Only Boys Reply This!! (II)
Yashar said on April 23, 2003 11:10:
What is the best thing about girls?
harriej said on April 23, 2003 18:20:
They can be so sweet, cute, lovely!
And some of them are really so beatiful to see.
They usually do not like fights.
They are the best creatures there are on this planet!
coyboyusa said on April 23, 2003 20:06:
they are suualyl really organized
most are very nurturing
they know how to dress usually
Jud (moderator) said on April 24, 2003 10:00:
They are the best creatures there are on this planet!
>>> agree :))
That’s why I am to marry one :D
Mackan-S said on April 26, 2003 14:28:
best thing abour girls, hum... they exist. that would be the best part. a day without girls is a day without sunshine damn it
Roxrider_USA said on April 23, 2003 13:25:
The attention they give you when they want to and how they make you feel complete and full of energy and will do face life. Ohhh.. the how their lips taste ... :-).
Take care.
Carlos E, New York.