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rox fans on msn

57 replies

hi!!, i am lookin´for new rox! fans on msn, if u are looking too add me to your contact list !!!: [email protected] see u there!

Woo yeah! :D I see you are also an X-Phile!?

Come on over!.... [email protected] (Yup, that is my MSN address!)
Oh.. Ok, seeing everyone else is adding...!

Yahoo!: skullyrox

But for AOL, email me at that address first, to be added to my list... as I have a block on. Put in the subject line what you are emailing for, so I don’t delete!

ICQ: 97055224
MSN: [email protected] (only as a login, I don’t use that as an e-mail)
Yahoo: pietroxette
AOL: pietroxette

here´s mine MSN: [email protected]

ICQ: 54151314
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: kibkalo

hej!, denstandigaresan, i wrote a mail but it told me u mail doesn´t exist!!!, mail me!,please or meke a hotmail mail to see u on msn, coz the others msn i don´t know nothing abuit them, please!!

Hi... I want to meet other fans from both Denmark, as well as from abroad, via my MSN :

[email protected]

Or, at Yahoo :

[email protected]

Hope to hear from somebody out there :)


@Crash, I emailed you, at the [email protected] address. What address did you try emailing? They are all active! Hmmm!
I’d best check aye!!

hi its emilio, [email protected] .... if you want .. im here

MSN: [email protected]

ICQ: 39577956

AIM: LittleSpooky74

Yahoo!: LittleSpooky74 (see a pattern here? ;o) )

My msn: [email protected]. :)

My MSN: [email protected]

Would be terribly happy to hear from someone because meanwhile my effin computer don’t allow me any other chat anymore!
See you! :)

I added all of you and here’s mine if you want it:

[email protected]

C’ ya all and take care!

If anyone has added me to their yahoo! lists, can you re-add me? I forgot to press add... I get your sign ons, but your names are not on my list. Please re-add!
[email protected]

hej!!! mines [email protected] for email and MSN

chat away!!!!

MSN : [email protected]

for msn and email: [email protected]

Find me on

MSN: [email protected] (please, don´t use for mails)

ICQ: 73724368

I am gona add u all. Please accept it when u get the msg.


my MSN: [email protected]

Msn: [email protected] (not mails)

ICQ: 106778687

hies , mine is [email protected]
it’s Wasif and not Habbies this time.

Just a little aside here folks:

Since I’ve posted here my MSN address, I’m getting flooded with emails from folks who don’t speak English. Look, I do appreciate hearing from you all, BUT:

I don’t speak Spanish or a dialect of.
I don’t speak German or a dialect of.
I don’t speak Russian or a dialect of.



And you manage to understand my feeble excuse for English?? ;) Wouldn’t think I speak English as my first(and only) language would ya! ;););)
Where ya been anyway honey?? :/

Denny: I lived across the pond on that miserable excuse of an island you call a country for 2 years!!!! *lmao* (85 - 87) New work schedule darlin. I’ll email it to you in just a few minutes. I’m scrapin some junk outta me in box with Hotmail.

I posted that earlier post because my Inbox was flooded to capacity with messages I can’t read because of the language deficit on my part. I’m just tryin to save my Hotmail Inbox :o)

Thanks :o)

Hey there, I just want to say thanks to anyone who put me on your MSN. Also, thank you for chatting with me, I had a great time. :)

thanxs to everybody!!!!!!!!, hope to chat with u soon ( u know!, we have diferents times!!), love and peace!, crashboom!..if u didn´t write, do it!!!!!

MSN: “[email protected]

mmmhmm.. if you use more than two instant messengers you should download Trillian. It connects to all major chat networks like ICQ, MSN, AOL IM, and Yahoo!


...btw my MSN is [email protected]


Markuz - those of us, who use 4 messanger types luike me and Pietro use Trillian Pro for ICQ, AOL and Yahoo. As for MSN - I prefer native MSN, coz it has not such a terrible font like Trillian and it supports Voice and Video conferencing better then all other messangers

mine: [email protected]
wanna meet you :))))

I had trillian for all of 5 minutes... was poo! And I couldn’t get my head around it!
Plus since heard it’s made by hackers... easy way to get hold of all your addresses and passwords at once!

[email protected]
would love 2 meet & chat with you all

hej, mine is : [email protected]

@santi I’d lost my account but I got it back now so should be able to mail you in the next few days :)

thank u for putting my name on your list, guys... can’t wait to chat with u all! :)

and me ... [email protected]

[email protected]
(just as a log in for msn, I dont use this email address)

hello rox fans!!!!!!!!!
feel free to send me an email.cause I also wanted to talk to other rox fans around the world
here is my mine [email protected]

hello rox fans!!!!!!!!!
feel free to send me an email.cause I also wanted to talk to other rox fans around the world
here is my mine [email protected]

I have em all, plus Trillian. I use that one more, just to make it easy. However, if I need voice/video conference, I use the natives.

But until I can remember where in the hell I put my vid-conferencing software... I’m stuck *hunts for it*

[email protected] -english(poor)&spanish

add me to your list if you want
[email protected]


IT IS A GREAT IDEA TO CHAT IN THE MSN.....but i cant!!! i am in a trip in south america. but when i will come back from this trip i will add u all so wait for me!! *without hope*

hi! my MSN is [email protected] and my AIM is ETpsyco

I’m from Costa Rica, I speak spanish, english and some french :p

i have a problem
i have 20 mails in my mailbox on msn, but i cant open and read them !!!
everytime i try it, it open a window on which stand i have to pay for the mail ?????????
do someone know what that mean, can someone help me please???

@parre:try reading ur mail from ur hotmail

[email protected]

for messenger only, I don’t use this email address.

@ vaxjoe i tried it from there too but i doesnt work, i got the same window
im hopeless *HELP*

here, mine is [email protected]
Email me or send a message through msn messenger! just say where u got my screenname.
Oh, tell Per to email me too! I’m waiting for him!

@parre, have you entered your hotmail account in the past 30 days? If not, it closes your account and then you do get the message about having to pay to access.

Try accessing through here.

@ denständigaresan thanx for your help but the same window opens again, donno why ??
i started at hotmail about three weeks ago so my account is a new one, but i never could open the mailbox ??
do you have some other ideas maybe ??


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