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Escaping Death Opened My Eyes to Life

29 replies

Hi Damineh just take your time the affects could last longer than you think.and thats only natural with what you have just gone through seeing your whole life flash before youe eyes.physically the body can take care of its self in time but psychologically that will take longer it will allways be with you but you will have learnt how to control the fear .i think that we all must be very cautious while driving but some times some things must happen to make us think about what we are doing.smell the roses Damineh and enjoy life at a slower will be fine but give yourself the time that you need

Wednesday August 6th, 2003 was the beginning of a new life for me. I escaped a deadly accident at 7:17AM while driving to work. Chinese are known for their bad driving and damn I now believe in that all the way. She just cut me off in the rain and braked right in front of me, at 120km/hr. In order not to hit her and the car in the back hitting me, I tried to go to the left but the car started dancing left and right, spinning and at the end, hit the dividend. It was scary. Just like a slow-motion version of a merry-go-round. In the police report, the accident was stated as a “near-death-accident”. The car was crushed! The frame was bent and the axle was broken. Two tires had come out of the rim and … still don’t know how I survived. I was so lucky. That’s all I could hear from the firefighters, police and ambulance crew. Apparently the entire highway is divided by 1-metre-high concrete dividends and a few grass ditches here and there. Where I hit, there was a 20 metre long ditch, which was softened a bit by the overnight rain. They said if I’d hit the concrete dividend, which was 5 metres away from where I hit, I’d be dead, 100%.

That accident opened my eyes to a whole new world. Thinking of being dead drives me nuts. I am not afraid of death. I am just scared of the fact that people who love me would die, my parents and my relatives. It made me rethink my whole strategy towards life, the whole God idea. To me God never existed as what others believe in. To me God was something inside me, which I believed would lead me towards doing good for myself and others. At times, my god had faces, names and ...

Wednesday after running out of the car, which had landed into the ditch and the driver side up in the air, I was shaking like never before. I was checking my hands, legs and face for any injuries for hours. Ambulance doctor couldn’t believe I hadn’t broken any bones. When I was spinning, I felt like something was holding me so tight to the seat and at the end, landed me on the grass so smoothly. I just don’t remember much of the accident. That’s all I know, that I am alive, for myself and for those who love me.

That night I wrote this in my notebook:

“Today, I saw death in front of my eyes and touched it with my hands. Whatever it was, it was a bad accident.
Sometimes we people need to realize who is taking care of us. Some people believe that my staying alive today was an accident. Some, like me, yes me, believe that it was God who rescued me. Yes.... God, someone I deny at times. Odd to hear it from me eh?!
Maybe my survival today had a reason: For mom and dad, who have kept me going all these years no matter what; For Damon who I love to death; And for those who love me; For the future I have lived to see. For the future....
As I said... I saw death in just those few milliseconds.
As a matter of fact, I would have seen Maami and Tete (my dead grandmas), but no... I am still too young and have lots to live for in this world. It was just too soon...

10:54PM 6 August, 2003
West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada”

Yup... All I had to say!

I´m glad you’re ok...
well, do never forget the good feeling of being alive again :D

Great to see your still with us!

@Damineh .im so glad that you are ok.yes near death does open your eyes its makes one appricate life much more. i also escaped death in Canada yrs ago in the winter. the road was covered with black ice i was behind a big truck carrying steal girders. both sides of the road had a gully so you could realy only go one way.well the truck lost controle and began to swerv all over the place and i jammed my brakes on but with the ice conditions i couldnt stop and scidded for 50 meters before i hit the back end of the truck and one of the girders penetrated my van on the passengers side and ended up going through the chair my van was totally busted up but all i had was a cut on my head and badly shaken up so i think that someone was watching over me on that day .im glad that you are ok

Damineh: You must have been very lucky, if I read your story. I am glad you survived, and if I understand correctly, you are not wounded either?
And indeed, enjoy your life, before you know it it can be over.

Thank you all...
No Harriej no wounds... Although I have got bruises all over my knees. My shoulders, knees and ankles hurt lots but the doctor said it will be fine within 2 weeks. I have severe back/neck problems and any impact on the back area isn’t good. But who cares when I’m still breathing?! I mean I ran out of the car looking down. I thought I’d lost a leg or something. It was devastating. I am still shocked I think.

Oh yeah, you told in the other thread when it happened! I became a little bit afraid, you see, it can happen to anyone. Actually I’m almost always very careful while driving cuz let’s face it... arriving 5 minutes earlier is not worth to lose your life. People don’t seem to understand it...

thank goodness you are still alive.... and not Chinese. :p

Oh man...
Santi I am a fast driver but careful. If everyone drives by rules and yet fast, noone will get into an accident. When the girl gets out of the highway, passes the right lane and gets into the left lane without any signal and no wait, I mean she came wooooom from the exit into my lane without any notice, no signals, nothing... and then braked in front of me... She should have been me! I was so pissed off afterwards!
Oh and everyone left the scene but this car with 3 guys in it. Damn I should have asked for their number. The driver was sooooooooo hot heehee. I was so shaken by the entire thing and he was so nice. I should have hugged him for sure and thanked him for staying there till everything was fine. Vooy :D

D: Good to know you made it. I wish that people down here would pay attention to larger vehicles as well. There are some people who don’t realise that their cars only way about 1,00 - 2,000 pounds, while my bus weighs 34,000 pounds. They don’t realise that death is staring them in the face when they do dumb-assed stunts like that woman did. Had it been in front of a bus, I promise the fatality would have been hers.

hey littlespooky i hope your not as crazy as some bus drivers in Holland(only joking)

Derek: Never drove there ;o)

Well thank you LittleSpooky... Here the bus driver has the right to any vehicle. Once he/she has his/her signal on, he/she can hit you :D if you don’t let them change lanes for example. Although we do not have buses on the highway, or do we?! Anyways, yeah some people are insane. I love speed and I love racing but I never cause any trouble for anyone. When there is traffic, there is traffic. YOu shouldn’t be zig-zagging your way through at 120km/hr. It’s just stupid. I wish I had memorized that girl’s license plate. Everything happened so fast. Bruises and aches are getting more. I had ice patches all over me this afternoon. I cannot imagine how people can deal with accidents in which they go paralized or things like that. It’s just unbelievable. It still brings tears to my eyes when I’m driving. I feel like I’m spinning or that I’m falling down a grassy/green valley. It’s more psychological than physical I guess. I should overcome the fear.

Damineh.yes you have to over come the fear its like riding a horse if you fall off and neally break your back like i neally did then it scares the hell out of you but i love horses and i got back on (not the same horse i coudnt move for six weeks) but i did over come that fear and so will you i love speed also but now i use my brain a bit more and the gas peddle a little less it all comes to us with age and i should know ha ha. iv had a lot of crashes and some have been my fault .but i love driving a car so dont worry Damineh you will get stronger im sure of that take your time and smell the roses life is short dont make it any shorter if you want to talk you know my e-mail

True Derek! But you know it just comes to you... I mean I am driving and the whole scene comes right in front of my eyes. Or I was having dinner with my family the other night. I made this weird gesture holding my hand right in front of me as if I am saying STOP. I dunno how to explain it in words :D. Anyways, my mom and dad were wondering what I was doing. I suddenly came out of it shaking my head explaining what had happened. It was the moment at which I was spinning. I mean I was having dinner and it happened, not that I wanted it to. So it’s a bit awkward dealing with it. I am still physically aching from the impact which the doctor said will go away in a few weeks. Psychologically I dunno how long it will last. Now, I am very cautious while driving, keep the distance and etc. I still appreciate the fact that I am alive and that life is more precious than ever.

D: You’ll be okay babe. It’ll take time to recover from that experience, yes. And I WISH we could nail those fools. It’s make the roads less crowded ;o)

Oh yea! Derek it hasn’t slowed me down at all haha. Actually, I drive with cautious and not like a 23-year old anymore. I change lanes wth cautious and not in rush ro get to my destinty any faster. but in daily activities and in using my time the best way I possibly can, I am more organized than ever before. For example, it’s Saturday and I woke up at 6:30 this morning, went to the gym, got back home, cleaned my room and will do more and more as the day goes by. I just think every second is so precious that I have to use it to the max. Before, I used to think minutes were important. :D

a day in our lives goes so fast so every second that i breath is precious to me and im in no rush to get to my work or any other place for that matter .iv allways said to myself that i would like to arrive at my destination in one piece and late. rather than in many pieces and dead

haha yeah I loved that phrase Derek! nice one :D

your wecome

oops mist the LLLLLLLLL


oh no, I just watched Final Destination 2.
maybe death is pissed and still on its way.

You mean I’ll die soon?? :(
Actually I cannot imagine myself at 25 or 30. So yeah maybe that’s my destiny heehee.
Final Destination 1 was freaky. I get scared watching those movies :(.

HI Damineh how are you 2day?

Wow hadn’t been here for 4 days.
I am fine I believe. Things are rough a bit at the moment but I hope to get out fine.’
Thank you for caring.
I always say Life is very simple, just like la la la. Sometimes I dunno how I can believe in that phrase. Sometimes everything goes wrong.

life can be made simple but thats up to you and yes it seems that every thing goes wrong but what would it be like if every thing went right??im glad that you are ok

Today I was trying to pass this dude going 70km/hr on the fast lane in the highway at which the speed limit is 90km/hr. So I went into the right lane and as soon as I did, my legs and hands started shaking and shivering. Oh dear Lord... I have no idea what was going on. All I know is the I was shaking and that the entire accident scene came right into my eyes but I dunno why... that is not what I was thinking of at the time of the passing. Or maybe I was?! Sometimes weird things happen.

what do you expect .you had an accident a few weeks ago it takes time for all your sences to work again you may not be thinking about it but it is allways there in the back ground take your time you will be ok


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