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never let chirach run the eu

21 replies

Oddyl enough its seems The president of france seems to be very serious about vying for the presidency of the EU, France has spearheaded alot fo EU policy/legislation with Germany, so as a reminded to the world about frances behaviour in the past here I go.....

France had the largest standing army in Europe when Hitler invaded poland....france did nothing for 6 months while hitler amassed forces in the region. Soon after hitler invaded france and after surrendering the french government became allies with hitler. Frances navy refused to surrender during ww2 and thusly allied forces had to sink half of frances fleet.
When allies invaded North africa, french forces fought for the nazis, killing amny allied troops.
When lybia was bombed france denied the usa and allies airspace permission, 2 american pilots were eventually shot down. France was found to be selling significant quantities of arms/munitions to Saddam hussie up to a week prior to the us caolition invasion of iraq. Both Germany and france have been named as possible conspirators in a scheme that schemed hundreds of million s of dollars from the food for oil program set up by the united nations. Be wary people.

and they are the biggest opposers to Iraq war ;)

I guess we should go for Aznar or for the Polish prime minister, or? Berlusconi? ;)

Chirach? Who’s that?

As far as I’m aware the presidency rotates around all member states, its not the case that someone is elected EU president......maybe i’m wrong....anyway i dont get all this hatred towards the french.....

@coyboy: What does ww2 has to do with today’s France??? Don’t you think they have changed in the passed 60 years?? Ohh, you think they are like the Americans maybe, who always seems to like war...
I don’t, for instance, think that there are so many Germans voting for NSDAP nowadays either. It is over 60 years ago. If you should start to talk about history, then look what USA (especially the south where your nice president is from) did to the black people.
Later on you should think a bit what USA did in Vietnam, Chile and so on.

And when saying that French troops were fighting for the Nazis I can just tell you that they didn’t have much of a choice. I personally know (well, knew, cause on of them is dead now) two people who fought for the Nazis against Russia. They are both from the Baltic States and they were both forced to do so if they wanted to stay alive and not be shot immediately. Those two actually fled to Sweden after some time, so they could get away from it, but that’s another story.
I can also tell you that Europe were extremely afraid of Germany during those days. Other countries might have outnumberred Germany with number of soldiers (which I actually doubt. But if you say so), but when it came to their technique (tanks, cannons, airplanes) noone else had anything to say.
I’ve been to France quite some times and since I’m quite interested in ww2 I’ve been to quite some places where they fought battles and I can tell you that the French did what they could to resist the Germans but they had no chance.

Sweden is supposed to be a neutral country, but I can tell you that Swedish government allowed German troups to go through Sweden by train to Finland and Norway. The reason wasn’t that we had a Nazi party ruling us, but it was pure fear of being attacked. So in that case Sweden would be as bad choice as France, right?!

yeah but think about it, americans never would have fought for the nazis ever, much of europe backpedaled and made deals with the nazis under the assumption that they would be protected and they weren’t the nazis still had a stranglehold on them. Its always been a european thing to be a pacifist even in the wake of genocide or suffering. As for americans liking war no we don’t like war, thats a pretty naive statement, in fact if you rember correctly america didnt’ voluntarily enter ww2 we were forced to so go ahead make all americans sound like warmongers :) and i spelled the frogs last name wrong my bad ....wibbit

No, I believe the Americans would never fight for the Nazis. You know why? You are a bit less than 300 millions. The Germans are around 90 millions. Do you get the equation?? A country like France (approx 55 millions) can’t defend themselves alone against a country that are so much bigger. Especially not if the nation attacking them have so much more advanced stuff. Simple logic, don’t you think?!
But I really feel sorry for you and your peace struggling people who had to drop two nukes over Japan. Poor you!!
Do you really know anything about how ww2 was here in Europe? Have you any clue at all?? Have you ever been to those places and seen anything of it? I guess you have only been told about all the brave American heroes who killed so and so many ugly Germans and how good USA was to help poor little Europe to get rid of the little fat guy with the mustach.
But saying the French are “frogs” says all about the intellectual level....

And for your information I can tell you that the president in EU is not elected. That leadership is (as ncurran said) rotated between the countries.

*waiting for Oldag75´s dumb comments*

the truth is that many americans find it difficult to accept that a country will actually have the guts to stand up for its convictions and disagree with the US. The recent slamming of the french by the US media is pathetic and childish. The whole “freedom fries” thing....never heard anything so pathetic in my life.

LOL Ncurran :D When I read that I thought it was a joke :D

Btw, the thing is that none of you understands that we have to kneel and praise and worship the power above, be thankful for our food that we eat everyday, our clothes, job, car (btw, mine is French :O I think I’ll smash it, not even sell it, who wants to buy a French car?? and buy a Ford) basically, for our life :D

(read: power above= US ;) with Bushus, as the mesias)

Urm Judith...... did u perhaps visit some dodgy ’coffeeshop’ in the Netherlands?

LaMan, I tried, but I could not think of anything more dumb than “I hate all black music.” So I guess you win the dumb comment contest hands down.

Respect to Oldag... good one! LOL

@PM: nah.. bit of milk chocolate :D

Ooo some cherry COOKIES wouldn’t be bad now!! *dribbling*

the us would have let us europenas fight against the naziz alone if the japs would not have invaded Pearl Harbor. The US never does anything if they can´t win on it in any way. It was the same during the firt world war, afghanistan and Iraq (did I spell it right??) yes we europenas should be thankful for all the help the us have given us, but we can´t always do what they want, (like england). I liked that france and germany stood up against the us.

Jacquis Chirac for us all, then!

And I think it is utterly ridiculous for some Yank coming here and telling us who to let run the EU, seeing as how they didn’t give a rats arse about who we thought should be their president!!!!

*that’s for Zeeshan, if he’s reading!* ;-)

And, to any moderator reading that, this was not an unprovoked attack - read the little “250MB of free storage” topic to see what the imbecile wrote!

And Coyboyusa... you’re view of European history seems to be a very distorted one, at best!

I’d type more... but I’m hungry!

Roxhard... if u look at the definition of History u’ll understand why!

go Roxhard go.

I wouldn’t like Mr Chirac as my president but obviously not because of what the cowboy is talking about...
But then again I didn’t want Aznar as my president and I’ve had it even as president of my region and... we were all (the whole world) praying to you Americans not to re-elect “The President of The War” as he called himself, so why would we pay any attention to what Americans tell us after November the 3rd? :

Btw, about the Presidency, as it is true that the Presidency rotates every 6 months from one country to another, it is also true that this “presidency” has only a representative role on the European Union. Just like the king of Spain or Sweden is the head of the State but they don’t really have an important power or impact on the politics of the country...
What rules the European Union are:

- The European Paliament
- The Council of the European Union
- The European Commision

The European Commision does have a president that we could say has an important influence on the European Union, Romani Prodi is now the president and previously Jacques Santer was. Romano Prodi will finish being a president on 2004.


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