still is to me ... SUPER ENERGETIC WOWWWWWWWWWW

But Anders seems to have made things things more organized and less confusing than Michael anyway Michel has done a few nice songs for Roxette ...he was behind JA , YDUM and IDWTGH from 1995 ..HAND in his hands was a serious joke...Anders would have given it a much more stroger cohesion in sound and structure ... and not allow all the songs to sound so different from one another...

But maybe has Anders been on HAND:
- we would have never loved catfighting over this record the dramatic way we did;
- we would have never loved/hated Stars
- COY would have never been what it still is to me ... SUPER ENERGETIC WOWWWWWWWWWW


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