how do we know??????
onlywhenidream said on November 6, 2002 16:34:
How do we know if we are members of the Roxette Fanclub anymore???? I mean I haven’t recieved a Review for what seems like two years, and I also havene’t received any reminders about having to pay again - but as far as I can tell I am still due lots of reviews....
I am just wondering WILL I get my free copy of the After Tour book??????
What does everyone else think?
onlywhenidream said on November 6, 2002 17:04:
yeah - but surely we shouldn’t have to do this...I mean we have paid our membership - which iincludes administration fees to cover all of this...????
japeke said on November 6, 2002 16:37:
You can always mail chantie as far as i know, and also ronald, iris, eugene and the rest of the fanclub have mail adresses.
[email protected]
[email protected]
And you can imagine what the mail adresses of the other fc members are, not???