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If you were Per for the day what would you do?

36 replies

Any Ideas?

I’d sit at home and write the best Roxette album ever!!

Drive his collection of cars and motor cycles around town.

Good question.
I can be quite jealous at famous people because they have such an influence on other people.
I think Per does a great job when it comes to be humble and nice, those qualities can “infect” others. I think his songs (and his lyrics) also affects a lot, like “Be anyone you wanna be”.
But I WISH he could talk more about world-and political-issues, as I wish all famous people could do. Like in Sweden right now there are big problems with anorexia and eating-disorders among children, youths (and adults). And these problems come for instance from the music business.
So if I was Per Gessle for one day I would talk about issues that could help other people, in some way. Famous people are sitting in better positions that politicians, I just wish they could use those positions better...

Stand in front of a mirror and tell myself what a good looking chap I am. ;)

Go shopping!

I’d release all songs I ever wrote (so including ALL his demo’s) in one mega Cd box, andmake it available to all fans...and ofcourse record the best album ever!

Call Damineh.

I’d do something for my fans, something very special and unexpected.

PD: Of course I’d start with Damineh ;-)

Oh how nice of u :~). I waited for so long for a message :( that I grew out of it.

@ sofiab

I agree. Not enough famous people talk about REAL issues. If they did then i believe that more people would take notice. Celebrities can be far more powerful than boring politicians.

Also, if i was Per, i would tour the WHOLE world so then us fans could show him how much the world loves him!! ((-;

I would go to Bucharest, Romania for a concert. Immediately.

@ Hej Malena

Cool, a Romanian Rox fan! I lived in Bucharest for some time, in Dorbantilor. I guess you live in Bucharest, how are things over there??

Go to some mountain road and drive my Ferrari, and forget there was a band called Roxette for today, and all those demanding fans of it ;)

Excuse me, anorexia comes from music business? :|
If you want to discuss that, I think you can be a little more deep, because anorexia is not as simple as it looks like, and I know about that issue.

I think many times is a mistake to get into political ground while being a famous person. Why? Simply cuz most famous people are rich, and most of us are not, and interests and points of view are different and Per reads Svenska Dagbladet which is not the kind of newspaper I would buy... I don’t really want him to lie to me, and I’m not sure I want to know what he really thinks about the world...

If I were Per for the day, I will put ALL my money to Majdy’s account :D

Sack his Manager (Dimberg)

Santi: I didn’t write that eating disorders (like anorexia) o n l y comes from music business, I know it’s deeper and more complex than that, BUT media (includes music business) is a big reason. No doubt about it.

We had the same topic a long time ago...

If I were Per for one day I would ask “Galning” to join me on tour. And of course: I would drive a bit around with the ferrari...

I would get divorced immediatlely and marry Roxfever :-)

Speak Swedish.

And break the bank along with Majdy.

And eat a sandwich or two.


Unfortunately a swedish couple can only start a divorce after 6 months “time of consideration” if they have kids under the age of 16.
So one day is not enough......

Oh! Really?! Well, then I will have to tell Per that he should start considering this now and I will be Per in 6 months from now.
Per, you’ve got 6 months time! But that should be enough, darling! :-)

Hey, MM! I’d love that :)

I’ll give you 25 % or Per’s money :D

Ha!Ha!Ha! Wonderful topic!!!!
Per for A DAY only???C’mon!!! Please, we need at least a know...the first one just to get used with the idea of being Per (did you see the movie “Being John Malkowich”??Great movie!)...

So: I’d immediatly call Marie telling her I’ll pick her up for a hard working day in studio (of course, I’ll pick Marie from her house with “my” Ferrari - you know, just to combine the two pleasures...)!! And I’ll start a rox-album (well, at least I’ll make a list with the songs) and the real Per will do the rest when he will “come back” in his body...
And in the evenings I’ll start a diary. And I’ll write poetry. And I’ll buy the most expensive watercolours and I’ll paint something.
I’ll also buy a very expensive Chagall or Braque.
And I’ll pay a visit to my real wife (Anne) wich is also a rox fan and I’d say “Hej honey, it’s me, Gessle. Forget about Max, he’s a blockhead, let’s have a drink together and then we’ll see.” Hehehe...and she’d probably faint and then I’d know that she is secretly in love with Per like every girl on this forum.

Majdy—25%? Baby, we be 50/50 or I’m taking the lot for myself! ;)

well.. okay, MM. But I still want his Ferrary!!!

majdy, you can have his ferrary, I’ll have the ferrari ;)

Comment removed by author

@ Johan hey! yes, I do live in Bucharest and things are ok, I guess... :) Where did you stay? You can come to the International forum and we could talk there, if you want to.

I’d pack all his records in a huge box and mail them to Buenos Aires!

Also pay a visit around Halmstad and visit Marie ;)

Maybe the cash-transfer some of you guys mentioned is not a bad idea too! :P

pay someone to make a webpage instead of a joke...

make a new rox album

force EMI to give us a CD with unreleased material...

give a lot of money to someone who needs it....

behave like sex obsessed and screw all available female fans

Hmmm.. I am already Per!! ;-))


I’d strip in front of a vh8 and send the video to all big tv-stations!!!!! yummie...

and an extra detailed version of that video would go to prude mtv... hehehe


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