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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Per looked great at Victoria's Party

10 replies

A friend of mine accidently recorded the birthday of princess Victoria, I was very suprised, didn’t even know it was shown on television.
And I must say that he looked better than ever before!

And his album is really fantastic, can’t stop playing it!

you should take a look at the front page from time to time ;)

Helena doesn’t look half-bad either... :)

Helena is very yummy! But also very newly married...

she’s not bad... but she moves like a robot

Yeah, sorry to break the news. But as I mentioned before on another forum, Helena and I have been a couple for quite some time now.

Hope to see you all at the shows!

Thanx Judith, I always skip the frontpage, directly into the forum...;)

Congratulations to Helena.
Is her hubby a musician too?

You´re just kidding :)

I hope Helenas husband is not that old man she was talking to after the Skansen gig.

Per is the king.


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