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New Single!!

38 replies

Acccording to a short message from EMI/Capitol Sweden:The title of the next single from the forthcoming album “The Pop Hits”will be “Opportunity Nox”.

Cool! Can’t wait!

Wow! that’s a really cool name!!!


wow cool sounds sumthing diff than b4 :) cant wait 2 hear ;)

Stupid question:

What does “opportunity nox” mean?

I only know the word “noxious”. I can’t find the word in any dictionary.


On DTR24 says that it is latin. So “nox” would mean “night”.

Opportunity night? What do you think about it?

lol the official site says Nox... so why would it be sumthing else? its obviously short for knocks lol!!

it means that there’s an opportunity knocking (on someone’s door), you just have to open ;-)

Cool :)

Oh no! How lame!

@ markuz: why lame? you haven’t heard the song already, have you? ;-)

Roman goddess of night; daughter of Erebus; counterpart of Greek Nyx
Synonym for night

Source: wordweb (cool software ;-)

I’m all for “knocks”... kicks -> kix , knocks -> nox *g*

I onyl know ’the Nox’ as a race of human-like beings in the series Stargate.

starrox >> i think you are right.... i think it’s just a shorter version for knocks....

to make the title look a little bit cooler and make the young people to roxette fans


YOu guys are reading in to the title. Its just letter-play like KIX

great title track - hopefully the sound will be as good as the title track..


@ daniel_alv

to make younge...
oh wait, i bet that’s exactly what they were thinking! :-(

VERY cool title... I just hope that the song is also great. When I first heard the title “The Centre Of The Heart (Is A Suburb To The Brain)” I LOVED it, but the song turns out to be very bad (at least for me).

Anyway... can’t wait to hear “Opportunity Nox” !!!

The title sounds great, but I disagree with what you said about The centre of the heart. when I first heard that song, my reaction was: wow!
I loved it from the beginning til end.



opportunity nox on the door ;)

The song is sung by Per with backing vocals by Marie.
Adding .. and it sounds pretty good to me.

i read somewhere that it’s like TCOTH, Per sings and marie sings in the background

you are means that a new opportunity arises....;.also it was the name of a tacky TV show in the UK in the ’80s. It was like a talent show where different members of the public performed and a winner was voted for. Don’t know if thats where the idea for the title came from though

Just wanna say that I love the title. This song sounds really cool. I hope it´s like The centre of the heart, only Per sings the verses and Marie sings the chorus. Can´t wait until February.

Nox rox!

Opportunity knocks tonight ;)

@ San_Tales : what do you think “nox” should mean??

Actually for those who did‘nt know: Opportunity Nox is an expression. Like you have the chance/opportunity right here,right now. The opportunity is waiting for you!

stupid title for a lead single

anyways who cares about the title of the song... its the music which counts :)

@San Tales - Hi... since you’ve already heard the song, could you please tell us if “Opportunity Nox” is more like “Sleeping In My Car” or more like “The Centre Of The Heart” ? Guitars or Synths ? This doubt is killing me !!

All the best

When will the single come out?

nox = knocks

Yeah yeah... I’m ALL anal retentive *lol*

Hai Harrie,

Probably in February 2003 :-)



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