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21 replies

I think it´s a great news Marie has a new house in Spain and she will be there some weeks! She can relax, she can take in a lot of energy from sun and then maybe to record a new Roxette album....

Dream on!

Does anyone know where in Spain she has bought the house? Just curiosity.

didnt they record alot of tracks in spain for HAND album ?

true, maybe they will do this one more time :)

Do NOT dream on Breathe8 !!!
Everything is possible !! ;-)

it would be quite interesting to get to know where the house is.
But yeah, its nice, that she can relax there, having a good time with her family. :-))

i think she probably bought it so it would be private, not so everyone could find out where it was. imo, Per shouldn’t have said. He could have easily said ’Marie recently bought a new house, so will be spending time there,’ as opposed to revealing the country.

It only takes one photographer from the paparazzi to see her and the ’cat is out of the bag,’ so to speak.


You’re absoluteley right oam! He never should have mentioned this.

yeah, it won’t / wouldn’t be nice when a bunch of Spanish fans find out where she is and decide they MUST see her. At least the country is big and there are many places to go and hide.

rox-kuryliw -> Yes, they recorded HAND in Marbella, in Andalusia (in the south of Spain)...

Maybe YOU know where we can find her house, Judith! (-;

I think certainly by the seaside. Maybe Costa Blanca or Costa del Sol but her house can be in Mallorca or Ibiza.... Many places.. Spain is my the most favourite country and I go there every year.

yeah wait! somebody has bought new house next to ours, my parents say, and my dad said “I have seen a woman that looks like the Roxette”. I will check it out when I go to Spain end of this month :P

seriously, I don’t know where it is, I don’t mind either and if I would know, I wouldn’t tell ;)

I don’t think the paparazzi will be interested. Everyone knows where she lives in Djursholm and nobody cares. If fans wanna bug Marie at her home, they don’t need to go to Spain to do it. I live in the area and I only saw a fans outside her house a couple of times, and from what I saw they were being quiet and respectful. Since she got sick I don’t think many fans are rude enough to jump in her face, and I heard she even came out to speak to some of them. Sure a few fans might turn up in Spain but I think she’s used to it after all the summers of German fans in Halmstad, and she has the choice whether to speak to them or not.

you don’t know the Spanish yellow press neither the worst Spanish fans ;)

oam: maybe per DIDN’T reveal the country. :-)
maybe he said it’s spain so we all focus on that and actually she’s already having a nice time at cuba or something... :-)

Spanish yellow press is really dangerous they could turn anyone mad. Most of spanish artits have ended up buying houses outside spain (London, Miami, Mexico, Paris) just because of them.
There are a few tv programs that make famous people lives imposible, they just get a camera and follow them wherever they go, film whatever they do and take the bad side of everything.
I hope that kind of press never finds out where Marie lives couse they could turn her time in spain in a complete hell.

On the other hand they don’t speak English very well, MArie speaks no Spanish, and Spanish society is not especially interested in Roxette. So she’ll be safe, just if she can stay away from the fans... but anyway, doesn’t everyone know where she lives in Sweden? So what’s there left to do, move to Faroe?

I´m almost sure that if she really have a house here, in Spain, nobody will disturb her at all, maybe some fans but that´s “normal”, but not the yellow press, they never show a special interest on her private lifes, neither about the Marie´s illness.
And i´m strongly sure that only few persons will recognize her on the street or on the beach (for exaple, when they came to sign Room Service CDs i heard lots of pople that was just walking arround asking:”who are them?”)
I think Spain is pretty good choose: not so far from Sweden by plane, good weather, relax and no so much popularity.
That´s my personal opinion.
Anyway it doesn´t matter where she lives, the important thing is that she feels good wherever she goes.

Yeah I agree with Santi and Roxave, I don’t think the Spanish press really care about Roxette. Let’s face it, Marie is not exactly the biggest star in the world. If it was Madonna or Britney they might pay attention, but Marie? I doubt it. And she’s probably only going to be there for the holidays anyway unless she plans to pull her kids out of school so it’s only a few months a year that she’ll even be there. I don’t see the big deal about Per mentioning it at all, it’s not like he gave out her address.

I agree 2!

I agree with rox and spar


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