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Jonas Akerlund:(

77 replies

Hies , as i thought really right about Jonas as being one of major reasons for Roxette’s flop , he directs such bad videos. God he has no brain or wisdom.He cannot make a good video.
Look wish i could fly being banned , anyone being banned, stars a worse video and salvation still worst and the centre of the heart in which he wasted such a huge amount of Roxette and now in a thing about you , as i sent the link to Pakistan Music company that can this video be approved? And answer was ’ THe song is extreemly good but we are sorry , we cannot play it on our channels due to restrictions on such videos”.
FIne , well and good.
Hell with Stupid person like Jonas.

Salvation and Stars were not made by Jonas!

That is what you have in islam-countries....
Sorry, the ’western-world’ is in such things more ’free’. Maybe you are right, that roxette should make 2 different versions of each clip... But do you know how the hell much money that costs? And how difficult it is to spread??? So that is no option. I think it is this way with very much clips of Western artists....
i personally think he has made great videos...
btw, stars and salvation were made by Anton Corbijn.....

meh... his videos seem alright to me....

Cannot make a good video????
He’s the best,look at “wish i could fly” this video is so beautifull,i think one of the best Roxette had done...

@japeke: Have you ever been to any Islamic Country? Don’t tell me that u HAVE cuz u know a SHIT about Islamic countries specially moderate conutries like Pakistan. Don’t believe that stupid media untill u see it yrself!!!!

Secondly.. Pakistan is NOT the only country where some of Roxette’s videos were banned! So THINK before you open your mouth DUH!!

I don’t really have any strong opinion, however I know for sure that i don’t consider this guy’s work extraordinary or something. On the contrary he tends to repeat himself in his videos. And well wasn’t Rox RS stage designed by him as well? It wasn’t anything THAT special either, U2 last year was! :)

@zee: take it easy, you know there are many prejudices and as you see there are people who are narrowminded.

to the islamic ppl: so u re suggesting that the western artists should just comprimise and make clips that ur countries will approve? i dont think so...u cant put limits to art...and u cant ask western ppl to change habits

we never ask u to change yours why should we?

@Zeeshan: You are totally right, I’ve never been in an islamitic country before, But i, for example, I asked someone from your country (wasn’t it you?) what his thoughts were about the HAND-cover being banned in countries like yours (btw, it was designed by karl-magnus, wasn’t it?) and he totally agreed with the banning, something which is in, for instance, The Netherlands, totally unthinkable!!!!
That’s what I mean!
p.s. It is against TDR’s policy to allow certain vulgar words.

@gyllene_tjej: I am not MAD.. I was disappointed :(

@vaxjoe: U see, u sound soooooo biased abt the Islamic countries and it shows in yr post. I never said that he shud change his style!? never did. If that was intended to habbyandwaf then pal do u know anything abt “PERSONAL OPINIONS”? It happens with EVERYONE. Say u go out to watch a movie and sometimes u think of a frame to be a little different, u think that Hey it SHUD have been this rather than that. It is just like that. Like we all wana listen to the TYPICAL Roxette Songs don’t we but are we asking Roxette to CHANGE!??

@japeke: Sh** is a vulgar word??? alright.. lets cut it out. But we all sh** don’t we? Anyways... Please do NOT trust the media. I can spend hours and hours by telling u abt my country and the rest of islamic world but we don’t have time for that do we? I was NOT the one u talked abt HAND Cover. I got the cover with babies and I live in Pakistan :D

Please you all.. THINK before you pass any comment abt any country.

@zeeshan : you stealed my word,duh,well,you make me feel proud :p ;)

chill people!

at zee: im not biased about any1 i just happen to disagree -and u were the 1 who talked bout personal opinions- with the way u let religion rule your life...i have nothing against the ppl but i do strongly disagree about the way of life and all these -not-so-21century- habits...

and also one of my best internet friends is from pakistan :)

Jonas Akerlund is a superb visonary... His style and ability to construct beautiful imagry is the envy of many in the industry.

Per & Marie are no fools. They respect and value this unqiue gift. And it’s easy to see why he’s their first choice time after time...

...for me personally, The Centre of the Heart is his best work yet.

Hubby&Waf: I humbly suggest you have no taste and that your views of censorship/decency have clouded your judgement.

and by the way i dont think that a single can “flop” due to a not-so-good- video.. its pathetic to believe that...

if a song is a “killer” it will be a hit and that is that!

Hi everyone!

I think that Jonas’ work with Roxette videos is not spectacular...the only very original one was “Wish I could fly”. I liked “The Centre Of The Heart” and “Fingertips’93” videos, but they weren’t extraordinary videos. I think he has done better videos for other artists (Madonna, U2...) but at least he seems to be a faithfull friend because he attends M&P whenever they ask him for a new video shooting.
For me the best director (with difference) of Rox videos is Michael Geogeghan (or Geoghegan...I don’t remember well), who directed “Almost Unreal”, “Sleeping in my car”, “Crash!Boom!Bang” and “Fireworks”. He had original ideas for every song, and his videos didn’t need to be banned.

@vaxjoe: I think you need some heavy dosage of rest and sleep alongwith some medicine. Dude I don’t even KNOW you. How can I talk to you about religion and stuff? Ask people around here who know me and they will tell you more about me. I don’t care if your best friend is from Pakistan, US or even from Mars. I doubt that you are not biased ’cuz your first post here in this thread reflects it a lot. If you wana talk to me about my “personal opinions” then you can add me in MSN Messenger my Id is [email protected] (that goes for anyone out there who wana talk to me)

Pooff now when that is off my chest I wana say something about Jonas. I think Jonas is not an extra-oridinary director. Eva_roxer I 100% agree with you.

I think Jonas is not much creative as some of the other directors. He is not doing “different” stuff.. well... atleast for Roxette. For instance you can see some of the features of WICF video being incorporated in ATAY video.

@habbyandwaf: if you don’t like the video, don’t watch it but you should try to be a little more on the compromising side don’t ya think?? Also would you please answer some of my questions?

a) The VCD/DVD ain’t out yet, HOW did you send the video? Did you send it in RM format?
b) Where did you send the video? I mean which music channel?
c) What do you dislike about ATAY video?

Enuff said for now...

@habbyandwaf: Jonas Åkerlund is pretty good actually. He had directed Roxette videos in the past and he has a pretty good reputation.
@anyone else who thinks it’s only the Islamic world which bans these videos: I beliebe the US is even worse at banning videos and songs. Americans go nuts when it comes to sex scenes and bad words. But then again, you can’t blame Jonas for the video bans. MAdonna had banned videos and so did many other artists.
@habbyandwaf: Again, who are you to call Jonas names?

This video banning sucks. Look at all (and I mean all!!!) r&B videos. They all include half-naked girls running around a swimming pool, or some “black brothas” that are disturbing the neighbourhood driving way to fast in their cars....but those videos won’t get banned! Talking about bad influence on young children.

And this morning, I’m watching a video-clip of Wyclef Sean ft sarah connor. Oh, my god! It really looks like a horror movie! Even I got scared, and i’m 27 yrs old! Jeez! And this video is played throughout day! If this kind of videos are not being banned...I absolutely see no point in banning INNOCENT rox videos. It’s just a matter of “wanting to play a certain video”.


@Close2U: You are totally right! I’m also waiting for the moment they start banning the damn clips with all the more-than-half-naked girls etc....
@zeeshan: Please tell me more about the islamic countries. That’s better than doing to me like I am a very dumb person... I think it would be much more interesting when you tell me more about your country, and change my mind with intelligent words.

Hies , i Was really sorry to know the western concepts of narrow minded about Islam , i have read Bible too and been to churches too and the real Christianity does not allow such visions. Jonas is a stupid person coz he is showing such scenes in more than 4 videos , he has no vision. Are the videos like Vulnerable , it must have been love and others are good that have material?
once a presenter on V said that in his view those videos are vulgar that have no potential to go , so to attract people such things are added.
I love Milk and Toast and honey coz it has some fresh material and not

good grief

Hi ZEESHAN:). I downloaded it on and what i disliked about the video was same repetition of old scenes.

HI zeeshan , I just wanted to tell u that my site has been recognized by Guinnes book of world records.:)i’m so happy.Check it

@ zee: from your tone (get sleep rest and medicine) shows what a person u are. NO I dont wish to talk to u after the personal attack....who do u think u are anyway telling that crap? i never called u names! now leave me alone

and habby hahaha western countries are narrowminded? hahahaha i suggest to take a look where u live


I have to agree that Roxette’s videos are getting a little tired, but they are still a DAMN sight better than the crap you see on MTV these days. Rox Vids still have class.

AND WHAT is with all the namecalling?!

@vaxjoe: Oh mate now when u actually know what kinda person I am and now when u r begging me to leave ya then ohk.. I shall pitty on yr condition. I didn’t call any NAMES... I just gave you an advice which I think u needed (and still do) badly. But if u think that it was a personal attack then fine I don’t need to EXPLAIN any more than what I already did.

@japeke: now u r talking. Why didn’t u ask before?? anyways... Islamic countries are certainly NOT like what they show in the Media. People enjoy their religional freedome and despite all the rumours around, our women and girls are more protected and respected than u can imagine. If you wana ask anything just mail me... somehow I don’t want to discuss religional topics here in-detail.

@habby: It is gona be a great news but I would like to see some link to the website which would confirm this news. Also you didn’t answer most of my questions. Please answer them.

I was watching Girls of Summer by Aerosmith and then I thought oh’ NO WAY ATAY is going to be banned anywhere. It has NO nudity what-so-ever and atleast I can not find anything wrong with.

@japeke: Any religion in its kind can be corrupt. Too much Islam can be corrupt as well. I lived in Iran for a while. It’s so much fun living there even though you have to struggle different issues in life on a daily basis. Here in western countries things are different. It depends what you expect from life. There are many nice Muslims out there. On the other hand, there are many bad bad bad bad Muslims you can’t even tolerate for a few minutes. It all depends on your background. Unfortunately, here they only show bad things about Islam.
@You hardcore muslims who call others names: You can keep your religion to yourself and stop judging others based on your beliefs. Jonas likes his videos that way. Per and Marie trust Jonas. Therefore, Jonas is in charge and not you. Stop calling him names.

@DaminehGessle & Zeeshan: I believe ’we’ always get to hear about the ’negative’ muslim people. And I really do believe that most of them are very social and kind, even more then most of the people in my country. But that doesn’t take away that I have some doubts about your religion, which has, without any doubt, also VERY good points, and which is also different in every country as far as I understand.

I feel it fair to warn people that the site habbyandwaf keeps promoting ( contains some pretty strong anti-Semitic sentiments that those of us who are offended by such things would prefer not to be subjected to.

Tell me more???

Trust me, it’s not worth repeating. The apparently award-winning site contains some cool stuff on Roxette and some misleading links that appear to present information on Palestine and the Israel-Palestine conflict, but turn out to be just a bunch of hateful rants, rather than anything useful.


Is there a place for Roxette and Religeon together? instincts suggest not.

Well, I suppose you can combine Roxette and religion in an inoffensive way (?) but Roxette and hate? Definitely don’t mix.

please rox... quote some of those things from there...

Well now.

Funny how narrowminded most of the ppl on this forum is. They come from the free world, but they’re still scared to think for themselves.

So, you dont like the video, then you dont like it. Stop trying to convince us that its a bad video, or that Jonas is a bad director. If he was then he wouldnt have won countless of awards, wouldnt have worked with ppl like Roxette, Madonna, U2, Tom Petty, The Prodigy, Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins, etc. Bands get Jonas to do vids for them when they need to make a visual statement. And yes, his vids normally gets banned! The Prodigy video for Smack My Bitch Up was banned/edited in almost EVERY country around the world - except for South Africa ;o) Showed it here without any editing, etc. AND ITS AN INCREDIBLE VIDEO!!!! If you’ve never seen it, then download it with Kazaa. You might understand how creative he truely is.

ATAY’s video is from the GH, right? So it makes sense if it has elements from older vids in it - I think Jonas shouldve pushed the idea a bit more: added more “scenes” from ealier ballad vids, etc. Wouldve made more sense. BUT, its still a beautiful, classy, video.

And then: all this fistfighting about absolute bollocks is total BS! What are you guys going on about? Who gives if the video is banned in some Arabic/Eastern countries? How many cd’s actually sell in Pakistan/Iran/etc? I dont see their charts given the light of day anywhere..... same as the SA least I know I live in a country where every1 has the right to choose what they want to see.

Anyways, whatever. Who gives.


PS: I didnt know that the HAND cover was banned in those countries! WOW! Didnt know that naked baby asses are THAT much of a disgrace, etc.

@Japeke: I don’t seem to get you. I am not defending anyone. As I said, there are good Christians, Muslims and Jews out there. There are also many screwed up, corrupt and again, screwed up Christians, Muslims and Jews out there.

@Carbon Boy: I agree with you on the Jonas issue and that’s exactly what I said about him. Per and Marie liked him. That’s what counts.
Yes the HAND cover was banned in so many places. That’s how narrow minded so many people are. You can actually look at it and see the innocence of the kids in that picture or say oh how cute this kids are. It’s so unfortunate how stupid people could be even in western world to look at the innocent kid and say oh this is bad let’s ban it !¡!
About Roxette selling albums in Pakistan/Iran/etc: I hope you know there is no such law as copyright in those countries. I can buy a CD in here, take it there and copy/sell it to whomever out there. Ofcourse they’d punish you if they find out but then again, who would find out anyways?! Roxette does not earn any money from this. But face it: Roxette has many fans in those countries, more than you can ever imagine. You might say who cares. But then again, fans are fans. Doesn’t matter if they’re North American, European, Middle Eastern or Asian.

@zee: oh so i dont know u so i cant talk bout u but U know me well enough to talk bout “my condition” and telling me to take medicine?

b4 u were just annoying me-now i feel sorry 4u. u re one of those who arent happy with themselves and trying to hide it by making others look low...

u can go on and say whatever u want about me, i wont mind from now on , u will be excused...

Leave it , it’s a heall talking to you fellows and who talks about my site , so i would only say that Israel is really violating the humanity rules in Palestine and so does my voice stands for the helpless. whatever i’m totally disappointed.
and about narrow mindness then yea you people are , see the youngest criminal in us is of 7 years , see how much dirt is influenced in ur minds.

@habbyandwaf: We’re supposed to take a lecture on open-mindedness from YOU? Get real.

@habby: Being a muslim, Pakistani and Rox fan I think I share a lot with you, therefore, I guess I shud feel free to say what I am about to say.

Ok so u run this site, u own it, u work on it and I respect that but (a) I don’t think the issue of Palestine, Kashmir or any other such issue shud be included with a site dedicated to Roxette. (b), if you think people here “narrow-minded” you should talk instead of leaving them like that. You should have enough points to convince them of your believes or atleast to satisfy them by telling them how you look at any particular matter. If there is a dirt then u shud try to wash it away instead of telling poeple that have dirt and that u hack with ’em.

@vaxjoe: and I love you too.

@rest of the people: I agree with DaminehGessle Religion has NOTHIGN to do with Terrorism. We shudn’t mix ’em. I like ATAY’s video even though it is not something ground-breaking.

okay....... call me thick, stupid, whatever. but this was supposed to be a thread about JONAS and the video!! all its turned into is a mega slanging match between everyone. SAD. i dont see why people cant just leave religion etc... outta this (no offence intended)

xarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i love uuuuuuuuu muaaaaaah

Jonas nowadays is one of the most wanted video-clip directors.... many people would like to work with him. Roxette are lucky.

Xarrr trust me that is what I have been trying say but u did the better way. Lets us not talk abt religion and err the video. Lets just forget it, can we?? I know I can :)


@xarrrr: Luv ya! Not nice that you can’t come to NL.... See you at NOTP 2003 then???
Oh sorry, this topic was about Jonas... hehehe ;-)


@Jaap: luv uuu too hun! dont worry... i’ll visit someday!!! ;) NOTP 2003 here i come! only how many weeks to go??!! teehee!

@vaxjoe: and you are??!!! ;) jus kidding!

Now we need Johan Renck alias Stakka Bo direct next Rox video.


Hey does the word DICKHEAD mean anything to you!

Hahahaha, you know what I love? He’s got these fashion tips on his site and yet look at his photos.... PLEEEEAAASE he’s in NO position to give fashion advice!

Oh HABBY you must be a comedian because you cannot be serious with a lame pathetic site like that... then again it is representative of the webmaster!!!

Ok boys & girls our special word for the day is DICKHEAD... and can we all find this word on these forums.... i’ll give you a clue it starts with H and is recognised by Guiness Book.... hahahahaha

@Roxwriter: I believe your little reply would be editted soon :)!
Why would you make fun of other people’s looks?
@Those who sent kisses to each other: Would someone kiss me too? :(

Debunking habbyandwaf... (about the supposedly award wining site with very objectionable content)

***No, the Coca-Cola logo does not have any anti-islamic message when read backwards:

***No, Pepsi does not mean “Pay Each Penny to Save Israel”:
Summary: “Recently, Egyptians have been encouraged via chain letters circulated in high schools to eschew Pepsi because of the belief the product gained its name from “Pay Every Penny to the State of Israel” or “Pay Every Penny to Save Israel.” That Israel didn’t come into being until 1948 and Pepsi-Cola was first formulated and named in 1898 does little to dissuade those who have chosen to believe this explanation.”

***And NO, NIKE does not mean “No Islamic Kingdom on Earth”.

And I could go on and on...

I’m not Jewish, I’m not Christian, and I’m not Islamic... In fact, I’m not that fond of any organized religion. I just don’t like when people make things up to spread hate in the world and when they do it in the name of God/Allah/Whatever.

The funny thing is, he has the following line in his website: “PLEASE PRAY FOR THE PEACE IN THE WORLD”.



Bah it was worth it, provided moron reads this I don’t really care what happens to my post.

@Markuz - What are you doing you silly thing? Don’t try to argue common sense with Habby. :-)

I still can’t get over the “cheated” section. And also the “if you can’t answer the following, then you are not human” part.

Hahahaha surely someone needs to put this clown out of his misery...

And what about the Guiness Book rubbish! HAHAHAHAHAHA don’t get angry or argue facts with this idiot......just laugh at him....


@Markuz: Very nice... I loved it. Those are my words :)!

I would like to see some substantial proof of the so-called award. Biggest Personal Website? how do u define that anyway??? Roxette(music) and Palestine(current affairs) shud not be mixed into one site dedicated to Roxette (or any other band for that matter).

If the Biggest Personal website means “DATA” then surely TDR has gigs ang gigs of data!!! How cud he win this award? the answer surpases me. Again a link to the site granting the award shud be mentioned. Btw... beauty, palestine, roxette, downloads, guesbooks errr... all in one place?? Ewwww they don’t make sense!!!!!! Habby u shud consider redesigning your website with some decent contents. I love TDR, RoxBytes they are extremely simple and full of information/contents.




(above para taken from

Can anyone PLEASE who calls that page or named that page as “PAKISTAN’S ROXETTE PAGE”? and what does that mean??

Hmmm! You have a interesting discussion here!My place is empty here ;-)
Because I live in a religious country but I hate ANY kind of religion.

@carbon boy and others.. same as you ask people who don´t like the video and Jonas, should not try to convince about Jonas being bad.. you should not try to convince others the other way round ;)))

I just don´t like some of his work, and maybe he is good with other artists because he hasn´t directed 14 videos for them but just 1-2 AND maybe cuz those artists have more influence in the US than Roxette, he is working his brain a bit more cuz he wants to impress in that country.. I just think he is not so creative when it comes to Roxette - lately, maybe he is just not interested and he needed other bands’ videos to be stunning to enter the US though the big door? Maybe cuz he was preparing a film called Stun? :O

His greatest work is “Fingertips ’93”.
I admire this video.His work with black and white colors is really great.Per and Marie are sooooo beautiful there and their movements are very fitted to the song.Their cloths are spectacular.

Habby doesn’t answer on this forum anymore...

@Markuz: “I just don’t like when people make things up to spread hate in the world and when they do it in the name of God/Allah/Whatever.”

For maybe the second time ever, I completely agree with you 100%... I’m glad I didn’t get any further into this horrible website than I did!

He said that is hard to get some NEW ideas for Roxette. If so then why does he accepts the videos anyway? Is it the money? Is the name “Roxette” or is it a favour to Per and Marie?


@ Judith: “@carbon boy and others.. same as you ask people who don´t like the video and Jonas, should not try to convince about Jonas being bad.. you should not try to convince others the other way round ;)))”

Sweety, Im not trying to convince any1 that Jonas is a good director.......Im trying to convince every1 that he is a GREAT director! LOL! Only joking........

Seriously, Im not trying to convince any1 of his talent, what I was trying to say was that you cant judge any1’s work if you dont know it well enough to judge it. Thats why I said you guys (who havent seen Smack my bitch up, etc) to go and have a look. This string started with that dude saying that Jonas is a bad director. How does he know what Jonas’s vids look like if they’re all banned in whatever god forsaken country he’s from? I dont think there is 1 video that I dislike of his - ofcourse I have less favourite ones, but thats like saying I have less favourite Roxette songs.....get what Im saying?

And yes, if he wasnt brilliant as brilliant as I make him out to be, then would he have directed all those high profile videos? I dont think so. Its about taste. Its about visual design. Its about moving fwd in film. Its about being fashionable. Its about being trendy. Its about the changing world we live in. You cant expect ppl to still make videos in the same style they did in 1990, can you?

The same for Roxette’s sound: they’ve moved on. Evolved. Thats whats suppose to happen. Otherwise you end up like Michael Jackson. Wouldnt you rather be Madonna?

@ Zeeshan: The reason why he’s run out of ideas for Roxette as you say is because Roxette has narrowminded fans like you hanging around this forum. And they need to bridge that gap. And the options arent too many - especially if your name is Jonas Akerlund who does IN YOUR FACE music videos.

Anyways, Ive said enough for now.


PS: Jonas’s movie is called Spun.

@ carbon boy: smack my bitch up video rocks!!!!
i agree with all u said above ;)

@carbon_boy: I guess u r also in my ignore list. Why did u say all that when u don’t even know me. Whateverrrrrr!!! :P


The guy is gone and we are still arguing :).

*cough* this is pathetic *cough*

*cough* *cough* indeed!!!

@ Zeeshan: Im on your “ignore list”? What is this? KINDERGARTEN?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

So sad.......

they deleted the Guiness Book thread??? :(
You gotta admit it is a clever way to boycott
the big corporations. Pepsi, Coke.... etc.
but damn Nike makes some quality stuff... glad all mine was free! :)

Ok... can we start this all over again... i missed it the first time round!!

The work I really love from Jonas Åkerlund, is the documentary he has done for Marie Fredriksson for the promotion of the “Den ständiga resan” album.

I so totally love the video for TCOTH!!!! :)
KIX and DYWBMB rock as well. Uh, so I guess he’s good overall.

Rox On!

Jonas, sweet Jonas.... since this thread has come and gone he has directed the following video’s:

ALI G. & SHAGGY - ME JULIE ( 2002 )
FLINT - AIM 4 ( 2003 )
BLINK 182 - I MISS YOU ( 2004 ).........

.....and currently he’s directing a new movie called “Oskur Fishman”, starring Ben Kingsley and Winona Ryder. Filming has begun in sweden and will present a soundtrack by Mark Knopfler („The Princess Bride“).

According to roumors on the internet „Oskur Fishman“ is a modern fairy-tale, somewhere between „Yellow Submarine“ and „The Wizard of Oz“.

The movie is produced by Michael London for Fox Searchlight („28 Days“).

Cheers ;o)

It simply beyond me that people aren’t able to see this man’s genious!!

Hey Miss M!

It IS a sad thing, I agree. I’ve actually seen some of his TV Commercials - he’s done about 250 of them! They are fabulous, funny and very risk-ay. LOL!

Mmm... I wonder if we’ll ever see an commercial Showreel of him!! It would be suuuper kewl!!

How you, bokkie?

I hope to God that the Director’s Label will release his DVD.... then we’ll get a taste of his ads definitely.

I’m fine yea, just a bit tired - te veel donnerse werk! LOL! Wanner gannit stop?!!!



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