New DVD in april???
Th_Th said on March 6, 2003 15:08:
Thanx for being so nice with your words.
japeke said on March 5, 2003 16:15:
Yep it is supposed to be a compilation from verious RS-concerts, but this looks impossible to me.... beacuse there isn’t much video material of RS-tour.
Maybe this becomes the Live hits or something....
pietROxette said on March 5, 2003 17:02:
Alex (Kibkalo) told me once that actually there are several Room Service concerts recorded with video. So this must be true...
alchemiste said on March 5, 2003 17:04:
Per once stated that the recording quality is too bad for DVD.
I don´t expect he changed his mind, so I think this is wrong.
japeke said on March 5, 2003 17:20:
time will tell us.....
And Kibkalo is mostly right in his statements, just like alchemiste, so I don’t know what to believe???
Kiwein1 said on March 5, 2003 18:25:
Some of us german fans got to several shops today to checkt out if this is true!
And YES, it IS true, there will be a release by a portuguese factory.
We don’t know yet what will be on it..maybe it’s just C!B!Live on DVD..but there will be a DVD in april..
daniel_alv said on March 5, 2003 19:35:
does anyone know for sure if this is true?
will it be a release by EMI? or will it be like with the Live Ism DVD
Starrox said on March 5, 2003 20:47:
The strange thing is that LiveISM has already been available here in a lot of shops since last year... maybe the shops (or rather their wholesaler) which are the source for this are just a bit slow, who knows? Otherwise I really have no idea what could be on that DVD apart from CBL *shrug*
Per himself said there won’t be any video recordings (Stockholm doesn’t count for obvious reasons), maybe those cameras were only from a local TV station like e.g. in Stuttgart or Leipzig! So where are those “DVD-compatible” recordings (video & audio!) supposed to come from all of a sudden?
daniel_alv said on March 5, 2003 21:08:
maybe he lied cause EMI made him to...
or EMI filmed it but didn’t tell Gessle...
or they didn’t plan to, but did it anyway
Starrox said on March 5, 2003 21:33:
I don’t think Per lied - for a “real” concert recording they would have had to have cameras not only in the back of the hall, but also in front of and on stage... someone would have noticed them and told us until now, so there’s no point in saying “[...] but only audio”, is there? ;-)
LittleGirl78 said on March 5, 2003 21:38:
yes, this is true.
I have hear this in my store, then some other german fans check this in other stores, yes this is true, this come out in april.
But I don´t really know what for a DVD, only what is sure is that will come one, but why is this not on the website from EMI or to a other place in the Internet?
tevensso (moderator) said on March 5, 2003 22:18:
I doubt there will be a “real” DVD. I don’t consider Live-Ism a real one either.
daniel_alv said on March 5, 2003 22:26:
don’t they have the technic to zoom the stage so they don’t need cameras on stage?
daniel_alv said on March 5, 2003 23:54:
tevensso >>> maybe they will put CBL, RS on a DVD and ATAY and ON.... atleast i hope so
Starrox said on March 6, 2003 00:14:
Oh, I forgot about something: unlike LiveISM, that DVD was apparently listed on a “new releases”-list by EMI... that’s kinda strange, isn’t it?
The infos we got until now are somehow contradictory, I think:
a) offical release by EMI
b) released by a portuguese company famous for making VHS releases available on DVD (well, I assume they were talking about that company from Brazil which released LiveISM - same language, so if you don’t pay attention you don’t really notice where it’s coming from)
c) live DVD
d) a Tourism-like release with RS stuff
a) and b) don’t really make sense - why would EMI give the rights to those recordings to another company and then list it on their list?
b) & c) would speak for a DVD release of CBL, but what about d) then?
Starrox said on March 6, 2003 00:34:
@daniel_alv: Well, that’s true, but then they would need way more cameras in the back so they can choose from different angles during cutting! And unless they have cameras on the side of the stage (in our case I’m sure someone would have noticed them and told us), they not only had only one perspective - something really uncommon for a “real” concert video/DVD - but they also would have a problem when it comes to showing the audience in front of the stage from anything else than from behind ;-)
So I’d say it could be done, but it would probably look really bad! Kinda like a recording by someone in the audience with better quality...
Sascha said on March 6, 2003 08:14:
a. EMI was surprised by the success of that brasilian company’s DVD export to the whole world and decided to release an official Live-Ism DVD themselves.
b. That brasilian company got the license to sell another live DVD by Roxette: CBL! Maybe even distributed by EMI.
c. Someone managed to get mid-quality video-material of the RS-tour and releases the material on a low-quality-DVD.
d. Total surprise!
tevensso (moderator) said on March 6, 2003 08:16:
This DVD rumor is false according to Li Eriksson at Capitol Records Sweden.
japeke said on March 6, 2003 11:12:
If it is a bootleg, it wouldn’t be on the list of new releases in a german cd shop, sorry.
coyboyusa said on March 6, 2003 13:39:
its gonna be someone wwho makes a mediocre counterfit like the live ism dvd ...ugh
Jud (moderator) said on March 6, 2003 16:03:
well he is not the only one that has realised that some people here first post - then read and try to understand, but sometimes no even that.... ! ;)
japeke said on March 6, 2003 16:40:
@Tevensso: You are SO nice!!!!! :-(
Why would it be on the list for several german shops then???
LittleGirl78 said on March 6, 2003 20:40:
I can call EMI tomorow again, maybe I know then more.
But we have ask ca 10 music-stores in germany and all said “yes it will come a new DVD from Roxette”
Do you really think that all store are wrong with the same thing?
tevensso (moderator) said on March 6, 2003 21:51:
Nice or not, I go with what EMI says, and EMI says it’s a lie.
japeke said on March 6, 2003 21:54:
well, as a moderator you indeed have to be fair and straight, but you also always have to stay calm and nice...
felicity-brown said on March 6, 2003 22:10:
What did tevensso say that what was SO harsh? The truth, maybe?! You all queried this DVD release and he looked into it for you, placing whatever feedback he was given (from EMI themselves) here. Get over it! And harsh words... if you wanna hear some, I can provide!! :D
LittleGirl78 said on March 6, 2003 22:11:
Maybe why EMI this don´t know.
Maybe come the DVD from another place, maybe from the portugiese like LiveISM.
I don´t know, why EMI said this.
I have already said I don´t give up and call tomorow EMI Germany again, why maybe come out this really only in germany and then can EMI Sweden nothing know.
EMI is not god and know all
Jackie_Radiorox said on March 6, 2003 22:13:
Watch it just be another DVD like Liveism... I own it pretty much because it’s nicer to have to DVD, but it isn’t the GREATEST of things.
Don’t get your hopes up so high without knowing what DVD will be released. In the Roxette world of business we realistic “fans” know better. ;)
LittleGirl78 said on March 6, 2003 22:13:
and another thing.
Why we do fight about this?
We will see.
Come a DVD is this great, come nothing is this OK, too.
Why we fight about this befor we know all?
Sascha said on March 6, 2003 22:14:
Once again [I always think before writing... ;-) ]
a. could be a simple mistake on a german EMI list which is spreaded to all music-stores.
b. could be a half-official import like LiveISM which EMI Sweden doesn’t know about.
c. ...
daniel_alv said on March 6, 2003 22:37:
but EMI SWEDEN owns the rights to it, so they have to give a licence for the companies to give out Roxette things... or am i wrong?
LittleGirl78 said on March 7, 2003 09:02:
All who have said I´m lies must said I´m sorry LittleGirl ;-)
I have now the information from EMI Music Germany and she said estimated come the new Roxette-DVD end of March
Sorry I was with the date wrong, but end of March is soon too
tevensso (moderator) said on March 7, 2003 09:13:
OK, I’m not saying EMI Germany lies. We’ll see what happens. :)
Starrox said on March 7, 2003 09:54:
Hmm, it’s not like EMI Sweden never denied things that turned out to come true before ;-)
Jackie_Radiorox said on March 7, 2003 20:34:
EMI - Every Mistake Imaginable (As quoted by Per... Ok so he was referring to EMI USA but still) Lie?! Never. ;)
Things ALWAYS get released on time! ;)
*taps impatiently on her desk wondering when TBH will grace the USA.*
mimi said on March 7, 2003 20:41:
Roxette-atic said on March 8, 2003 09:45:
Well, EMI totally denied in the beggining that Roxette was going to release TBH and TPH didnt they?( remember the Metro article??). So we know for a fact that they CAN lie to us... I think there WILL be a DVD. Now, is there any nice german fan that would help me if it only gets released over there...? ;)
daniel_alv said on March 8, 2003 15:25:
but then they lied a year earlier, why should they lie a month before the release?
gyllene_tjej said on March 8, 2003 20:24:
there is this “DVD video” mag and it says it is gonna be Live sadly no The live hits :( :( :( Kind of boring actually...if it turns out true.
Starrox said on March 9, 2003 00:09:
But why would they release a DVD that’s already available in most stores as an import (it’s not even more expensive than other music DVDs...)? Sure, we’re talking about EMI here, but still... ;-) I just don’t get it!
Sascha said on March 9, 2003 22:41:
Well, I think it’s quite expensive, around 25 Euro for a simple laser-disc rip-off. I’ll buy it if it gets cheaper now.
Starrox said on March 9, 2003 23:14:
@Sascha: Yeah, it is rather expensive... but then again music DVDs are almost always around 25 € or even more...
LittleGirl78 said on March 10, 2003 09:29:
the thing is a little bit uncanny.
We will see what come out and if I have this then I tell you.
Ferdan said on March 10, 2003 12:23:
What?? 25 euros??
In Brasil i think they sell it at 24 reales...
More or less 8u$s i think
and if you live in brasil and buy it online it is 19,90 reales.
animalkingdom said on March 10, 2003 21:42:
I probably missed something BUT
is this Brazil edit of LIVE-ISM (meaning the DVD) an official EMI release? It isn’t a bootleg, is it?
Starrox said on March 12, 2003 15:17:
I think it’s neither an official release (as in “listed as DVD release on EMI lists”) nor a bootleg... like e.g. the various CDs with the Joyride concert in Zürich!
Didn’t EMI Brazil gave the rights to that company that made the DVD?
japeke said on March 5, 2003 16:05:
On R2R i read there is a new dvd coming out in april.... but maybe only in Germany....
Someone who knows more????