New Single!!
cocos1972 said on December 18, 2002 16:02:
Acccording to a short message from EMI/Capitol Sweden:The title of the next single from the forthcoming album “The Pop Hits”will be “Opportunity Nox”.
boykie19 said on December 18, 2002 16:36:
wow cool sounds sumthing diff than b4 :) cant wait 2 hear ;)
Roxettefan79 said on December 18, 2002 16:43:
Stupid question:
What does “opportunity nox” mean?
I only know the word “noxious”. I can’t find the word in any dictionary.
Roxettefan79 said on December 18, 2002 17:07:
On DTR24 says that it is latin. So “nox” would mean “night”.
Opportunity night? What do you think about it?
boykie19 said on December 18, 2002 17:12:
lol the official site says Nox... so why would it be sumthing else? its obviously short for knocks lol!!
pardek said on December 18, 2002 19:16:
it means that there’s an opportunity knocking (on someone’s door), you just have to open ;-)
cskendras said on December 18, 2002 20:28:
@ markuz: why lame? you haven’t heard the song already, have you? ;-)
islandvinyl said on December 18, 2002 21:15:
Roman goddess of night; daughter of Erebus; counterpart of Greek Nyx
Synonym for night
Source: wordweb (cool software ;-)
colinvdbel (moderator) said on December 18, 2002 21:55:
I onyl know ’the Nox’ as a race of human-like beings in the series Stargate.
daniel_alv said on December 18, 2002 23:24:
starrox >> i think you are right.... i think it’s just a shorter version for knocks....
daniel_alv said on December 18, 2002 23:25:
to make the title look a little bit cooler and make the young people to roxette fans
goaT-boY said on December 19, 2002 02:00:
YOu guys are reading in to the title. Its just letter-play like KIX
sonofagun said on December 19, 2002 02:32:
great title track - hopefully the sound will be as good as the title track..
animalkingdom said on December 19, 2002 07:59:
@ daniel_alv
to make younge...
oh wait, i bet that’s exactly what they were thinking! :-(
LoneGunman said on December 19, 2002 07:59:
VERY cool title... I just hope that the song is also great. When I first heard the title “The Centre Of The Heart (Is A Suburb To The Brain)” I LOVED it, but the song turns out to be very bad (at least for me).
Anyway... can’t wait to hear “Opportunity Nox” !!!
RoxieFox said on December 19, 2002 08:40:
The title sounds great, but I disagree with what you said about The centre of the heart. when I first heard that song, my reaction was: wow!
I loved it from the beginning til end.
San_Tales said on December 19, 2002 12:15:
The song is sung by Per with backing vocals by Marie.
Adding .. and it sounds pretty good to me.
daniel_alv said on December 19, 2002 12:29:
i read somewhere that it’s like TCOTH, Per sings and marie sings in the background
ncurran said on December 19, 2002 12:42:
you are means that a new opportunity arises....;.also it was the name of a tacky TV show in the UK in the ’80s. It was like a talent show where different members of the public performed and a winner was voted for. Don’t know if thats where the idea for the title came from though
Roxoholic said on December 19, 2002 15:15:
Just wanna say that I love the title. This song sounds really cool. I hope it´s like The centre of the heart, only Per sings the verses and Marie sings the chorus. Can´t wait until February.
ixtlaner said on December 19, 2002 15:52:
Opportunity knocks tonight ;)
@ San_Tales : what do you think “nox” should mean??
SuiraM said on December 19, 2002 18:03:
Actually for those who did‘nt know: Opportunity Nox is an expression. Like you have the chance/opportunity right here,right now. The opportunity is waiting for you!
boykie19 said on December 19, 2002 21:23:
anyways who cares about the title of the song... its the music which counts :)
LoneGunman said on December 19, 2002 21:39:
@San Tales - Hi... since you’ve already heard the song, could you please tell us if “Opportunity Nox” is more like “Sleeping In My Car” or more like “The Centre Of The Heart” ? Guitars or Synths ? This doubt is killing me !!
All the best
LittleSpooky said on December 22, 2002 22:27:
nox = knocks
Yeah yeah... I’m ALL anal retentive *lol*
etrejos said on December 18, 2002 16:03:
Cool! Can’t wait!