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Jo-anna only nr 17!!!!

13 replies

Hey you all it is time to vote for Jo-anna says on swedens biggest radio chart “Tracks”. It debuted at nr 17 and that not good enough.

You have to be registred at the site and I am afraid that you have to be swede (at least I think so) . But all swedes here vote know!!!!

Where’s the link ??

Hmm...Do You Wanna Be My Baby went #1 on the official singles charts whereas the new Plumber single only debuted at 8.

Same as Marie’s 2nd Chance. Someone back then claimed it wasn’t a hit - what do you people think now?

Jo-anna Says is a big hit for us,the fans.Not seems to be the same for normal people.

I think it’s too early to say if it’s a hit or not; the people hasn’t really got the chance to listen much to it on the radio. But the radio station Rix Fm (one of the biggest in Sweden) says that a great number of people calls them and wants to hear it.

If you like the song, does the chart position matter? I don’t care about that. Chart possition/sales figures... sometimes that’s not enough to say it’s good or bad music. Remember a lot of crap sell very well these days!

I don´t care about chart-positions and sales
BUT: Per says that a tour depends on how the whole thing is working so keep our fingers crossed!!!

You mean Jo-anna Says isn’t taking the charts by storm?

My, what a surprise!

I could’ve sworn there was a thread with over 50 responses arguing that it would be?

Well there you go...

Correction: The 50+ responses in that thread argued against your assertion that the song was garbage. Whether it’s commercially viable or not is another story. Besides, #8 for a song that had exactly 2 days of airplay by its release date is hardly a failure.

I agree. What exposure has this song had? It went to radio on November 7 and the single was released November 9. That is odd marketing. Most singles have a few weeks of airplay backing them before they hit the commercial format. Perhaps if the single had a few weeks of airplay it could have charted higher.

“Not seems to be the same for normal people.”
@substitute: Thanks for calling fans abnormal! :DD

This marketing strategy seems weird to me too, but I guess it’s the same as always... discourage sales of the first single in favour of selling the album. Prime example of that is “The Centre of the Heart,” which only became available as a maxi-single *after* “Room Service” came out... and if you look at the last Marie and GT albums, both lead singles slapped two album tracks on a CD and provided no incentive for fans to buy them whatsoever. Only the later singles had anything new to offer... still, seems dumb to me!

EMI = Every Mistake Imaginable

just for the record

gyllene tiders Flickorna på tv2 was at first nr 17 on the list in ...- hmmm 1979 i think..
before it became nr 1


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