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Crash!B!B! cancelled of German Radio playlists!!!

34 replies

The Song C!B!B! is supposed to be cancelled from all German Radio Stations, regarding to the events of September 11! I just read that on the Web... Other songs as for Example “I believe I can Fly” by R. Kelly was cancelled from playlists as well. I think this is a bit over reacting.
What about the other Roxette songs?
The Look (hitting like a hammer)
Dangerous (Self explainatory)
Joyride (It was all a joyride...)
Lies (Hijaker being liars..)
I love the sound of CRASHING guitars (The crashing reference...)
Go to sleep
and especially as one of my dearest friends pointed out:
Entering your heart (I don’t have any power connections to the petagon...)

If they continue to over react like that, we will not be able to hear any Roxette songs in some countries radio stations anymore...
I think this is Unbelievable!

how incredibkly stupid

U sure it’s legitimate
seems a bit pathetic to do it now, why not cancel it at the time, if at all....
I’m sure there’s a lot more hard-core songs out there being played on the radio they could ban other than a mild pop tune.

btw, the reason R Kelly isn’t played anymore isn’t the same...

Oh, come on, you don’t really believe this, do you? I mean, there really was a list like that last year, but it was made up by someone -and that’s it, no relevance for the radio stations at all! CBB is still played on the radio rather often, BTW...

Ive never heard it played here.


Brian AGAIN? Oh c´mon...

Crash! has indeed been cancelled from the playlists, but on 9|11 LAST YEAR...

Something this ludicrous is likely only to happen in the pathetically politically correct USA!

Don’t believe Brian, remember he telling us German radios playing an uptempo new Roxette song or the fake article in the Rolling Stones Magazine.

If it’s true, what Brian told us ....

Oh my God, how pathetic can ppl be!

Instead of trying to live in peace and harmony with each other, they cancel beautyful love songs of their playlists.
This world is turning crazier day by day!

@Nefatari: Schau mal, was ich oben geschrieben habe :-)

Ja, ich habs eh gelesen.
Aber wer weiß, wozu die Medien fähig sind.
Ich selbst arbeite beim Fernsehen, und hab schon genug bescheuerte Entscheidungen mitbekommen.
Naja, ganz so blöd werden die wohl doch nicht sein ;)

You people don’t have to judge other people for what they did once,i mean,it wasn’t bad meant,and Brian said sorry.
Maybe it’s our turn to say sorry to Brian,i’ll start ’cause i said some bad things also...

So,sorry Brian,for overreacting,and that some people still overreacting....

If here are people that are a bit “grown-up” , do the same like me,don’t keep acting childish,then this place would be more fun to visit again......

Do you Guys know something? I am sick of the most fans here! And to Pietro: The Rolling Stone Magazine discussion even has got links to it! Or do you think I am working for the Rolling Stone Magazine in Germany and just made this article up to get some attention?? Good grief! I guess I better make a note of any web links where I get some news other fans would be interessted in as well!
I am so sick of a lot of fans here, okay I made one misstake and I said that I am truly sorry for that A LOT of times! You guys act as if you all are the perfect happy people that never made misstakes, never lied and never did anything wrong... I am truly considering to drop out of this Web site here, I love the TDR but not most of the fans that are here!
Wendy: Thanx, I aprecitate that.

@Brian - *one* mistake? Well, if you add your speculations that Maries illness might as well be some easy and cheap kind of promotion, that makes TWO mistakes, each big enough to ignore anything you´ll ever say in the future.´

@Nefatari - I think it´s the right decision to have playlists that fit the moment. Just imagine you hear C!B!B! on the radio immediately after a report about the terrible WTC attack. It would definitely offend your feelings. Thus, IMHO it was right to put it off the lists for a couple of days just like they did. There are other great Roxette tracks they can play during those days...

This is really stupid, because it is more than one year ago!! So why they didn’t already decide it one year ago? Why now?? I don’t believe it, CBB is in my region (Leipzig, East Germany) played on all radio stations here (JUMP, PSR, SAW, Hitradio, Radio Leipzig).

@Ingo - as mentioned above it *was* decided in 2001 for a couple of weeks (I think) following the 9|11 attacks. Here in .at, it´s on the radio quite often as well.

brian our issue with you isn’t tht you seemd to have some fetish of feeding everyone erroneous info, its that you throw it at peope who may not be old fans, peopel who aren’t up to date or grasp the english knowledge enough to see that most of what come out of you postings is one big sad joke. do us a favor, leave the news reporting to lars and company and just zip it OK

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH perfanatic - THIS COULD ONLY HAPPEN IN THE US. ridiculous, indeed. crash boom bang a terrorist song, c’mon. that’s why i totally dislike US - pathethically political correct state. GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

so do they play CBB in Germany nowadays? :)

I really think so. Haven’t heard it a long time in the radio, but that might be my fault...I’m not such a big radio-user. I haven’t heard about cancelling that song right after September 11th. Should have been in the news or so. So, actually they don’t use to play Roxette that often in the radio, but they still do. I think the most playde songs are MATAH, Spending my time, FLAF and The Look. Just my impression...

@ingo: hello from leipzig. :-)
hier spielen die immer noch roxette und c!b!b! ohne ende, stimmt’s ? :-))

@Alchemiste said:

“Just imagine you hear C!B!B! on the radio immediately after a report about the terrible WTC attack...”

What does it have to? The song has nothing to do with that tragedy. The word “crash” doesn’t mean anyting specifically, even in the song context. So, I don’t understand. If the song is played or not, it won’t change the facts. And it was released on 1994! I bet that if someone touched by that tragedy hears the song, that person won’t find anything bad on it. The song has nothing to do. This is just over-reacted, paranoid media people and their complicated minds.

I don’t believe this at all! The terrorism acts 9/11/2001 have happened more than 3 years ago. I think there are not a lot people in Germany thinking of it when they here Crash!Boom!Bang!.
And by the way I just heard this song a few days ago on the radio .

Have a nice weekend!

@bunny+Ingo: Hey, sind wir jetzt schon 3 Leipziger hier?

uuuups: this time I did not realise most of the answers are old ones. 8-! and sorry for my first German words on The Daily Roxette ;-)

this topic is dated 2002! ;)

Hey guys, I do understand you when you’re talking german, but most of the members here are please start discussing in english! BTW, I’m wondering why no moderator has commented it...

i think I’m getting TOO much used to German and I didn’t realise some people had written in another language! @_@

(Or I am getting old ;))

(or both :P)

so please.. English here, or German WITH translation in English. Thanks Danke Gracies :)

why cbb shouldn’t they pull wish i could fly

Ridiculous. It’s like a couple years back a band from NZ, named Shihad, was asked to change their name because it sounded too much like Jihad! It’s dumb!

They changed it to Pacifier...for a while. It’s back to Shihad now. To think that “some” Americans think that the rest of the world is backward...

alright. :-)

Songs that were banned from playlists always return after some time. The song “Die perfekte Welle” ( “The Perfect Wave”) has been banned from german radio after the tsunami catasrophe in asia, but last week I finally heard it again.

I’m pretty sure I heard “Die perfekte Welle” all the time during this tsunami thing...
But in this case I can connect this song more to a catastrophe than C!B!B! to september 9/11 and can would understand a cancelling from the playinglists.

@superbullie: you are from leipzig ? great !!!
me too ! ;-)

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