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To Roxette and Gyllene Tider fans of the world!

7 replies

Hello, I’m really interested in becoming friends with other fans of Roxette and Gyllene Tider from around the world! Feel free to e-mail me if interested and just know that I think all the roxette and Gyllene Tider fans out there totally rock!
Also I am willing to learn any other languages that are not my own!

My e-mail address is as follows:
[email protected]
Hope to hear from you soon!

add to your msn, [email protected]

my name is arnie, cordoba/rosario, argentina

Hi there!

hi there...

anyone that wants 2 ad me

msn: [email protected]
ICQ: 10253990 (nic: Billie The Sunflower)
aim: billiethesunflow
yahoo: billiethesunflower

btw i’m from sweden


msn: [email protected]
icq: 93363343

It’s nice to hear from you all! Feel free to e-mail me any time. I am working on learning my romanian and hav’nt had time to learn german, swedish or portugese/spanish yet. I will though. I had a question for you all though. Do your countries all have there own royal families? I was wondering out of curiosity, because I know there is England’s Buckingham Palace and the princes’. I just didn’t know if it was only England or all the countries. Also, what kind of holidays do you celebrate. Do you celebrate Halloween?

See my profile for more info

Here i am!!!
I’m writting u very soon!
See u!


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