Study shows file sharin doen´t affect music sales.
Ferdan said on April 3, 2004 06:47:
Ferdan said on April 4, 2004 03:28:
Well, RIAA studies said the opposite...
this just confirms they lie
coyboyusa said on April 4, 2004 14:43:
riaa studies are like when medication companies do their own studies, the immediately scream of bias. The simple fact is the music industry is in trouble, its a business and no longer a domain for artists
kachina008 said on April 5, 2004 09:03:
Hey Ferdan, Got an email address? Plz mail me: [email protected]
Sascha said on April 6, 2004 15:09:
Neither study is completely right. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
coyboyusa said on April 7, 2004 17:00:
if noone wanted to pay for music why is i-tunes so successful..the simple facts are this. the actual cost of a cd just to record the songs and put them on acd media is 4$ american.....the average american cd is 20 buck!@
we r being ripped off and lately the contents that come with the cd r no photots no lyric sheets no multimedia content.
if they record industry want to recover new artists should not have debut cd’s priced at 20$. the darkeness have had there cd here out for 3 months and its priced at 9.99 almost everywhwere and its selling liek mad. peopel whill not pay 20 dollars for a cd that they will likely not enjoy most of cause labels are just looking to put out an album with one or 2 radio hits and jhust filler songs on the album.
kachina008 said on April 8, 2004 09:17:
Then again:
irvye said on April 9, 2004 20:00:
People (more specifically kids) have more options these days. Now like every kid has a cell phone, Playstation 2, stuff like that. Even if they wanted to buy a CD they don’t have the money that they once did. But I agree with Coyboy, if a CD is $9.99 I’d be more likely to buy it than if it was $20.
In Canada at least Universal Music has a policy in which all new release CD’s will be price at $14.99. That’s still seems a bit pricy though.
coyboyusa said on April 3, 2004 13:14:
we needed a study to tell us this?