hello, i want to know u people
Grizabella said on June 7, 2003 18:07:
i live in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona, spain), i’m 19 (almost 20) and i’m studying journalism.
wendy said on June 7, 2003 17:08:
I’m born in Leuven (belgium) on 29.04.1984 so,i’m 19 years old now :p
My name is Wendy,i’m a hairdresser,wich can change maybe in a month or so :DD
And,how are you ;)
ally77 said on June 7, 2003 17:54:
Hej Darkblade, I am Ally (Alison-Marie) I am from the UK, I will be 26 in 4 weeks!
StupidGirl said on June 7, 2003 22:04:
I’m 19 and I live in Switzerland. My last year of school is almost over. After graduation I’m going to work in a restaurant in a mall and afterwards at a radio station. Maybe I’ll study, too. ...someday....
sweet_stalker57 said on June 8, 2003 02:09:
I’m still trying to get a job in a grocery store, ....paper or plastic?
powerpoplarry said on June 8, 2003 06:11:
Hey Darkblade/Pam!!! I am Larry, I’m from New York, and I am 35, will be 36 in October. Pleasure to meet you!!
Hey, Grizabella, nice to meet you too. My ex is from near you, in Badalona!!
marre said on June 8, 2003 07:25:
My real name is Martina and im 23 years old. live in sweden.
Im have just gotten my driverliscense for motorcycle. It’sn that cool!?
xarrrr said on June 8, 2003 09:24:
i’m ailsa, i live in the UK, am from south africa and am 18 years old :)
Shane said on June 9, 2003 17:41:
Hi, I am from Canada and am 31. Welcome. I am kind of new to this site but everyone seems to be very nice - hope you like it.
derek said on June 9, 2003 19:13:
hi im Derek and im an old old man heheh from all over but now living in Holland
DaminehGessle said on June 10, 2003 05:42:
Birthdate: March 25, 1980
Birthplace: Tehran, Iran
Citizenship: Canadian
Residence: Vancouver, Canada
Gender: Female
What else would you like to know dear?
derek said on June 10, 2003 19:03:
zee you dont want to know but i was around when the first man walked on the moon
i was born in merry old england
have the Canadian citizenship
have 3 children
and iv been living in Holland for 20yrs
Aschrum said on June 10, 2003 19:56:
Birthdate: September 28, 1985
Birthplace: Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany
Citizenship: German
Residence: Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany
Gender: Male
derek said on June 11, 2003 20:32:
ok people lets get one thing straight if you check the users details over me you will find that my gender is female w r o n g(only on sundays )im a male and i wish that Dailyroxette would put it right sorry for the confusion
darkblade said on June 7, 2003 15:56:
can some fans/members introduce themselves to me , i want to know the people in this forum....
i was born in Peru and live now in Lebanon , i am 24......