swedish gay´s
ted_roxette said on February 21, 2003 11:25:
I wonder how many sedish gay/bisexuals are here
zeeshan said on February 21, 2003 13:17:
mmmmmmm the way things are going.. I guess soon TDR team will either launch a DAILYGAY.com e-newpaper or we should have a GAY TOPIC in the TDR Forums.
oh btw.. did I mention that I agree with TH_TH?
Stormkeeper said on February 21, 2003 14:01:
@th th: Ted´s question / topic was for gays, not for heteros who doesnt accept homosexuality.
If you don´t like what you see, read other topics only.
ted_roxette said on February 21, 2003 14:24:
right @strom not for homophobics as th_th
i.m using he queer topic too
NickNL74 said on February 21, 2003 16:47:
No, in this case I agree with Th_Th
There already is a gaytopic and if all countries would apply a “[country name] GAY” topic, it’ll soon be THE DAILY GAY here instead of the daily Roxette ;-)
Beside this I don’t understand behavior most gays either. There is this huge urge to integrate and blend in with the rest of the world.. then what the F**K is the use of extra gaybars, groups and clubs etc.. That way gays will NEVER be fully integrated and there will always be ’typical gay’ things (the way heterosexual men will see it) and there will always be something or some reason to pick on gays. Don’t come with this bullshit like “yea right, but where or how do I get to meet other gays then” Well.. eventually that won’t be hard because it will be possible everywhere and even hetero’s (at least most of em) won’t be insulted when a gay guy tries to make his move on him and will friendly say he’s not interested cause he’s heterosexual instead of yelling “fuck off you faggot!” at you.
Yes, I know it sounds idealistic at the moment, but in the end it will become realistic, but gays need to stop isolating themselves (cause that is more or less what they are doing by separating from ’the world’)
I really hope this makes sense to at least some of you?
NickNL74 said on February 21, 2003 17:18:
Hurray, an ally! ;-) Thanks Vix, so I’m not that stupid after all?
Stormkeeper said on February 21, 2003 17:30:
because what you said surprised me.
I think we have to fight power to have rights and to feel accepted by others. I have had mostly bad experiences being gay, I don´t see anything wrong with gay bars etc. things are not always as simply as you seem to think.
NickNL74 said on February 21, 2003 17:57:
I never had any problems being gay and never have I experienced inconveinience or unacceptance. I am absolutely convinced that it’s 100% up to you how people will react on you. If you just live your life then people will treat you with respect and no one will ever give you a hard time whatsoever. I consider myself beinig a very normal guy who coincidentally happens to love guys instead of girls but I have never had the urge to feel different from any other or to behave different because of the possibility that people might consider me being different.. simply because I AM no different. Neither are you, neither is any gay... BUT... for some reason a part of ’us’ gays feels threatened, uncomfortable, misunderstood, disadvantaged, not takes seriously and the list goes on and on. But WHY is that? For some reason, which I still do not understand, that same group wants to ’hide’ in their petit bars, clubs, café’s because they feel much safer when they are among ’their own kind’ and feel strengthened by this feeling of belonging there eventhough they are being influenced by the strongest voice who keeps yelling to resist against the world who tries to keep them down under and they have to fight for their rights and be treated equal to hetero’s. But in reality none of that is true.. there is no world trying to keep gays under. The problem is that gays are keeping themselves under!! Resistance and isolation looks like ’not wanting to be part of’ the world to hetero’s. So in fact it’s ’our’ own fault that we have to ’fight’ for equal rights and treatment because we necessarely need to seperate ourselves from that big hetero world to make clear that we are different and then the circle is round again.. This way hetero’s and gays will never see eye to eye and this misunderstanding and urge to fight will remain to exsist. And still I believe it’s all unnecessary if only ’we’ try to blend in and stop isolating.
Now don’t give me another excuse like it may not be as simple as I think it is because the truth is it indeed IS that simple.. but most of ’us’ don’t see it or don’t WANT to see it because we oh so like to pretend we’re different.. :-(
And just to make sure to be one step ahead of you: I’m not naïve and I am well aware of what’s going in both the world and gayscene.
NickNL74 said on February 21, 2003 17:59:
I would really like to know from people on this forum what their opinion is to this topic..
coyboyusa said on February 22, 2003 00:21:
sweden is the land of free sex right next to amsterdamn so I’d gahter a good 25% of swedes are bisexual lol
vaxjoe said on February 22, 2003 04:08:
Th_Th since when have u become the judge of everybody?
We do what we like!!! We ll have a Queer topic we will celebrate our 500 replies and Ted WILL ASK if there are any swede gays if he wants to...
You arent our moderator or our editor or nooone for that matters...so get a life and stop complaining!
Vixzter said on February 22, 2003 06:53:
now you see......this is where Nick has a point.
Th_Th isn’t judging ppls, its just that someone has to go on the defensive everytime someone happens to mention about how many gay posts there are here.
It seems to me that some gay ppls have a problem with being gay rather than the other way around and so have to build walls.
I have no problem whatever sexuality someone is I just find it hard when ppls try to seperate themselves into categories but then ask for other ppls to have understanding......why?.....whats the point?
vaxjoe said on February 22, 2003 06:57:
vixter thats where u re wrong...ted posted this thread ok? it is his right and HE IS allowed to! If some ppl have nothing else to do but bitch bout our topics thats pathetic! if u dont like a post dont read it or dont post a reply!!
personally i dont like some of th_th posts but its not my bussiness to tell him what to do cause hes FREE to do it!
coyboyusa said on February 22, 2003 12:49:
the whole gay culture is spilt down two extremes.....
one is the middleaged or older crowd that has felt repressed over the years and now feels this overwheling urs to be ” out and about”...up in everyones face about the fact they sleep with peoel of the same sex....its that attitude that fosters homophobia. These are the peopel that cry misery that they are alll alone and can’t find a ” life partner” but at the same time are shagging anything on two leggs. They are the whole reason the younger gay culture coming up is so obsessed with image drugs and sex.
then you hsave the younger gay crowd who is growing up in a time where while we aren’t 100% accepted..things aren’t half as hard as they were 50 yrs ago. they have no appreciation for the past sacrifices of others and thus revel in a decadent culture that allows them to do whatever they want.
but we can’t blame gays alone...the whole concept of integration has backfired...women and men are a prime example.
Black people in my country fough 100’s of year of slavery for the right to vote, sit at the front of the bus, drink from the same water fountains....
and now blacks have the lowest voter turn out in my country, they young ones are always sitting at the back of busses and when i was in school there were tables at lunch where only blacks or hispanics or indians sat at. i dont’ think anyone at all has the right to complain about how they are being treated so differently when they perpetuate it themselves.. let face it we ARE idfferent..once we learn to accept THAT..then mayeb the world will be a better place
coyboyusa said on February 22, 2003 13:02:
and nick its not that simple for some of us ur just very fortunate your in an accepting environemnt. I come from a small working class family...my father is a HUGE homophobe...my mom is too to a slightly lesser degree. I went to school in an upper middle class white school system where homophobia was rampant. I was threatend in high school and physically assaulted on some occasions and i did nothing to draw attention to myself what so ever. i know gay kids who have been thrown out on the street at the age of 14 cause their parents couldn’t accept them. I watched a friend die of aids alone because his staunchly catholic family disowned him for being gay....ur under the illusion that ALot of things have chaged when in fact very little has. The gay community has become complacent...their in ur face approach during the 80’s backfired into a spiral of homophobia which while not as blatant and in ur face still seethes in the world. there are arab countries where being gay is punishable by death i mean cummon does that at all sound like progress to you.
Stormkeeper said on February 22, 2003 14:23:
what is the reason female gays are being accepted so much easier and better than male ones? It´s stupid. This goes for both str8 males and females as well.
coyboyusa said on February 22, 2003 23:30:
well think about how immasuclating str8 males find the idea of being with two women they assume 2 lesbians would want to be with them and its very prevalent in hetero porn....the idea of two men together is for some reason view as dehumanizing cause males aren’t supposed to be in a submissive role sexually
Brian said on February 24, 2003 09:07:
I must say, at my work place are some Gay Guys which really do annoy me. Let me tll you why. (Keeping in mind, I am Gay myself). The Gay Guys here always tell “everybody” with whom and how and when they had sex. They go into so much detail and just tell everybody. so far, no one has ever said anything about it. And I understand why no one has said anything, because they would have been accused of discriminating gays.
Now... if it would all be the other way around, if the hetero guys would be going around, telling some of the girls of the sex they had with whom or what... this guy could be sacked. This is a fact here in my company... and I know, this is not just my company. So, how come, everybody turns a blind eye on the gays? Because they don’t want to be accused of discriminating them. But in fact, not saying anything is discriminating them.... I feel this way, even though I am 100% gay... and it does annoy me, that we often try to push the Issue of being gay on others...
Vixzter said on February 24, 2003 17:16:
I’d have thought that you’d more likely get an answer to this original question in the Queer/Gay topic, but then I guesse thats just me being wrong again.
StillFar said on February 24, 2003 19:59:
I understand both sides, but wanted to say something to NickNL74. I don’t agree with you in many points. Nick, I’m living in a city that is extremely liberal and very open towards gay people.
Now, if I walk with my boyfriend hand in hand, I’m very sure to get into problems in many parts of the city.
There are many cities, where people get educated about homosexuality from some stupid guy in a soap opera or talk show and where people aren’t that comfortable with that issue.
I’m not saying we should all group up and hide in some bars or cafes, as you said it, but we’re not living in a world that accepts gays the way it should and I still know a lot of people who deal with discrimination.
And coyboy, I’m not sure about which form of drug abuse you’re talking, but the one I know doesn’t have much to do with the gay culture. Drug abuse where I live happens mostly in the after hour or rave scene, which is not a gay product. Go to a rave and you’ll see straight guys and girls acting the exact same way (regarding drug use / excessive sex life). This is not a gay issue, but an issue of our generation, which also isn’t new, since every generation has their specific drug and event.
Not saying drugs are good...they aren’t!
Stormkeeper said on February 24, 2003 22:16:
Yes, indeed. NickNL lives in Holland, it´s so different over there. I have heard stories gay being attacked and even killed; horrible.
Stormkeeper said on February 25, 2003 09:06:
no, no, I was trying to say Holland is propably more liberal than any other country. I have never been there but that´s what I have heard many times.
clerk said on February 25, 2003 11:02:
Oh ok! I misunderstood.... Give me another cup of coffee to wake me up...!!;)
NickNL74 said on February 25, 2003 13:00:
*gives a mug of espresso to Clerk*
Better stay with us, ok? Or better said: WAKKER WORDEN!! ;-))
@Storm : Let’s just say it claims to be liberal and tolerant..
coyboyusa said on February 25, 2003 13:36:
the drugs i refer to are mainly coccaine, ecstacy and epinephrine..tats why u see so mny very skinyn gay guysthey loose weight from these drugs...and as for gays being a bit too open about their sexual lives i have to agree..tthey are so hypocritical they say tey aren’ defined about who they sleep with but thats alll they talk about and it is mostly the gay guys
Th_Th said on February 21, 2003 13:07:
What would be so interesting about that??
I think it is a strange behaviour the gays have got here sometimes. I mean, why keep telling everybody that you are gay, or that you have gotten more then 500 replies to the gay discussion etc. I don’t make a big deal out of being hetro. I just don’t get gays sometimes... of course not all of you gays are like that, but it seems like the majority anyway...