Santi said on August 18, 2003 21:56:
Check this image of the zone... Toronto dissapeared almost completely at night!!
If I would have been there I would have tried to watch the sky without any light disturbing :)
coyboyusa said on August 19, 2003 11:50:
this just points out how we shouldnt be so dependent on modern day conviences like bank cars....what surprised me is i work in a grocery store and i was amazed to see how unprepared peopel should always have spare water, batteries, vanned food and a first aid kit at home all the time
ally77 said on August 19, 2003 11:53:
I work for the local electric company and people in Manchester complain if they lose supply for an hour let alone for days...... when I say work I mean only for the next 2 days - I quit!!
DaminehGessle said on August 19, 2003 05:56:
Ya it’s ok not to have electricity for a few hours. But just imagine how wrong everything would go. There was not enough cash in the banks for people to buy their necessities such as water. There is apparently no city water if there is no electricity. You couldn’t buy food or anything in stores because bank cards wouldn’t work and you usually don’t carry cash with you. So here we go for water and food. As for other things, nothing really works here in North America if there is no electricity. I wouldn’t mind watching the sky over night, all night, and forever. But trust me, 21st century living is impossible without electricity. It’s such a shame that we are so dependent on it that when it goes for a few hours, the city loses so much.