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Posh & Becks

37 replies

Well anyone who lives in england will know the story , if not where have you been lol. I just wondered what people think about the situation.

I think if it turns out the he has been with ”these women” she should dub the bastard .

why are people being so horriable about her, why does she have to follow him ?, why cant he follow her, is it becouse she is a women ! ! she had her career first after all. and just becouse she has kids why cant she work still.

Who cares, really? It’s not our business. The only thing matters me about Becks is that he scores and pass goals as many as possible on summer in Portugal :)

I am not surprised.
Posh looks awful.
She is just skin , bone and silicon.

Sad...she was very pretty before she lost so much weight and had 3 boob jobs.

It´s not strange that Becks prefer girls with healthy bodies.

But of course it not nice to be unfaithful and I feel sorry for their kids.

If becks is bonking the woman(Or women) that he’s suppose to have done... pictures in yesterdays NOTW... MINGING! He MUST be desperate!

I’m already up to my rectal cavity with someone else’s marital problems (she asked me for help because she trusts me to do right by her) and don’t care one way or another about this....

Ok... I don’t live in England so I am not sure which magazines have actually brought you the story. I searched on the net and every single website referred to The British Sunday paper, “The News Of The World”. Isnt The News Of The World the same stupid tabloid that smashed Queen over and over on nothing?? Brian May always goes off at them. Who cares what David Beckham does to his wife? These things happen every single freaking day so why put this under a huge microscope and talk about it? If they love eachother or whatever you call it these days, they’ll work it out as she was in his Real Madrid match against Athletico Osasuna at the Bernabeu stadium. If not, they’ll split up. That would not be the end of the world.

Beckham issued a statement dismissing the report.

“During the past few months I have become accustomed to reading more and more ludicrous stories about my private life. What appeared this morning is one further example.

“I am very happily married, have a wonderful wife and two very special kids. There is nothing that any third party can do to change these facts.” - Sapa-AP

News Of The World can go to hell. I hate those stupid f***** b*****rds who have nothing else to do but talking about people’s private lives.

Personally I am sick and tired of reading about the lives of Posh and Becks.. they have to always been in the limelight.. otherwise little Victoria will throw a tantrum....

BTW... she 30’s in a couple of weeks, have you now relised this is a big show for her BIG 30 birthday bash!

This couple are never happy if they ain’t in the press about something...

I think everyone should leave the poor sods alone and get on with their own sad and obviously devoid of any activity lives :P


If DB has had several affairs so what......just like millions of other men in the world!

Its funny how everyone wants to be famous but when ure up there everyone wants to knock you down.

They are just two very very boring in you face people... At one time I admired them, in a way I still do... but sometimes they are so OTT...

( all lol ) well seeing though no one wants to hear about them , everyone had opinion on subject :P ( i know this is sad but im looking forward to he new work loved ’let your head go’

If it’s anything like the last lot....

ally: “They are just two very very boring in you face people” ??? Do you want them to dance for you on tv or what?? What do you expect them to do??
Vixzter I agree with you.
Why are people so jealous of them anyways? What wrong have they done to you to deserve this??? NOTHING! Have they ever hurt you in any way? NO. Have they ever been rude to you? NO! What have they done to deserve this really? So she’s had boob jobs. Good for her or bad for her is not MY business. Is her husband’s and the business of those she’s surrounded with. Not even theirs. It’s HERS. So hate her because she’s skinny or has had several boob jobs? She will pay for it one day. Not you not me and not anyone else!!!

Ok this is another article by News Of The World:
Exclusive by BEN TODD
Showbiz Editor

QUEEN guitarist Brian May has had a secret operation at one of Britain’s top cancer hospital.
The 56-year-old star headed to the Royal Marsden Hospital in London earlier this month for the surgery.
Brian - married to former EastEnders star Anita Dobson - had the surgery on his chin.
Last night a spokesman for Brian insisted the star - famous for his long curly perm - is NOT facing a cancer battle.
He said: “Brian had minor surgery on his chin that took less than 10 minutes. His consultant was working at the Royal Marsden that day. That was all.”
Brian is a multi-millionair after almost 30 years on top of the music tree with rock stars Queen.
After 12 years together, he and 54-year old Anita - currently starring in Thoroughly Modern Millie alongside Amanda Holden - finally married in 2002. They live in Kensignton, West London.”

And this is Brian’s response hahaha:
“Shock Horror Scare - “News of the World” cutting .....
A great example of the ridiculous way British newspapers waste trees. My excellent friend the surgeon removed a little lump about the size of a smartie, from the left hand side of my neck, and we’re hoping that his hunch that it’s benign will be borne out when the results of the test come back. It really cost me no pain at all, just a slight inconvenience ... but the surgeon advised me to have it removed in case it became infected.... So there you have it.
And, Goddamit, you asses in the Press, have you no concept that some people’s hair comes out of their heads curly ??? All this “Poodle-Perm” crap is so stupid. Can none of them think for themselves ??? And their dates on Anita and I are wrong. And ... oh, never mind .... it’s chip paper..... at best ... just you dare come knocking on my door again or I’ll set the poodles on you .... ! !! ha ha!! Then you’ll find out what a permanent wave really is!!!!
Anita is signed up for 6 months in TMM.... until August 21st

Love Bri”

@Damineh: its ok...that article was printed in The News Of The World .......not one of this countrys biggest gospel of truth newspapers ;)

@ DaminehGessle... My opinion not yours.. simple as that... if you worship them so much come to the UK you’ll soon be bored shitless... can’t pick up a paper without them in it... can’t watch the news without them on it... can’t buy a magazine without them inside it... what next can’t take a S*** without them...

I don’t believe anything they’re saying about Becks’ infidelity, but what it matters is what Victoria believes. These are their lives, let them be!

And if Victoria doesn’t want Becks anymore... I definitively want him! :-p

I am in agreement that they should be left alone.. the people making these claims are not thinking about the children involved but then again I think all they see is £££ signs...

that is unfortunately what sells newspapers :....(

anyways.....i still love them ;)

I have to admit I look forward to reading the Sunday papers.. just to giggle at the crap in them! what would Sunday be without the NOTW...

LOL i like reading the crap , i was like ’have you read this crap mum is funny’ :-) only in england lol

Actually we do have tabloids such as Enquirer and so many more here in Canada. I get mad at them in most cases. It might be funny to you, but think about those whose faces are on those tabloids. You know how much it hurts? After a while they really wouldn”t care but still... IT HURTS! The person would know for sure whether it’s a rumour or not but it hurts seeing people either bullsh**ting or pulling out secrets on you. Doesn’t it? A football player runs and works hard to score. Well they get paid well but that’s something else. A singer sings to entertain. And etc... Doesn’t it hurt to see some guy out there just to earn money talks crap about you? I think it does.

The Sun, The Mirror, The News Of The World etc are as bad as The Expresen in Sweden, and look what they tried to do to Marie.
Do the people writting stories that have hardly any truth to them do it for kicks? I’d seriously like to know what makes these ppl do it.

Sadly everything I deal with goes back at Queen hahaha. Here is something Brian said about Freddie:
“Those last few moments were so fabulous,” says Brian, quietly, “In Switzerland he wouldn’t get pestered. He wouldn’t get people putting lenses through toilet windows at him. All that was so appalling. It still makes me so angry the way he was treated in this country once they found out. We lied through our teeth for months about how ill Freddie was and it worked for a while, to protect him. In Switzerland he could lead a normal life. We used to go out for lovely meals and we all enjoyed each other’s company. We’d often go back to the studio late at night and start doing things. It was a wonderful time, very creative. I know he was able to leave it all outside. It was the impending doom, the pain, and the dread of whatever. He never showed signs of what was going on for us to feel sorry or him. He’d down a couple of vodkas - the same as always. He’d prop himself on the edge of the recording desk in the control room until he dropped. That’s what happened with Mother Love - the last track I did with him. We always treasure that track more than anything else. That was the last moment. He’d listen to the demo and then he’d sing it. In this case, he sang each line four times and when we got to the last verse he said ’ Darling, I’ve had it - that’s as far as I can go today. We’ll finish off the next time I come in” But that was that, he never came back in. So the last verse is on me. I put my demo in there, because it makes sense for the end of the song. I can’t talk about it very easily, but the song says everything. Of course, none of us knew he was actually going to die. We always thought, ’Oh God, there has to be some sort of cure.”

Very sad indeed.

Well according to the news... Becks has admitted his affair to his wife... and she has flown back to the UK from the Swiss alps rather than onto Madrid to be with him... and from the pictures in the papers she looks a little pissed off...

oh poor them...

It is really amazing to me how ppl can go out and be ungaithful to their spouses, all the more those they have children with!!? is there any dignity and honesty left in this world, or is it just ruled by hormones?

and anyway, anyone who is popular is fair game to all kinds of media attention...don’t forget, it is the media that makes them popular in the first place.

Well there we go again: “Paper: Beckham confessed to affair”. WHO?? PAPER?! Make it clear please. Did he confess live on television in person? Or did you “Paper” overhear him confessing to his wife? This is what they had to say:
“Despite a public display of unity by the Beckhams since the claims emerged, the News of the World – the paper which first reported the allegations – said on Sunday Beckham had admitted an affair with Loos during a phone call to his wife on April 8.
“Yes. I did have the affair and I did send Rebecca the text messages,” the paper, which quoted friends, said Beckham had told his wife.”

Oh I get it now. News of The World again! So he did not just confess on tv to accept allegations but NOTW people have overheard him saying that to his wife. How can you believe such stupid things NOTW says after all these years of rubbish stories from such tabloid?! I would believe the original story if one day Beckham confesses in person. And no I wouldn’t like him any less as a soccer player. Just like I don’t worship Maradonna for doing cocaine or Freddie for having died of AIDS. Private lives one thing; what we came to love them for another!

The story has also appeared in several papers in the UK and not just the trashy NOTW... it also appears in The Times.. which is a respected paper...

Besides who gives a shit.. he’s just a man...

she should dumb him no questions asked, id get him on a lie detector test. :)

I guess the times stops being respected when they publish such “news”.. WHO cares really? This happens everyday to friends, neighbours, etc etc..

Its all a load of bollocks!!!

and if it isn’t I don’t bloody care! ;)

signed DB’s number 1 fan

All men are B******s... excusing the ones on here cause I don’t know you...

Ally you can’t generalize like that!!!

Vix ya ;)

Judith that’s exactly what I said in my first reply :).

Yay! it seems DB has cut his hair atlast :)

@ally77: all men are bastards.....mmmm.......that includes Per Gessle?? ;)

DB’s #1 fan ;)

@ Vix.. excluding the ones on here... Per reads this so he is not included... ;)

oh I am so sorry!! I don’t know why I did not see this thread before starting a new thread. By the way I do appologize!


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