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Why is this archived?

8 replies

Don’t see any bad language or so.
Or is there an other reason to archive this?

Same for:

Same for:
As moderator it is possible to delete/edit sweet-talkers comment.

Or are you gonna archive all threads in which Loud-talker has responded?

Still no answers?? Come on!

Just wanted to show my support to H.’s vision. Don’t see any clue for archiving.

No, the threads archived were started by ST/LT/O. That’s all.

That’s a –sorry for my language– *ridiculous* reason to archive it. The content should be the reason to archive it, not because these threads happen to be opened by smalltalker/loudtalker/olympus.
These threads are in no way offending to anybody and as it is statet on The Daily Roxette, the Off-Topic is for discussion about your world, your love, your live, actually anything (as long as it is not offending).
Giving an opinion to a album of Dido for example, must be possible in my opinion (and I guess i am not the only one) as long as there are no persons flamed in these threads. And that, dear moderator(s), is not happening here!!

So restart the thread? I do not see the problem.

or reopen it, that’s much easier. Restarting a thread about the same subject is one of the reasons a thread is being archived!!
Restarting it would go in against the rules of TDR!!

And besides that: That would make the list of threads really long, if all archived threads would be restarted.
No, if it is closed for a bad reason, it must be possible to re-open it.

Just wanted to show my support to H.’s vision. Don’t see any clue for restarting. Thread should be re-opened. That’s the spirit.

Threads are not reopened yet?
Tevensso? Any reason not to re-open it?


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