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Sorry but Breathe = a b-grade version of BMDTMK

25 replies

I’m sorry, but that’s my humble opinion and I’m sticking by it. I remember when RS came out and everyone made their top 10 list of songs from the album and by my recalection BMDTMK, possibly the album’s highlight - for me anyway, made 2 of the top 10’s.

This is highly unfair.

Most people will only be able to defend Breathe by saying it has a “pretty” chorus, BMDTMK has a much “prettier” chorus and I think it deserves to be achknowledged for the classic it is.

Before you dismiss this topic as slanderous, just listen to BMDTMK in full, including the amazing ending - it’s by far Marie’s best vocal performance on the album. There are a lot of people who said [and I’m quoting here - by recelection] that Marie “never gives us the vocal performance she’s capable of” - couldn’t be more wrong - listen to BMDTMK, it’s there!

Do you see where I’m coming from with this:
Bringing Me Down To My Knees: “Sucks!!!” - aparently
Breathe = the best thing ever!

Highly propostourous considering that both songs are almost identical [in production anyway].

BMDTMK is one of my all time favourites...BECAUSE marie sounds like “the old days” it this song! Especially the part when she sings: I’m begging you please...” at the end of the song.

Breath is a very, very nice song also.

I think both songs would appear in my personal “Unreleased ballad hits”.

Which would also include:

- Cry
- Perfect day
- Watercolours in the rain
- The rain
- So far away.
- Things will never be (live).
- 1st Girl on the moon.
- Go to sleep
- What’s she like
- I don’t want to get hurt
- I was so lucky.
- It will take a long time.
- Try.
- My world, my love....

nice list if you ask me.


i love both songs alot... an BMDTMK was one of my fav from RS even better than MATAH... but i think breathe is still much better... everything about the song is nice... an the way marie sings at the end of the song is really good... its the best ballad they made for a long time
an yea i do think that marie can sing “Bigger songs” with her voice... its a shame that roxette r only doin these light ballads these days...

Yea I totally see your point small talker. They are both ballads....

I think Bringing Me Down To Your Knees is the best ballad on RS and it is the only ballad I can listen to over and over

Just listen to the way Marie sings the opening lines

Been thinking about you
Without even trying, I’ve done it

Don’t know why BMDTMK is so underrated....I just dislike the first opening seconds

I hate “BMDTMK” it sounds like TEEN POP.
I like Breathe, it’s much more Roxettish

Marie sings much better in Breathe than BMDTMK (to give a bj)

Both are GREAT songs, but “Breathe” is better, plus “Bringing Me Down To My Knees” has the most stupid verse ever... “But friday I died when you killed me” !! Duh, what the hell is that ? :)

But anyway, nice to see fans like “Small talker” “fighting” for his fave song. I should do the same for “Blue Umbrella” ! :)

All the best

Blue umbrella is nice

LOL. Good thing it’s only your opinion because personally, I think “Breathe” is better than “Bringing Me Down To My Knees.” And I’m not quite sure of the similarities you are pointing out other than them both being ballads. I think they are really quite different songs. BMDTMK is more of a light ballad whereas “Breathe” has a bit more “power” to the arrangement, especially with the climax at the ending.

they are two incredibly different songs i don’t see the comparison...bmdtmn has an r& b flvour too it and her volcas are just a bit lazy on the song...breathe is just liek the olden days where marie chooses to actualy use her range and emotive powers to lift the song to new heights...

LOL ferdan!!! bringing me down to my knees(for a blowjob) maybe thats what the song is actually all about after all?

I think Breathe is totally different from Bringing me Down To My Knees.
Don’t see the similarity.

im sorry BUT LOL i agree

I think Breathe is totally different from Bringing me Down To My Knees.
Don’t see the similarity.

its like saying the look is just like joyride,???

right next topic lol


I totally agree with you. That introduction is really great!

In my opinion, “Breathe” is a bad song compared to “Bringing Me Down To My Knees”: it is one of the worst Marie’s preformances, the melody isn’t good (it looks like “My World, My Love, My Life”, with that dramaticity that I just don’t like).

@boykie19. thats why it sucks :P I think its the weakest song on Room Service. Songs like this has also helped bring Roxette to its knees.

I’m not a big fan of any of those songs. I never liked “Bringing...”, I think it’s just an album filler. Anyway, “Make My Head Go Pop” is even worse (the weakest song on the RS album). About “Breathe”... nice song, but it doesn’t make me feel anything. A perfect closing track for “The Ballad Hits” would be “Bla Bla Bla”, not the too sugary “Breathe”.

I prefer - Breathe - it is very agreeable.

Breathe and BMDTMK are different. As a song I like Breathe more but vocals on BRDTMK are better, the ending with “I’m begging you please...” sounds fantastic :)

As I said before, I like both songs, but let´s face it... BMDTMK and Breathe ARE very similar... I was listen to both songs today and they sound almost the same.

Not that I think it´s a problem.

BMDTMK is not a top five song on RS. In my opinion only Little Girl and Try.... are worse.

they r both amazing songs but breathe is awesome and its kinda sad that fans seem to repeatly trash stuff they do if it doesnt sound like american top 40 radio stuff shame on you

I prefer Try instead BMDTMK. Try has wiser and helpful lyrics. BMDTMK it just bullshit, romantic non-sense lyrics.

(I wonder why coyboyusa never uses things like , . ’ It would help to understand his posts)

BMDTMK is one of my favourites. Breathe.. Well, it’s not a bad song, but others are more great?!

BMDTMK is one of my worst Roxette songs. It sounds like a bad Spice Girls effort. Just my opinion... Rich

Breathe is one of the best songs Roxette ever made.
BMDTMK is not too bad, but quite boring really


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