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ROXOPOLY avaible for download

15 replies

Hi have worked on a Roxette version of the well known Monopoly game. The fortune cards are in german language, so it doesn´t really make sense to download the game, if you don´t understand this language ;-)

Hope you like it, the instuctions for the game (its a bit different from the original monopoly) will follow soon. You can download the game here:

(You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for the PDF files. Get it here:


Is there any chance of we get an English version of this game ? It seems so cool, but I don’t understand a word of german !! :(

You really did that??? I think we talked about it in our german forum some time ago didn’t we?? I have to look for my ideas...hehehe

Come on please... translate it into English... all Roxette fans can say at least something in English (except my aunt ;)), but German is such a difficult language. I could translate into Spanish if you do it in English :P I mean... I think the idea is great!! But the public that will be able to have it very few...

The game is looking great Snape, fantastic work, thanks for this masterpiece *gg*
Well if there are really so many interested fans around, please do a translation, mesa will help ya if need :-D


Nice to have a Rox-monopoly, but it would be great in English

At any rate, I can a bit Deutsche!

Viele danke!

This is great!! Luckily I understand German quite well.. but I want the instructions..:)

It seems very fun, but it would be great to have it in english!

Might not be able to understand the language, but I will download it anyway and hang onto it :o):o):o)

English, English, please!!! After all Autumn is coming, gloomy and rainy days, I may even have some time left to play :)) Thanx!

hahah really nice :) and nice lucky - cards too :)) Would be nice to have it in English, Spanish and maybe Swedish :P
hihi “your parents pay your trip to Sweden” ;) really nice - cant wait for the instructions! :)

site doesn’t exist anymore.

Not unusual after three years, but the game is still available for download in German. -> Multimedia -> Spiele

Have fun!

When and if an English version is released, maybe it should be worthy for an article on the front page...

An English version would be so good... :)

I will have a talk to the genius who designed the German version. :) Don’t know if he reads here regularly.


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