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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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It's "official" - The New Album will be called...

51 replies

the new album will be called.....naaaaaa




I go for “New World”.. :-)

just: MARIE

You’re being mean. hehe


i want the mp3 of reaching high

ohhh, you fooled me!!!


I’m wondering whether Roxette will ever release another album.

Especially with EMI.

me too

meaning with “album” a brand new work with *new* tracks, and not another compilation of “bsides and demos” or “greatest hits - part II” or “most played songs on the radio” or the “singles that never were” or a remastered [put any name of any album here] with 2 new tracks acustic or whatever they may think of.

Even though I wouldn’t mind so much if Marie would prefer to stick to her solo career :D

“DEEPER” - sounds great..(-;

i actually don’t want to fool anyone...

but i just want to look the reaction to the topic if it is really true....

hehehhehehe....relaxxxx ok!

Jupiter Calling

@ kriszta That was the first title I thought of! :))
But it doesn’t sound Roxette...

they should just call it “marie” :-)

it;s gona be called ” to crashboom with alll my love”...
what????dream is for free!!isn’t it?HA HA HA
let’s be sorprised by her!

@DaminehGessle- “Jupiter Calling”

Close....but what about “Mars Calling”?? That sounds better, thinking about the two robots “Spirit” and “Opportunity” (nox) ;))

Does anyone remember when Room Service was about to come out? There were rumours that it was going to be called April Tears. I think they should call it “November Fears / April Tears”. November was when we in Canada found out about Marie going in to the hospital and April was when the doctors announced she’d be okay!

Either that or ’15’ to represent what album they’re on!


@ CanadianRoxboy: that’s a good idea! sounds real fantastic to be sold on the international market!

20 Years Roxette - The very best

...I’m not gonna buy this shit anymore. Also the “new” (haha!) DVD is not in my collection so far.

I would bet my refrigerator that the next Rox-Album will be a compilation again.
But Record-Companies do their best to make people boykot them. Congratulations, EMI!

I’ll be happy with another compilationalbum with some new tracks if that’ll state that Marie is totally recovered.

“Does anyone remember when Room Service was about to come out? There were rumours that it was going to be called April Tears.”

Well, that was only missunderstanding. It was someone from the band “April tears” that played on Room Service.

April tears?!

Would it be a drama if we got a Live Album?

if we don;t get an absolutely new roxette album then they should call it a day. end of story I feel. oam/.

And what about the DVD from Room Service tour???

But the brand new Roxette album, that would be great!!!

I always liked the idea on an album being called ’Rock set’ Maybe that should have been for CBB lol

It could be named “THE GREAT CLIMB (AND FALL)”...

Once again:
Would it be a drama if we got a Live Album?

Judith said:

“meaning with “album” a brand new work with *new* tracks, and not another compilation of “bsides and demos” or “greatest hits - part II” or “most played songs on the radio” or the “singles that never were” or a remastered [put any name of any album here] with 2 new tracks acustic or whatever they may think of.”

Well said. I have been tired of Roxette recycling their material from baladas to the pop/ballad hits that I don’t even bought the last two albums (why should I if I already bought albums that had those songs. Talking about unreleased tracks or b-sides, I don’t think that is so much of a bonus).

BTW, Razali, you are from Sabah, Malaysia right? DO they sell Marie’s ’The Change” there? I don’t see it here (SarawaK), guess that I will have to order it online!

Hi Rox fans;

the new roxette album will be called: The new world.


Cheers Haui

The new album will be called Baladas En Russian ;)

How about “WEAR A SMILE!” ?

This name sounds so positive!

The next album should be called: The Emancipation of Mimi.

Oh wait, that’s too stupid. And that’s the title of Mariah Carey’s new album ;-)

i would die to hear a new roxette album.
cant listen to gessle any longer.
marie i miss you like hell !!!
thank god she released a solo album.

“That time”

“The Return”

What about simply “20” ?

no, not “That time “, better - “The Year Of Cock “.

I don’t recognize Roxette fans here... Why Roxette can’t continue? Why it doesn’t matter? If Roxette doesn’t continue I will respect but I prefer Roxette is alive and make great new stuff

I’ve been here since 2000 (or was it 2001) and only at the end of last year that I came back here again. I must say though that these days, the people who posted in these boards are much more mature and very subjective in giving their opinions. I really salute those that can comment even on the bad side of things and not just take whatever Marie/Per/Roxette has thrown us just because we are fans.

I am a Roxette fan mind you. It’s just that it gets very boring to see yet another Greatest Hits Part II...

The Year Of Cock?!?

“A New Beginning”?

I would like to have an album called just: “Roxette”. But a good one indeed! Full of crashing guitars, great hooks and music + A lot of Marie and Per singing together and solo. Full of uptempo songs and 2 or 3 power ballads to be remembered as clasics.

I repeat that I respect if Marie and Per want to continue or not, but I prefer a “yes” :)

I still keep on hoping!!!

And I leave the choice of the album title for Roxette.:):):)

They should call it “Now & Than”

With an great artwork like a sunny afternoon on the beach in sweden with a lonely fishership on the sea and a transparent picture of Roxette in the sky.
I think they need a more timeless image

I also think that this could be the first video to the first single Now & Than...Now & Than we stood up again, went through good and bad and back... something like that... what do you think?

Yeah, it would be fantastic if we actually got a “new album” with the Roxette touch that we first fell in love with.
But I really don’t know if I could take it if we got another artificial and over-synthesized new album, you know, the kind you can hardly tell if it has anything to do with the original Roxette at all. I felt that way about many of the songs in “Room Service” anyway... I mean really, be honest, what do you prefer: “Joy of a toy” or “Make my head go pop”?
Don’t know what about you guys, but sometimes I think it best if you just let something die instead of pushing it to the point where you get something that will be both artificial and completely disapointing. Don’t think we can have such high expectations at this point.
That doesn’t mean I’m not a fan though. I still have hope. Especially if Marie contributes to the music writing. She worked wonders in the “Look Sharp” album, I believe she is strongly responsible for the beauty of “Cry”.

Modern Talking were brave enough to announce they‘re over (and, maybe, cruel as to their fans, those really crazy of them, like a naighbour of mine, when she bought their last album with that “thank you, fans, good buy ” that was quite a tragedy for the fourteen-year-old girl) well, it‘s out of topic

I don‘t want to think Roxette are over. Aftonbladet writes “Roxette kan också ha gjort sin sista spelning.” Per says to them:
– Jag kan inte lova att jag har den eld längre som krävs för att åka ut på vägarna med Roxette på samma sätt igen, which, if I am not mistaken, translates to something like “I am not sure I have that fire it recquires to go with Roxette again”
Somewhere deep inside I suspect they will arrive sudddenly this,2005, year taking all by surprise with a new power-pop bomb, exploding with a number of hits topping the charts and playing a lot on radios. And with a hysteria among us fans!
Imagine, what Per says now is to make it so that we shouldn‘t know what to wait for. I remember not long before Mazarin he was asked by someone in a chat -When are you going to release a new solo album? He answered: -What solo album? He especially keeps the public in suspense!
Well, even if not so, i think Roxette have already done great work in world music to be remembered forever/

“You Know Who” ... it’s the best name!! lol

“MYTHS” was a perfect title for a new Roxette CD!!! I still remember the words Per said in the tourbook from “CBB” about that song...

The name that come to mind is ‘unexpected guests‘ don‘t know why...


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