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Hangover Cures

18 replies

Hello all,

I just thought i’d inform you all that I have just about recovered from the MOTHER OF ALL hangovers. This was both an arduous and slow process. It was a real dehydrated acid in the blood job, so I won’t be drinking for a while. Anyways, since off topic is about, well, anything, I thought it would be a great idea to have a hangover cures thread. This way - if someone knows the be all and end all of cures they can share it. I don’t and I’ve just spent a weekend in sheer agony.

I hate beer.

Per and Marie recommend bacon and eggs– I read it in this interview. :-)

eating bread products before and during drinking

Nothing better to cure a hangover than large Big Mac Meal with large coke as coke has some chemical in it that helps ure head recover ;)

If it doesn’t cure ure hangover then it’ll make u sick and then u spend the rest of the day in bed and ure hangover is cured by sleeping ;)

Also...... if ure driking pints of beer.....try pints with a dash of lemonade, it tastes better after the 5th pint and also just takes that edge off, never had a hangover drinking pints with a dash (sounds girlie though, but it works...unless u drink 20 pints of course ;) )

Let’s see what the Irish have to say about this (being used to drinking):

The Irish have no drink problem
They drink,
get drunk,
fall down,
no problem!

well, i was well past the ’bacon and eggs’ stage, and needed nooo help with vommiting. Any tips on keeping up with the swedes?? I’ve gpt to stick a year of this and man, can they party!!

drink a couple of pints of water before u go to helps a lot.
also like vixter said, a drink like coke (in scotland its irn bru) with lots of sugar seems to work wonders for a hangover..
if none of this works the best way is to go back to bed and sleep it off, thats what i do.

i’m scottish, irn bru does the trick, for the light to mild ones. I think sleep is the only cure for severe ones.

apparently the KGB invented a pill that you take after drinking that erradicates hangovers. We can only dream!

oh thats cool...i never knew another scottish roxette fan existed....yes there is nothing better than an irn bru the day after....however i’m living in korea just now so i dont have that option unfortunately....i really miss the orange stuff from girders...
Actually i was at the food court at walmart today, and they had this soup on the menu called “hangover soup” i might try that out at the weekend and let everyone know how it went....didnt look too appetising though with a raw egg floating on the top.

on a mission.....just read the thread again....u are scottish and asking advice on how to keep up with the swedes....
come on now, us scots are the best drinkers in the world along with the irish, surely u can do it....

and i can’t believe you got beat by swedes! ;)

I can see why you’re all recommending coke/irn bru, cause Hangovers are caused by lack of sugar in your system (drink takes sugar out of your blood). Anything that puts sugar back in your system will help you get over a hangover.

I recommend drinking sugar water (as in, water with some sugar in it). It really does work! And if you put a few lemon slices in it, along with some ice, it really does taste good!

It goes some way in helping you get over the severe ones too...

Speaking of the Irish, you could also just become like Father Jack in the Father Ted programme! Just keep drinking... all the time! That way, you never get hangovers.

But, if you want to do that - I suppose you’re gonna get fired from your job. I suggest quiting your job immediately and becoming a priest!

Hmm... a priest Roxette fan - I wonder how many of those are in the world today...

hey! c’mon, it was swedish students I was up against and they are flippin’ mental!!

Where the heck is tevensso to help me justify this. The Swedes CAN drink. end. They make the scots look weak. And as for the Irish...


On: Don’t drink to begin with there chief. That is the BEST cure for ANY hang-over.

Take two Aspirin before you start drinking. Then you don´t have to cure a hangover afterwards.

Who are the worlds biggest drinkers? Well Luxembourg according to this site, drinking twelve litres of pure alcohol each year. Ireland come in third and the UK 9th, though i’m sure if scotland was listed separately it would be up there with ireland....Sweden comes in at 23rd place...

Ireland are the most regular drinkers with 52% drinking regularly followed by the UK and Denmark at 44%. They dont mention the figure for sweden. the EU average is 25%.


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