The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
The Daily Roxette discussions forum has been closed. The forum is only available as a read-only archive.

Why couldn’t this just be posted in the news item on the front page?

It doesn’t play for me! I get the following message:

“Det uppstod ett fel i Windows Media Player”.

No doubt someone will put it on Youtube later on today...

thanks tomo85.

Anybody able to get the streaming link to both the video and the interview with the trio? (NOT from youtube, directly from TV4 without quality loss). My url snooper does not really find the correctt mms or rtsp.

I’ll really appreciate your help. Rox on!

Gessle: Det spelar ingen roll vad som skrivs, bara bilden är bra :D

Yes not a bad vid, What on earth is marie wearing ? a potato bag lol, and bad lighting. I guess i was to go with theme of film.
In fact is it a good film ? looks it !

Hmm, I must say, it’s good to see Marie making videos again. She doesn’t look too good in the video, but it’s great to see her in action. I must admit - she looks SO pretty in that interview. She’s starting to look her old self again.

Does anybody know where I can download the video and the interview???



You should click on “pobierz plik” and downloading will start then.

Thank you so much!!!


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