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My World, My Love, My Life

31 replies

What an under-rated song! I absolutely adore this tune :)

A lot of people seem to like it.

you’ll find quite a few people around here like it. Funny that :-D

Absolutely! This is one of my forever all time favortites ballads...beautiful and deep..great keyboard and strings middle instrumental part that one...and great lyrics....Marie sings this one amazingly as always. Some remarks:

- Nothing against MTH cause i know Per and Marie have always preferes this ballad to be single, it’s OK but for me MWMLML is a lot stronger melodicallywise....

- What really pisses me of was this thing of Per wanting the songs on RS to be short espeacially the can easily spot that MTH and MWMLML were cut and edited on purpose to be short as possible for the album...grrrr.... MWMLML deserved to be a bigger song for the great finale and logically that there are more vocals on MTH that were edit on the original version....

- The guitar intro from Jonas....great....the same used for the 1991 Speding My Time live performances of the Joyride your ...beautiful...great Jonas

It’s a great song!

i also love this song, the only thing i would change is let marie sing it all .

its a bit repetitive but i love the lyrics

A really really great melody...and a sweet song. Really sweet song! Love to Roxette.

It´s also one of my fav ones... pretty good!

it was a good song, wasted by the bad production

This is a great song, with deep lyrics.By the way, talking about the lyrics: what could you say about “Your world, your love, your life”? Is it as good as you wish? Do you think it could change?
“Life is as good as you want”.

Cheers from Brazil!

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I wonder how should this tune have been produced instead?
I would keep the same guitar line those sort of “horizont”-syth keyboards and the strings for sure...the same melody of course...

but i would have made it a bit longer and glamourus as many Rox ballads are like...take out those drums machines and give them live drums ....if Christen Jansson could do Pelle was not part of the RS recording process in the studio....

I am getting tired of drum machines...aren’t you?

I would really love to hear a nice live version of MWMLML with piano.

In any case, I really like the song, but I’ll have to agree with some that the production could have been better. It almost sounds distorted. The arrangement is nice but the production could be different.

I like the verses better than the choruses. Per’s “do you wanna talk about it” is cute :-)

I love Pers bit in the song, kinda like ’Dressed for Succes -the ballad version’! ...ok not exactly

It should have had more verses and less chorus

True! The whole question/answer thing *is* like Dressed For Success.

one of my favourite Rox songs....I think much stronger than MTAH,and better choice for a single...MTAH is similar to Salvation in chords and atmosphere,and I like more attacking Roxette...MWMLML with live drums,and one minute more?Fantastic!I think this song is underestimated....very emotional and Roxettish..

I never liked this song. I prefer M&T&A or It Takes You No Time To Get Here.

it is beautiful ... it gives me something of sadness and forces...

I really love this song. It means really much to me since a long time... I always wished it to be a single from “Room Service”. I can imagine a beautiful video in late autumn with blue sky.... just dreaming...

Yes, I miss single with video too. I think it could be a good 4th single from RS album!

when I first hear it, it sounds so similiar with IMHBL. I really like it :)

My World, My Love, My Life is my FAV song from that whole album. :)

It would have been the perfect forth singel. I have never understood why they never realsed it.

ADORE that song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shouldabeenasingle

should be a single...:(

Beautiful ballad but it needs better production with live drums. Then it could have been a single.
I like Per’s part :)

I absolutely agree with you,girl7twenty7...I hate all songs in my carrier recorded without live drums, ’cos CRO record companies didn’t gave the money to artists for live drummer and bass..MWMLML is great inspired song,and there’s only missing a “magic touch” of Pelle Alsing... but still my favourite RS track.

This song has grown on me and now I absolutely adore it.

Definitely the best Ballad roxette has ever made (yes, even better then It must have been Love).
A real gem on the Room Service Album.

In General I like the up-tempo songs better then the ballads, but this simply is a song that is great!

Love it, definitely one of my top 5 Rox ballads ever. The way Marie sings the last chorus gives me goose bumps. There just isn’t anyone who could have sung it better.

It’s one of my favourite too. I really like how Marie says “...oh why...” She’s fantastic in this song.


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