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Roxette Rabbit

15 replies

What the f**k!!!!!

just plain bizarre, really. oam

Urm... moose’s, gorilla’s why not wabbits?

I don’t know what is that. But I must reckon the rabbit is very tender, isn’t it? ;o)

I’ve also got a rabbit on my blog...and a much cuter one :D

Hey guys!!
Take it easy, this is nothing about our duet!! So, where´s the problem?? ;-)

Actually, the guy who runs the blog is a big Roxette fan...

What the heck???!!??

no time to read it properly, have to cook lunch - omg ;-)

I’ve read this blog for aaaages... I love seeing Roxettes travels. :D

And yep, the owner of the blog IS a big roxette fan.
Or was at least! Not been updated for a while. But tis funny. :D


What can I say? Yes, I’m a HUGE Roxette fan....from their first album (Pearls Of Passion), to Don’t Bore Us, Get To The Chorus (Roxette’s Greatest Hits) I have a complete CD collection (including the bootlegs: Dance Passion; Don’t Ignore Us, Just Adore Us; A Night To Remember; Bang!; Cash! Boom! Bank! (2 Discs); and Uncensored and Uncut (the MTV Unplugged Sessions)). I even, thanks to my friends at Skivhugget Music in Scandinavia (especially Ralph Olsson!) was able to get an autographed copy of Per Gessle’s solo album (The World According to Gessle).

I came across this some time ago, but didn’t get the point. So thanx for explaining.:)

@Denstansigaresan: Don‘t Ignore Us, Just Adore Us; A Night To Remember; Bang!; Cash! Boom! Bank! (2 Discs);? What records are these? Which songs are there?

@ Mitya

They are bootlegs.

Weird page

iiiiiiii don’t get it.

I don’t think it’s there to be ’got’... it’s just a bloke who happens to like Roxette, so names his toy rabbit after them... which he just happens to like taking random FUN photos of on his travels! I think it’s great.

It shares a name with his favourite group... nothing more!

oh ok then that makes more sense then... i was reading too much into it :-P

thanks for the heads up :-D


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